Why a leaf?

Why is there a leaf on the fucking flag? This country has lots of cool animals that we could put on it instead, such as polar bears. Even a fucking mouse is a step above a leaf.

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Bring back the red ensign

Because it is your brand that makes you act like a faggot. If you changed it, you wouldn't be a faggot and the universe would be unbalanced.

The maple leaf is actually a huge mother fucker!

that’s all I got for it.




They found a leaf carved in a bunker during ww1 and decided that was a good symbol. I shit you not, our flag is based off of graffiti.

> This country has
> not Our country has

Forgot to change some settings before posting?

Fuck off Ahmad, we're full.

No leaf means no rake

Pretty much every single flag on earth is just fucking stripes and a symbol. How is a leaf worse than stars?

It could be this flag user

Leafs are based as fuck 2bh.

Yup, I'm thinkin the leaf boys are back

>country that is 98% forest.
>cant understand why/how flag represents it

holy fuck you must be Ontarian


because its meaningless and non offensive to the minorities that will replace you.

Leaves are the most important organs of most vascular plants

It symbolizes 11 Hierarchical Illuminati Pyramids for each province, you will never escape the eternal controllers

US states actually allow full penetration beastiality. Fuck off.

everyone West of Constantinople is being replaced you dunce.

how is that a Canadian only issue. the utter incompetence of so many young Americans

I am normally a self hating leaf and usually get a good laugh out of leaf bashing but those are shit m8

maple syrup nigga, dats why

New leaf flag?

Newfag, those are images of pride

Your fifty stars will soon represent the percentage of white people you have

At Queenston Heights and Lundys Lane, our brave fathers side by side
For freedom, homes, and loved ones dear, firmly stood and nobly died
And those dear rights, which they maintained, we swear to yield them never
Our watchword ever more shall be The Maple Leaf Forever

The song was written of the war of 1812. About how the small Canadian Militia survived against the entire American armed forces until British reinforcements arrived. And how our embed survived the fighting. It used to be our anthem.
The American anthem was also written about the war of 1812, and how their emblem survived the fighting once the British finally showed up.
There's lots of fucked things in Canada. One of the few remainders of who we were before "Canadianism" took hold is not one of those things.


Damn, that was actually a good comeback Leaf.
Well played.

And i bet those soldiers oppressed natives and hung niggers from trees.

Change the anthem its oppressive.

You're full of shit. We don't allow that shit here.

Because a bunch of 60’s era hippies voted for it

>Because a bunch of 60’s era hippies voted for it
Just imagine how gay it would be if the 2010s era sjw government voted to make a new one...

pearson was a traitor

I guess the people running Canada at the time were really crazy about pancakes. Can't think of any other reason why they would select a maple leaf.

That is why they changed it. Not because it was oppressive to the indians though, but because it was "oppressive" to the French.

In days of yore, from Britain's shore, Wolfe the dauntless hero came
And planted firm Britannia's flag on Canadas fair domain
Here may it wave, our boast, our pride and, joined in love together
The thistle, shamrock, rose entwine The Maple Leaf forever!



Because it is the national toilet paper for Canada. Most canucks can't afford American Charmin.

This country really leaves no stone unturned.

it's inoffensive and has no real effect on anything, much like canada itself. it's a perfect symbol.