Why did I watch this again?
Why did I watch this again?
To make a shitty thread on Sup Forums.
To see if you're interested in the LN like most adaptations
>season two never
Because you wanted to write a meme OP.
For best girl.
Because you wanted to post an image for ants.
Because you were tricked into thinking that it would be a good show.
I was tricked as well, user.
>rokka no sales
To make a rec thread to see if you should watch it
>It was a good anime
>No Season 2
Fuck this shit.
>tfw you will never get CGI Tgurneu fight animated
Because Japs have shit taste.
Or Rokka fans have enough sense to realize this is the kind of story that doesn't really need an anime adaptation.
I love how she's supposed to be the strongest yet she got rekt like three times already in the novels.
>rokka no sales
Good, the writing and animation were both shit.
Threads were fun. While everyone was sperging over papa bones, all the shitposting about the seventh and memes were comfy.
The animation, maybe, but not the writing
I liked the story, but the animation was pure shit, that CCG was 2016 Berserk tier. I'm reading the novels but the translations is fucking shit, the translator doesn't have any idea what grammars means.
No it needed a good two cour anime adaptation.
>I'm reading the novels but the translations is fucking shit, the translator doesn't have any idea what grammars means.
At least it's not isekaishit-tier translation.
I watched it for vomit loli.
The translation for Rokka is pretty fucking good compared to what is standard in the WN/LN translation industry, see Chaika's newest "translations" for a example.
AOTS Summer 2015
Because you thought it would have an ending. Unlucky you.
How could it have an ending when the LN hasn't even finished yet?
When vol1 sold 4 copies they could've said "welp let's make up an ending because this shit ain't gettin' a S2"
How were the threads?
Probably some of the best threads that year. Most of the shitposting was good natured and most people were fairly good about using spoiler tags so as not to ruin it for everyone.
What were the anime's ratings and did they help the LN sales?
"No one gave a shit" tier.
Literally Rokka no Sales. I think it ended up a good two hundred or so units under the Fractal Line.
BD sales don't matter if the series is still watched and boosts LN sales
Fun with speculation and filled with fake spoilers.
The LN saw a moderate, 20% increase of the first two or three volumes as people read to see the mystery, but after they they didn't bother to keep reading and the sales went back to where they were.
How sad. I don't get why they didn't just make an anime original ending.
>the writing was shit
Nigga what. It was great.
Yes, your sacred cow had shit writing.
Thousands of tiny swords
>wanting anime original ending
Holy shit, get the fuck out.
t. isekaifag
Can't believe some actually bought that shit
>Wanting a POS failure of an unfinished series
Holy shit, get the fuck out.
Wow, Japan sure has a shit taste. MC is actually funny, unlike your typical beta faggot, love interest is actually best girl, MC tells best girl he likes her instead of waiting 100000 episodes of denial and sexual tension.
> MC is actually funny
He wasn't funny but an annoying egotistical twit who thought he was hot shit. Hands down one of the more annoying mcs that season.
> love interest is actually best girl
Blue haired girl was the best not the emo bitch.
>MC tells best girl he likes her instead of waiting 100000 episodes of denial and sexual tension.
Mc lied to her to get her to lower her defences and then when he was cornered he told her that he likes her. Give me the beta faggot shit you harp about over some lying sack of shit using a girl to get information.
>He wasn't funny but an annoying egotistical twit who thought he was hot shit.
I don't know but beta faggots that gets boobs in their faces but can't make any move annoy me to no end. Adlet's phase was his only flaw.
>Blue haired girl was the best
If you like used goods. Her volume in the light novel is boring because I don't give a shit about her drama.
>Mc lied to her to get her to lower her defences and then when he was cornered he told her that he likes her.
Pic related.
>oh wow an aztec/mayan inspired fantasy world
>cool character designs, looks like they're gonna round up the band and go on and adventure?
>this is gonna be great!
>it's a 10 Little Indians plot
>that fucking page
God I love Kurosawa so much
>He wasn't funny but an annoying egotistical twit who thought he was hot shit. Hands down one of the more annoying mcs that season.
And it works because he's really the weakest of them all.
>If you like used goods. Her volume in the light novel is boring because I don't give a shit about her drama.
>implying it's just that
>implying the plot isn't unique as fuck
>t. isekaifag
That reminds me on how they have been shitting on Dungeon Meshi lately.
Guess they can't just handle good, non-isekai fantasy series.
POS="Piece of shit"
It's better than we get a faithful adaptation than making the series not what it seems with some shitty anime original ending
This isn't a masterpiece, user. Any retard could make an ending as good as the LN author.
What ending? I wasn't aware the series was already finished.
It's not Twelve Kingdoms level but it sure as hell is good.
>needing an anime for a detective story
Whatever ending he comes up with.
I like Rokka no Yuusha, Dungeon Meshi and isekai though.
Kek confirmed for being a shitposting faggot
I still haven't found any worthwhile isekai other than Twelve Kingdoms and Brave Story.
And those two aren't the kind Sup Forums talks about.
Welcome to Sup Forums
Has anyone read or watch the author's other work? Book of Bantorra?
BoB was great and I didn't even know they were by the same guy
She is the strongest.
She is far from the smartest.
Thats the problem
Volume 7 when.
>no sales
proof that nips have shit taste
>Implying it was liked on the west
Rokka no sales was an universally panned
I know some guy's already spoonfed you, but reverse search it next time.
I did it ironically because it's literally in the OP user.
Really surprised to hear BoB was by the same guys. The anime had some really good points but also some fairly bad points. Its quite some time since ive watched it but I remember the plot or maybe the pacing being all over the place. The characters where top notch though. I should watch it again sometime.
I wish there was some crossover, that could be fun.