It's about that time, bois.
3x3 Thread
I like what you did here.
Hello friends
Yes there's nothing I love seeing more than unnecessarily obscure pics
What's the point of these threads?
I need validation.
I was going for an aesthetic there, didn't really mean to come off as a hipster or whatever.
Superior Row (left to right): Cardcaptor Sakura, Samurai X OVA, specifically Nisemonogatari, but meant to represent the franchise as a whole.
Medial Row: Sora no Woto, End of Evangelion, Hyouka
Inferior Row: Hunter X Hunter, Non Non Biyori, Katanagatari
also, 4/5.
The only one that's hard to recognize is katanagatari.
Fuck off.
I feel like I should know more of these
I liked CCS, I'm guessing that's Eva in the top middle? NNB is solid.
Is top middle Utena? If so, preddy gud, CCS, Escaflowne, and Versailles are nice as well. Good to see some onii sama e.. on there. Pretty underappreciated show.
4/4, Mononoke would be much better if it weren't for the last arc. Tamai made depressed with my life choices, Gankutsuou has great artstyle, and Mushishi is always good. Still need to finish up the second season.
3/3, K-on was fun, I'm not the biggest fan of either KlK or TTGL but they're alright.
Hey man, I'm all for putting cool imagery and shots to represent your favorites in 3x3, but I loved Katanagatari/Sora no Woto and I had no clue they were even in your image.
>Another Nodame fan
My nigga. I thought we had died out.
Yeah I knew what they were, aside from Cardcaptor Sakura. I just cropped and search it to find out. That Rurouni Kenshin one got me for a while though, had to really squint to get it.
It's fine if those scenes have intrinsic value to you personally but I think it's equally important to strike a balance between that and ease of recognition.
Enjoy seeing Mushishi on my 3x3 while you can, I'm in the process of phasing it out.
Also is Shigurui a good anime to pick up? The manga is on my list.
>is Shigurui a good anime to pick up?
Depends, do you like slower paced shows? If so, then you'll probably like it. It is slow as fuck. Made by madhouse so artstyle and animation are pretty solid.
You've sold it to me. I'll download it and watch it in the morning. I'm not back at uni yet so I can get through it in one sitting (or two I'm rewatching Kuuchuu Buranko as well)
Kill yourself, cancer.
Ok. Give me 70 years and I'll get right on it
>Made by madhouse so artstyle and animation are pretty solid.
You say that as if Madhouse wasn't a studio of mediocre adaptations with the occasional good anime with outsourced staff.
Fuck off to /soc/ or something, newfags.
I mean, most show from Madhouse that I've seen have been pretty damn solid in regards to both artstyle and animation. Even some of their less than well received shows.
>animation are pretty solid
I remember it being pretty slideshow-y, actually. Not much QUALITY, if that's what you mean, but that's kind of a different matter.
>complaining about people talking about anime in a 3x3 thread
You don't belong here. Also who says newfag anymore newfriend?
>who says newfag anymore newfriend?
You and he should both kill yourselves.
Will this one stick?
I'm reading the Ashita no Joe manga right now and it's fantastic. Have you read it? I'm interested in how the anime compares.
I plan to watch Crest of Stars, what did you like about it?
2/2 anime, 4/4 OST, 2/2 men, 2/3 women
-Aria anime
I really need to finish the manga. I've been too busy lately.
-Turn A
You picked a lot sluts on your women chart.
-Aria anime
That's a really gay Ping Pong picture
>That's a really gay Ping Pong picture
Yes it is, user
>what did you like about it
Just about everything. I probably enjoyed watching Jinto's and Lafiels relationship develop though. It feels and develops way more naturally than almost every other romance I've seen in animu.
Why didn't you like the Aria anime? Too much poinyuu for you?
>Ashita no Joe manga
It never really occurred to me at this point how many times I'd planned to read it but something came up. Thanks friend, I'll read it at the next possible opportunity.
Although saying that I'll probably forget again
All excellent shows.
>Why didn't you like the Aria anime? Too much poinyuu for you?
The pacing was too slow, and there wasn't enough interesting character dynamics going on to keep me interested
I liked the manga though. I feel like a lot of the lines are better read than heard.
Yeah but I think Tomoyo alone offsets any skank vibes from the others.
Sounds great, I think I'll enjoy quite it a lot once I get around to it.
It's very good. I hope you get to it soon!
Me too
I like you
That's a nice Lain
>That's a nice Lain
I have lots of nice Lains
But do you have this one
Can't say I do.
Well now you can!
5/5 I just watched Sora no Woto recently and was pretty blown away. Probably one of my favorite settings of all time. Need to watch Kino's Journey.
I don't like your women except Shinobu
5/6 Just started Shirobako still unsure on it.
Just a heads up. That's a bait 3x3
Very nice aesthetic
I could buy it but also there's nothing offensively poor on there, except maybe like, Log Horizon and Kill la Kill depending on how much you liked it
Finished recording about 6 minutes worth of content and that was only about 5 pages out of 14. I didn't think rerere-recording my lines over and over was so annoying. I don't even know if my voice sounds right.
Running out of green apples on labor day when everything is closed is also equally annoying.
-1 Nodame
One day, I'll make an analysis video on Shigurui. I honestly think it's one of the best anime adaptations ever made.
7/7 anime
-1 Shigatsu
-1 Tamako Market
-1 PP
kill yourself
That's boring.
What's than VN in the bottom middle? I swear I've seen that before.
It's 逆王道 (Gyaku Oudou)
Basically you wake up and your long lost dad who's never been around in your life shows up on the TV and says ''heya son, wanna prove that you're awesome and my best son? I fucked your mother along with other girls my harem, so about you build your own harem? Oh and you have about a year to make a harem of six girls or so. Protip, we have a rape dungeon under the house you can use. Cya''.
And then you go ''hmmmm my next door childhood friend that always talks to me is by her window cliche, how about I just pull her over and rape her?''
And then you do just that and after you're done with the raping, your congratulates you and says that you're becoming like your father.
It's hilarious.
>your congratulates you
your mother* congratulates you.
Also having a rapist who doesn't fuck his mother is a goddamn godsend. I'm tired of these
>I can fuck anyone, even my own mother!
No, just fucking no.
It's the 3x3 of a Youtuber a lot of people hate.
5/5. Hey thar, digi.
Edit: Sorry, wrong chart.
Edit: Woah, when did we get this new edit function?
Kill yourselves. You'd be doing everybody a favor.
>harry ord
My man.
The one and only