What does Sup Forums think of planetes?
What does Sup Forums think of planetes?
It was pretty good
Ai copy dess
I need to keep watching it but what I did watch of it I enjoyed. Seemed like a fairly reasonable interpretation of what that era would be like in space which is why I appreciated it, unlike unrealistic flying car predictions, etc.
Worst girl won
Great show
Preferred the manga, I wasn't a fan of the SoL in space first half and I found the manga more emotionally affecting (especially Hachimaki's psychological issues).
the world building is what made the show for me. it felt real. like the future could actually be like that. the SoL and romance aspects of it were on point too.
Masterpiece Anime & Manga
it's a meme manga favored by reddit
Decent anime. Shitty adaptation of a great manga.
Not fitting in well enough. Try again.
The space terrorism arc was pretty shit but lead to one of the greatest scenes in any anime
What scene are you referring to?
The scene where Tanebe runs out of air on the moon and contemplates taking the air from the person she was trying to save
How does that work? Haven't read the manga.
That was fucking great, I want to rewatch Planetes now.
I came across it in my library shelf back in grade 9
Fist manga I read, alongside Inu Yasha
I thought it was mind blowing
I read the manga, haven't seen the anime, Tanabe a shit
I made this wallpaper, really liked the manga
How does what work? My image? It basically says that the anime adaptation of Planetes has no definable beginning and end point in terms of the manga source material. This is because the anime is so overloaded with extra characters that it fails to portray one of the core concepts of the source material, isolation.
It's been awhile since I saw the first episode, but if I remember right it introduces Tanabe, Joe-Schmoe Pilot Friend, Claire, Hachimaki, Yuri, Fee, Incompetent MiddleManager#1, Incompetent MiddleManager#2, and Competent Temp Worker.
The manga, by and large up until Jupiter training portion is entirely focused on the only four members of the Toy Box crew: Hachimaki, Tanabe, Yuri, and Fee. There are a few side characters up to that point (the Lunarian, Hachi's little brother, etc) but the manga is much more centralized on how isolated the Debris Section is from everything.
This notion is wiped out completely by the inclusion of a ton of anime-only characters.
If you pay attention, when all those pointless characters are off-screen, that's when the anime truly shines, because that's when it's actually adapting the manga directly.
Tanabe is the foil to Hachimaki and a 100% representation of unconditional love. Not only did that anime-only scene rip to shreds Tanabe's character but it also replaced Hachimaki's most important character growth moment in the manga, making his character so much more shallow in the process.
I would be hard pressed to find a better science fiction in anime/manga. It's very good.
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