Does this series have the best fights in anime undoubtedbly?
Does this series have the best fights in anime undoubtedbly?
Watch more anime kid
The other one (zero I think) is 10x better.
>a bunch of flashy effects = best fights
Not even fucking close.
Zero's big problem with fights was the Servants fought way too slow and without power. They came off as ancient cosplayers that could be picked off with an uzi instead of superhuman spirits. Maybe that's why it had more fights between Masters.
no, this is coming from a FSNfag
>Heaven's feel not animated yet
The best fights have yet to come newshit
The falseflagging has been out of the charts since last week. I guess it's to be expected after a couple of good threads.
Bones animated better fights. But yeah fate UBW is pretty good too
Yeah, if you think smoke and lasers make for good action.
ufotable´s gimmick works for me, 99% of the people won´t notice the diference.
Any news from Heaven's feel movie?
Yeah, but the fags who have a thing for the SO DAHK SO DEEP Zero and the supposed fans of the total trash that is heaven's feel will say "no wait till the heaven's feel movie is animated".
Come on, the fights in HF are pretty good.
>Nine Lives
>Kirei vs TA
>Rider and Shirou vs Saber Alter
>Kirei vs Shirou
The fights were the only good thing about this train wreck
I'm a fatefags and will defend this series from retarded "muh plot hole" "muh power level" haters and such but if fights where concerned, there are many series that can compete with this one, but still, it's up there on having good and technical fights.
>Only 6 actual fights
>The first fight is literally the combatants not shutting the fuck up about what they're going to do than actually doing them
>Gil vs Berserker round 1 isn't even an actual fight so much as Berserker mocking Gil's sandbagging
>Saber vs Lancer round 2 is cut short because Kerry and Kayneth are pussies
>Saber vs Berserker is skipped almost entirely
>Kiritsugu vs Kotomine doesn't even have the right fucking music
>Only actual good fight was the Gil and Berserker dogfight
>Better fight scenes
Not by a longshot.
Nah, that would be Samurai Champloo. UBW's choreography is hit and miss, even though it's well animated.
Stuff like this is just hyperbole though.
I'd say Black Rock Shooter trumps it.
I too am a Fatefag and I'll admit UBW's fights were pretty basic. They were very well polished and gorgeous to look at, but the choreography is pretty plain when broken down. If shit like Bleach had its fights animated with that much budget and polish they would have been some of the best to look at.
Where, where are these fights?
Any videos?
Cause the only good fights in fate are from UBW, everything else was trash tier or those thinky chess match fights
Only if you're a degenerate otaku or a14 year old lesbian.
As a Fatefag? No. It was above average but FAR from the best.
Same goes for Zero.
>Only if you're a degenerate otaku or a14 year old lesbian.
Dunno what your sexuality or lifestyle has to do with enjoying a fight, but okay.
The only well-choreographed fights in Bleach are the filler ones ironically. Kubo can't stage a fight scene for shit. At least there's interaction with the environment in UBW, Bleach is just floaty bullshit in mid-air.
ufotable may have really good eyecandy but they suck at directing.
Ichigo's final fights with Byakuya and Grimmjow were some of the greatest anime fights ever, but otherwise you're right. Choreography was never Kubo's strongsuit.
Fatebabies everyone.
I dont' care what anyone says, that atomic bomb arrow looks cool as shit
Can't we have a thread that is not bait for a change?
Literally just texture.
Only you can stop abhorrent bait.
Inferno Cop has the best fights
Naruto has better choreographed fights.
The hell is with all these baity Fate threads in the last month or so?
>in the last month or so?
More like in the last five years, ever since Zero aired.