Overrated manga thread
Overrated manga thread
I've probably only seen people talk about it a total of five times. It probably does stand out a little bit to some people for being a manga about a black guy, but I don't know if it has enough pull to be called overrated.
Nah, it's just because you're racist.
'hol up
Nigga, literally no one knows about the manga so it cannot be "overrated."
It's alright.
That Biscuit Hammer one. Hoshi no Something.
It's really nothing special at all.
OP is using the word correctly though, most people mix up 'rating' and 'exposure'. If only 10 people have read a shitty manga and all of them call it great, it's overrated. If only 10 people have read a great manga and nobody else knows about it, it's underexposed.
These are just Sup Forums nostalgia, same with Mx0.
Overrated shit
This gay shit
Even aside, what are you guys talking about? It's hardly a mainstream hit, but it's far from unheard of, especially after Prison School got big. Plenty of people have read it, there was bitching about continuation never for years.
Holy shit THIS
Jojo isn't bad
It's... The fanbase is cancerous. Almost next level of SNK.
It was a good show until stands became the circle jerk of the fandom. Part 1 & 2 always
>until stands became the circle jerk of the fandom
You are the exact type of newfag cancer he's talking about.
This opinion is correct.
I'd read the first volume, gotta continue. Thought it wasn't anything special, but wasn't displeasing either, might get good.
Never checked this one but a pal likes it, and it seems intriguing to me.
wann pissu
absolute trash
I liked Part 1 and 2, but it's ridiculous to suggest that stands aren't the best thing to happen to Jojo.
>everyone says it's pedobait trash only good if you want to see underrage kids naked
i always just post all of my favorite manga in these threads to piss people off but i'm on a new computer and don't have them saved