Search COREY FELDMAN'S TRUTH CAMPAIGN on youtube and you cant even find the video that have 500k+
Even google is trying to protect them
Other urls found in this thread:
God Bless Corey Feldman
>I will let them go on raping unless you pay me $10 million dollars
Fuck his gay ass
fucking cunts.
He reported the pedophiles to the police years ago but they did nothing.
This is all a distraction. Cory is the rape perpetrator.
but i thought liberals hated people who sexually assault people
>instead of simply naming them, with a free youtube video
>asks for money to make a movie
fuck off
(((Feldman))) what do you expect
Tried it: comes up as first.
Then name names.
He is literally covering up for pedos. If it was your story, and a young boy could be crying out in pain right now as a sixty five year old jew cock is shoved his ass, what would you do?
The thing is, Corey Feldman has been saying this for years.....waaaaaay before this scandal came to light.
Because of this I'm inclined to believe him.
only when minorities or women are the victims
>if i don't get 10kk dollars I won't name the pedophile ring members. Be quick, who knows how many kids they may victimise until the parents get warned!
I call this either a bluff or an extortion. This guy's a piece of shit.
Corey Feldman is lying. He would have named names decades ago. He would be naming names today. He has so much light on him now that there is no way "his life could be in danger". That is a line of absolute bullshit, typical Hollywood drama bullshit. He would have already been exterminated if anyone thought he had actual names or thought he was actually going to name those names.
He's an attention whoring drama queen. Nothing more. Nothing less.
>name the names, fagit, or STFU
>I’m going to name names... but first give me money goys- I mean guys
>Trusting a jew to expose other jews
>Send me money to make a movie goys
>I promise I'll name names if you send me those shekels
What needs to happen is for normies get mad at Hollywood pedos. How?
Dan "hymen collider put her in a diaper and hold her tighter for she's a fighter" Schneider
>even google is trying to protect them
Of course they just partnered up (youtube red) with everybody to try and become the next big streaming service next to Netflix. They aren't going to bite the hand that feeds it.
Jesus he looks like Leto in Dallas Buyers Club
>God Bless Corey Feldman
The kike is asking for $10 Million dollars to make a documentary to name people?
Fuck out of here, I knew he was doing a publicity stunt from the beginning a few years ago. Don't get me wrong, I know for a fact he probably got raped for his roles but he's never going to do shit about it. All these people wanted that and probably asked for it. Otherwise, they would have been naming names when it was happening, not when they're old and washed up.
he looks like that bitch from the matrix here
People that were molested as children generally grow up to become molesters themselves.
That's how the cycle is perpetuated.
you're an asshole
I searched his name and YouTube filled out the name for me and gave the video as a second video link.
You're probably watching restricted or something.
That's the game. Feldman is building drama (something hollywood does), and he's creating hype for his drama (something hollywood does), and when the hype is at its peak he will ask you to pay him to experience the complete drama (something hollywood does).
Think about this: Feldman claims this pedophile is someone who is currently a major star in the industry... And Feldman isn't naming him outright. Instead, Feldman is playing games trying to make money off this drama. Now, imagine what Feldman is claiming is true and there really is an active pedophile superstar in the industry. Feldman's silence for money is allowing this pedophile to rape more children. Imagine being a parent of one of those kids. Not only are your going to hate the pedophile but you also hate Feldman for not outing the pervert sooner.
tl;dr - Feldman is lying.
>behind the scenes at nickelodeon
I don't know about Corey Feldman, you guys... I mean, I grew up in the 80's so I have a soft spot for both him and Corey Haim... but watch this shit-
>Feldman still FRIENDS with Haim's rapist
>Haim saying, "I'll put you in the fucking ground, kid.."
I'm sure Feldman copped sexual abuse during the 80's too but the extent of Haim's abuse appears to have been a lot worse - and calling Feldman out for being complicit.. I don't fucking trust Charlie Sheen, either.
The timeline of the Lucas/Haim/rape thing is interesting -
Martin Sheen could have been around the sets when Charlie was younger too.
Elijah Wood claimed that pedophilia was rampant in hollywood too and he got his start in Back to the Future 2, produced by Spielberg and directed by Robert Zemeckis and Zemeckis has done a lot of work with Tom Hanks.
If you keep following all the hollywood links a handful of names come up over and over.
>Tom Hanks
>Ron Howard
>Charlie Sheen
>Martin Sheen
If Tom Hanks isn't involved you can bet he has seen something, he's right in that crowd.
>Jew asking for 10 fucking million dollars to make a film
I'm all for exposing the hollywood pedos, but this just seems like nothing more than a scam.
True but he should just name them
Why the fuck is this news? You retards had due notice to take advantage of Feldman's warnings like, what, five years ago? Now all of a sudden it's fashionable and you care? God, you guys are really falling behind. Typical Amerigoblins.
What's his name again?
You fell for it?
Lost boyz was a good movie.
It's literally the first result for that search.
the 500k one >?
Beginning to think Corey is a distraction
I'm surprised Sup Forums hasn't sleuthed this one out yet, you guys are usually pretty good at this kind of thing, but because Feldman is a (((Jew))), y'all are memeing super hard.
A lot of clues point to Steven Spielberg.
>A-lister, one of the most recognizable faces in the industry
>closeted homosexual
Lives publically as a straight man married to Kate Capshaw
>has children
Has 6 kids and 2 stepkids.
>in the business for decades
Got his start in 1969.
>household name
It's Steven Spielberg ffs
Produced 27 movies
Directed 40 movies
>abuse occurred during mid teens
Was in Gremlins at 14, produced by 39 year old Steven Spielberg
>still "*prominently* in the business today"
Transformers, Men in Black, The Wolf of Wall Street, Jurassic World, labelled by Forbes as the most influential celebrity of 2014
Net worth of 3.6 billion, highest grossing director in history, Olympic flag bearer, close friend of Bill Clinton, has donated more than 1 million to Hillary's Priorities USA super pac, 130 awards, Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient.
So many of the kids that grew up around Spielberg have developed substance abuse problems.
Spielberg is too close to all these people to not be involved in some way.
Crispin Glover calls him as a pedo in an essay.
California has cucked laws where he'd be slammed with legal troubles for slander and shit, even when he's reported them to the police years ago when it happened.
looks like it's been taken down
I'm sure I'll find it somewhere else; very interested in reading this, thank you user.
Dude, for how many years can this guy fucking tease this shit?
>Search COREY FELDMAN'S TRUTH CAMPAIGN on youtube and you cant even find the video that have 500k+
It was the top result for me.
God, even looking back at Sheen then it's no fucking surprise he ended up with AIDs. He just looks like a creepy overly dominant twink.
surely Sup Forums can figure this out while we wait
Yep. And Corey Haim died of Pneumonia. What causes pneumonia in young people? HIV/AIDS. Charlie Sheen has HIV.
Not to mention he's fucking insane. When asked, "What makes you a great father?" he smirked and said, "Everything. Next question. That's between me and my kids"
That was an innocent question, why did he deflect it so hard? I think he is as dirty as they come.
How fucking retarded are you?
Its his word against the top hollywood kikes, there is very little he can do
Dude it's worse than that. Charlie has clearly been lying about his HIV status and how long he has known. The media clearly played along with this. Charlie Sheen must have had HIV since like 2010 at least.
Not only that but there is something really bizarre going on with Charlie Sheen and this supposed doctor that tried curing him. I mean that in the sense that the dude looks like a straight up satanist and this stuff with mixing his blood with Charlie's sounds like bizarre satanic ritualistic shit. Not only that but his idea of curing Charlie was with goat's milk from goat's with arthritis or some disease.
>This is all a distraction. Cory is the rape enabler.
i could totally see him doing this. Knowingly setting up himself, Haim and probably many others.
Total bullshit. He never named a single name. He had all the time in the world. He played coy for YEARS
>pay attention to me reeee
Libel is pretty nationwide. Not just cuckfornia.
No, he did go to the police. They didn't take him seriously and did nothing. They were too busy with MJ at the time.
I was thinking blackmail/extortion maybe?
He makes a public announcement, throws a number out there and waits to see if his daddy(s) throw some money at him.
>No, he did go to the police. They didn't take him seriously and did nothing.
I don't think he "went to the police." They came to him to ask him about Michael Jackson, and then he supposedly said MJ did nothing, but these other guys did something to him. However, who can verify that he named names back then?
At a certain point, if you were raped, just fucking spit out the fucking names of the rapists. There's something really unconvincing about Feldman, the fact that he loves saying something happened but never quite says what it actually was and specifically who did it.
>please gib money
name them or shut up, everything else is attention seeking or money grubbing.
>Roger is dressed a Steven Spielberg
>Toshi is dressed as Jonathan Ke Quan
>Jonathan Ke Quan from Goonies and Temple of Doom
>0:52 Roger bends Toshi over and humps him
>Sings "The Goonies 'R' Good Enough"
"It's good enough"
"it's good enough for me."
"Good enough for you is good enough for me"
What did Seth MacFarlane mean by that?
For what it's worth - I found the Crispin Glover essay and a quick readthrough is pretty disconcerting, to say the least.
At the time it was considered sour grapes over the Back To The Future lawsuit.
>Does Steven Spielberg hold the same values I wish upon myself? Does the mind of this grinning, bespectaled, baseball-capped man entirely reflect this culture?
>Do Steven Spielberg’s passions burn? Do passions burn in the man now imprisoned who wished to anally rape Steven Spielberg?
(for those who don't know the reference, he was talking about this story:
>Do our cultural mouthpieces confidently inform us that the wish to anally rape Steven Spielberg is a bad thought? Could anal rape of Steven Spielberg be simply the manifestation of a cultural mandate?
>Do you believe Steven Spielberg is an ideal guide and influence for our culture?
Does Steven Spielberg focus much of his fantasy life on young people? Did he portray children wallowing in sewers filled with fecal matter in Schindler’s List? Did he use children to fingerpaint an adult in Hook? Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?
>Are the inclinations of Steven Spielberg above suspicion by the media-fed culture? Was Steven Spielberg very friendly with Michael Jackson? Wasn’t Michael Jackson supposed to play Peter Pan in Steven Spielberg’s version of the story? Now that Michael Jackson is no olnger held in favor by the mass media, does Spielberg associate with him? Do Michael Jackson and Steven Spielberg share similar opinions about the sexuality of young boys?
It takes courage to go after these Pedo freaks. They probably are trying to kill him. Good job Cory!
Dude, we are dealing with people here who literally are so powerful and tied to a cabal that apparently can get the prosecution to drop the charges and that is ridiculous in itself.
I want you to stop and think about the corruption we are dealing with here. There are things worse than death and I kind of don't blame him.
If Corey Feldman wanted to do justice to the name Corey, he'd just release the info he has on the degenerate SCUM on Hollywood.
Instead, he posts threads on Sup Forums hoping for beta bucks. He took it up the ass for ((them))) and now he's seeking monies from regular folk.
Fuck you. Release the info you have, and THEN I'll donate. Until then, you're just another door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman.
He also made a joke about Harvey Weinstein being a lech at the Oscars. He announced the best actress nominees I think, and said something like, congratulations, you no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein. And the audience got the joke and laughed at it. They've all known about this shit for a long time.
>Would the cultural mainstream ever silence or suppress Steven Spielberg? Has the United States government given the immensely wealthy Steven Spielberg millions of dollars to fund a media project that reflects his religious heritage, and his cultural beliefs?
>Is it considered "career suicide" to question Steven Spielberg if one is involved in the entertainment business? If one is not involved in the entertainment business is it considered a social suicide to question Steven Spielberg? If these things are so, what does that point to? Does this mean freedom of expression is actually curtailed in our culture by certain social pressures? Is calling someone a "fascist" in American culture today the counterpart to saying someone was a "communist" during the Joseph McCarthy era of the 1950's?
>Does our culture congratulate itself for taking interest in the lack of original ideas personified by the name of Steven Spielberg? Do his films take chances or take risks in order to amplify, change or challenge the cultural though process? Dose Steven Spielberg take risks, or does he simulate the idea of taking risks? What risk was involved in making Saving Private Ryan or Schindler’s List, or adopting a black child? Was there any risk at all? Would Steven Spielberg have adopted that same child in the deep South of the 1950's where there would have been risk of being called a "nigger lover"? Were the adoption of a black child and the subject matter of his movies actually business decisions for which he knew he would be congratulated?
>When Steven Spielberg clutched his Academy Award for Schindler’s List, saying it’s for the "six million," was he speaking of a quantity of people killed, or the quantity of dollars poured into his bank account?
>Profit off tragedy
Very compelling stuff, I hadn't seen that before, ty user.
He's trending #12 on Youtube right now.
fuck this gay ass faggot
either call them out or shut the fuck up
fucking christ this cunt has to have enough money to do this shit on his own
fucking faggot just now when it's the cool thing to do he decidet to sue and expose the pedophiles
fuck this spineless faggot, i hope he gets raped one last time before he is suicided
>we are dealing with people here who literally are so powerful and tied to a cabal
>tied to a cabal
Larp more. There's a cabal, but they're totally ok with Feldman bringing this shit to the brink again & again.
Read the thread before you post next time, you'll look less moronic.
this. hes asking for 10 million fucking dollars while apparently children are being raped. something not right.
I think the fact that Feldman made a huge story out of this, makes it hard to ignore. He is essentially killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Kikes at the top cannot kill this because of barbara streisand effect and Feldman makes a huge profit from this.
The FBI broadcasts naked twelve year olds because they're "mentally ill" (realized America is shit) and need to be "monitored" (Humiliated, and you will too citizen if you raise any complaints against the government).
What do you expect from a society that is rotten to the core. 28 officers around here all slept with the underage dispatcher's daughter and not a single person out of thousands of officers raised any concern, they were probably too busy selling drugs.
America is hell on earth what more proof does anyone need?
God Bless Corey Feldman
How did /pol go from HTG and pizzagate threads to discrediting a whistle blower? Don't you guys want the pedos exposed? Who cares if he's raising money for protection, if the real goal is to save children isn't this better than nothing?
i am speculatively discrediting him and he is not a whistle blower yet
schizo wanker who never provides any evidence
What sort of disconnected bullshit are you spewing? You're a retarded schizo too.
ofcourse they are
they want the donation to continue, they need more names on the list :)
keep donating goyim
Rob Reiner pedophile confirmed
>I could drop names but I need 10 million dollars first to make a movie
Yeah sorry if I doubt you a bit.
>California has cucked laws where he'd be slammed with legal troubles for slander and shit
Then go to a real country that isn't shit.
This. Corey has been goy of the year every year
Sheen is dirty as fuck. So is Feldman, I'm sure of it. Look at these two.
nah 10 million NOW
Are they really though? They can only control so much. I mean at this point a child-trafficking ring going on in America has been going on for a very long time. The people getting caught doing all these weird things with children aren't even like part of the inner Cabal. These people are just lower level losers that are trying to make it big. They are tied into something bigger involving illegal child trafficking.
He's a rent-seeker not a whistleblower. Can't get an acting job, divorced from wife, shitty band failed. Now this crap. Ten years ago he said Michael Jackson was doing very weird stuff with kids and curiously stopped speaking to him when he hit puberty and now, all of a sudden, he's like "Oh MJ no pedo guise. I make movie to expose pedos, give me money".
Wow Jews really do run the media and know how to follow trends of gaining $.
Martin Sheen + Roman Polanski ÷ Charlie Sheen = ???
We must target those about to fall first.
Target Schneider. Weinstein was one of the biggest names in movies. Schneider is in TV. Next we should aim at the music industry. But now Schneider. We need to spread awareness. Justice must be met.
see pic
I haven't seen a more stereotypical pedo face.