I wrote a DACA essay for class. I got a 91 and this feedback but I dont understand what she meant.
The assignment was to write an analysis of a current event.
I wrote a DACA essay for class. I got a 91 and this feedback but I dont understand what she meant.
The assignment was to write an analysis of a current event.
Write both sides even if they are wrong
>what she meant.
There's the problem...
Most don't understand what they mean.
Why, in 2017, you would care what some soggy vagina thinks about anything is beyond any reasonable person.
I guess she wants you to shed light on both sides of the argument? Hard to know because you didn't post the whole paper.
Were you supposed to be writing an opinion paper or did you balance your arguments?
The wording just caught me off guard
Is she implying I should had written a neutral report, favoring DACA?
I did write about 1. DACA 2. Trumps mixed and awkward politicals stances (how hes not a traditional conservative) Maybe she meant to write more about DACA? I dont know
All you had to do was give some examples of opposing arguments, you could have even refuted them if you'd like.
It's hard to tell with these professors, I have a politics professor who screams
Can't believe my family is paying for this shit
>ragged right alignment
Absolutely disgusting
>flush out
Grader is a brainlet or redpilled
Don't be autistic, its pretty obvious OP's teacher wanted examples of both sides to be discussed
A good essay properly hashes out the relevant arguments that you're trying to refute. It seems you had good refutations but you should've explained their arguments better. And then you could have refuted the extra points as well.
You could've argued your case perfectly regardless of the argument but if that argument is basically a strawman then it might lead to a comment like this.
he would have gotten 100% of he was more compassionate for poor immigrants
now he's on the thought crime list and won't ever get a job, should have gone to a conservative university instead
Most likely, since she gave you a 91, she means be less biased.
She probably agrees with your argument but has issues with its presentation.
Underrated post
It literally doesn't matter.
>Obama care
She is saying you wrote a strawman argument for DACA, you fucking moron.
Why are you even playing their game ,goy?
I would write ; BUILD THE WAL A THOUSAND TIMES. fuck them
they gave some nigger a free ride to harvard for writing Black Lives matter over and over . fuck that..
To interpret it charitably: It means she wants you to spend more time stating the opposing arguments. You have to understand the other side to disagree with it, or else you're strawmanning. She is right that this is a good skill for debate and politics. Also, she probably approves of DACA and thinks you are scum.
>got a 91
He got a trophy and he's still mad.
This is my essay, its not good. I dont care about the 91, and I really tried not to show how pro-trump I was. I wrote it neutrally in my pov. I'm just not sure if she really meant I needed to write in favor of DACA.
You sound way smarter if you call it ACA
isn't using a serif font either
I just meant whatever she said she couldnt be that upset if she gave me that grade. Im not complaining about the grade I just wanted to understand her expectations
their is probably a section on the grading syllabus that has a subsection for counterargument, which is in the extended prompt for the essay
>tldr l2college OP is fag
I linked an article, half the story was about DACA, the other half of the story was Trump even meeting with dems
You are supposed to present the best argument you can find for and then counter it.
The way I wrote papers and debated at college was to take the exact opposite position of what I actually held that way I would at least give the opposing side a full on argument.
To people confused, this wasnt supposed to me as much of an opinion paper, it was an analysis/summary paper to educate someone who wouldnt know about it. Then give your pov at the end
if you want to make your arguments stronger, you make them against the oppositions strongest points.
if you cherry pick weak arguments, then you look weak.
it's sound advice.
You're devoting too much thought. You'll be unemployed in 4 years, whatever your GPA.
that's how the prison team beat harvard. they chose to represent the side of the argument which they thought harvard expected them to not choose.
played the kids on their own assumptions.
always know your enemy, and your weak points - so that you can be stronger.
How did you get a 91 and still not understand that comment?
Wait... based nog?
Yes exactly, you still have to provide a valid analysis of someone's position.
You didn't do that, this isn't the news media, you need to be presenting other people's position in good faith.
The low hanging fruit for DACA is that it's a sunk cost. We've already raised them and schooled them. Essentially paid for them.
>a good analysis
>you might flush out the argument, in favor of DACA a little more
let me interpret this for you retardfag...
>You did good
>To get better than a 91, you should explore why some see DACA as a positive and provide reasons as to why they are wrong
How are you not able to understand this?
I totally massacred the other side in a green energy vs fracking debate in my class. I'm super against fracking (externalities are 100% paid for by the local population), but I took the pro fracking position and just ran away with it. So much so I started getting people coming up to me after class telling me they weren't aware that I was so far right.
Your right. It's terrible grammatically. That first paragraph is terrible.
You ramble off topic. I thought it was an Essay on DACA, not on how well Trump is doing and what he needs to do to accomplish his agenda.
It should be straight:
Why is it bad
Why is it good
If it was supposed to be about DACA, you turned it into a mess of obfuscation.
You use "Although" too much.
This right here. Learn to code and write in Latex like an upright white man or gtfo.
yep. the other side never considers taking the 'wrong' side.
>babbys first community college econ class
Its a total deadweight loss actually, these fuckers are leeches
I know, but thats off topic
This 100%.
Get out of here high school faggot. People like you need to lurk and never post till you have life experience.
I'm not in highschool
Sincerely not trying to be an asshole. Just so you know.
>its not good
Then what are you even on about? Tell the bitch what she wants to hear, use her buzzwords and don't look back. You're an idiot for thinking this experience would entail anything other than obedience and indoctrination.
Thanks for the feedback, I wrote it the night before it was due so youre right
oy vey don't you know that all viewpoints are equally valid so when discussing any issue you need to present both sides and say that they're both right unless of course it's a side in the interest of white Christians in which case you are not allowed to be in favor of it at all, now that's not so difficult is it goy?
"flush out" = explain in detail.
My dude...why are your paragraphs so long? Where are your cited references? This better not be for a college level class.
You can write that whole paper and not use one quote if you wanted to so as long as you make references along the way (like you need to be doing). Also, without citing as you write, the paper will look like a plagiarized pile of shit where there is no bearing between your thoughts and that of the material you are using to base your arguments.
I think she wanted more detail.
You will never get more than 90 if you bring bullet points arranged as sentences.
A 91 is pretty generous, I'd have gotten a 50 with a paper like that. You don't even have a thesis statement.
If you want a better paper, first of all cite your sources and make the information work in for you.
For instance - the whole third paragraph can be removed and there would be no effect on the paper because it doesn't move the paper forward.
And please never capitalize "de facto".
Thanks for the advice, I agree, I was just confused about the DACA statement she wrote
Hide your power level.
Your political views are hurting your grades user, do you want to flunk out of (((school)))?
Why not ask her?
Teacher should be hiding her power level.
91 means she liked it. She had plenty of reasons to give him lower and didn't. I suspect she's (our teacher)
I might next time I see her
You have to raise the points people use in favour of DACA so you can argue against them. It makes for a more persuasive argument.
Sounds to me like an innocuous comment to show more "understanding" of all sides. If you stood your ground and got a 91 in this day and age, well done honestly.
T. The last fan of Cleanth Brooks
If you're genuinely curious it's your best bet. I doubt she'll start screeching at you or anything. Most students don't even bother asking about professor comments on their work.
That or she doesn't want to be a target when he shoots up the school.
Might be bait to expose your power level. Just smile and play along saying you'll do more research on your own time to understand the benefits of DACA etc etc.
Remember that academics is dominated by leftists. They routinely probe and correct those who resist indoctrination all the time.
The standard (and non-pozzed) approach to writing essays is to examine both sides of the argument objectively. Considering the nature of DACA and how it is "divisive" in a way, the examination of both sides in a balanced manner is the way to go, regardless of how you feel about DACA (pro or anti). Then again, you're writing this for what's most likely a leftist school with a leftist teacher, so she wants you to not only bolster the pro-DACA arguments but to (at least) slightly lean in favor of DACA. Don't give any quarter. Just do it objectively and if you think it's not possible (for you), then slightly lean anti-DACA. Remember, this is for grades. When the Purge happens, you can tell her all about how you're anti-DACA while you "deal" with her, but "play" their "game" right now.
>mexicans upset because they're unwanted in the states
>keep posting shit, this time with more tears
She wants the d. Stay after class sometime, whip it out and say, "what are we gonna do about this, teach?"
remember education is one of the traditionally acceptable fields, maybe not at the higher level but the wise schoolmarm is a tradcon archetype
Your professor is saying that one way to improve the paper would have been to provide more detail and strength to the arguments in favor of daca
I hope this is not university level. Constructive criticism:
1) Improve your grammar
2) Improve your sentence and paragraph structure
3) Don't make statements without providing evidence
why is the nazi the most reasonable one here?
it sounds like a pre law paper. you need to write more about both sides of the argument. If you don't understand the other sides argument, how can you an argument to counter that.
law 101
"Although" introduces a pivot in the sentence. "Although Billy was sad the rain meant they couldn't go to the waterpark, he was very happy when they found laser tag nearby." There need to be 2 contrasting ideas presented after you drop an "although".
Your second sentence drives me crazy with this - "Although they do not obtain Citizenship..." not getting citizenship is a drawback, so the contrast would be the benefits of the program.
It's the grammatical equivalent of "Although Billy was sad the rain meant they couldn't go to the water park, which means they couldn't enjoy the waterslide, nor wave pool, which are available on sunny days, except for indoor parks." Does that seem a little more silly to you?
Tell me this isn't from a college/university?
It means you don’t even understand the pro Daca argument well enough and can’t articulate it. You haven’t even put in the work required to have an opinion in other words
She's saying you should of brought up the positive points and say why you disagree with them. 'proponents believe daca is beneficial because.... But this isn't true because...' basically
This. Stop being dramatic, seems like she is reasonable considering she gave you a good grade and complimented you despite more than likely disagreeing with you. Policing semantics to find an offense is shit liberals do, not the good guys.
Dumbass. >>>/reddit/
4/10 Hook and no thesis statement?
i ejaculate every time i see a document written in LaTeX
This got a 91?
I know burgers inflate grades a lot, so that's like a 78-80 here, but it still feels wrong to slap an almost perfect grade on this pile of shit.
"Flush out" is not an expression. She must have meant "flesh out." Lol at Ph.D.s.
That's the area she felt was too brief.
I expect you have included twice as much detail on the cons.
If you give a strong right wing critique of why the pro DACA arguments are bad I'm sure she'll grade you 99.
She is trying to provide useful feedback in a way that doesn't trigger you.
It doesn't matter if you take a heavily bias position so long as you address all the talking points in sufficient detail.
Just naming some of the points but not dealing with them in anyway because you disagree with them is work half done.
Teachers don't care nearly as much about your politics as you think.
It's the exams you pass that matter to whether she keeps her job.
It is. It means to drive from hiding. It's what OP needs to do with the lies hidden in those pro-DACA arguments.
That was fucking terrible.
Doesn't deserve 90+.
Looks like she was just saying you flushed out the argument points for DACA and that you should probably address them to better your argument
Are you white?
Of course he isn't
>that font
>not knowing what your teacher means
>getting a good grade
>not realizing your teacher is actually good/doing their job
>posing about it on Sup Forums
Bring a copy of it to the department dean and ask his opinion.
A good essay doesn't mean writing your opponent's argument for them. It might include restating an argument they've made and then arguing against it.
Maybe she was thinking about how she was going to go suck off some random dude in a parking lot, turning her back on her two children and husband. For what reason? No reason. Maybe because she turned 40. Maybe because... who knows. Goodbye. Fuck you, thanks for the last twenty-one years.
Maybe that's why she gave you a 91. Do you see OP? Do you get it? Do you understand? Maybe there was no reason. Maybe you just need to pick up the pieces and move on. Maybe you need to accept the world as it is. Can you do that? Fuck your DACA essay in the ear.