Masterpiece or trash?
Masterpiece or trash?
randumb shit
Although it's fondly remembered, it's actually just mediocre weeaboo bait.
The reason so many people praise it is because they most likely watched it when they were young "le 90's kids xD" who haven't yet developed real taste or fair judgement/criticism of anime at the time.
The the whole show really just boils down to lol so random moments and animation with no real deep point or morale other than growing up can be hard.
That all being said, it truly is essential nostalgiacore.
It didn't air in the US until AT LEAST 2002, sooooo
That question really depends on how much you like Imaishi.
if you're born in the 90s you're at most 12 by 2002 soooooo
It wasn't even made until 2001
Masterpiece of trash.
Watched it two days ago and thought it was good. The random shit was annoying at parts but I guess it balanced well with the most heavy stuff.
The point was is that the US audience were mostly young kids at the time, the same people that claim they were 90's kids.
It's great.
There is a lot of over-correction against nostalgia, criticizing this series for being lolrandom is like criticizing Bebop for being too episodic. People just tossing a label onto things they either don't understand or haven't bothered to analyze.
Haruko is best waifu
I'm impressed at your skill to put as many buzzwords into a small space.
It's amazing
Is there anything wrong with what I said user?
It really is lolsorandum at times though. This scene stands out as a particularly obnoxious example.
it's good
Sup Forums hates it though because it's popular with the normies, especially women
It accomplished what it set out to be.
What stands out for me is the soundtrack since it was pretty unique at the time when everything else was power metal or cheesy synth.
I watched this for the first time when it re-aired on Toonami a while back. I thought it was weird at first but I came to love the atmosphere, music and characters. I'm 21 btw.
You don't watch FLCL for the story. You watch it for the experience.
Yea and Bebop is actually episodic. My point is that it takes analysis to go from "some-buzzword-people-usually-criticize" to meaningful criticism.
Especially in FLCL where a lot of things that seem "random" to Western audiences are references to japanese pop culture or stuff from 80s/90s otaku fandom.
>I'm 21 btw.
Just saying I don't like it out of nostalgia
The only good thing about this is it's only 6 episodes. It's pretty forgettable, even having rewatched it a few times just to jog out my memory.
I think you might be suffering from memory loss
He means it's forgettable like all those other anime from 16 years ago that people rewatch and make threads about.
now if you'll excuse me I got an argento soma thread to shitpost in
aka random shit and the lowest form of humor
It would have been better if the characters farted in one episode. Imagine FLCL if there was an episode shoved in the middle of it where every single reoccurring character started uncontrollably passing gas. Wouldn't that have been pretty revolutionary?
Neither, but it's good.
youre the lowest form of humor
I like it a lot. It's short, the action is great, and the soundtrack is fantastic. Something about the way it looks (colors used) makes me feel good while watching it.
lel opinions
it performs well in its own category and i found it very charming. and considering it's time period, i find it to be pretty unique. i also find it to be a maverick work of sorts. having experimented with new styles of animation (like the manga scene, the had to figure that shit out from scratch and it ended up being such a huge pain in the ass for them that they begged to not have to do it again. except they were asked to do it again) and specific novelties, such as haruko's bass guitar, and the baseball-heavy referencing, were literally just things that the producer really personally liked and decided to put in. and then there's the robots. FLCL was actually not supposed to have robots and they weren't even needed, but he decided to throw them in there near the end. the choice of music was unique too. it was all scored by an older, more unknown band, that the producer really liked. and if i can tack on another fun fact, the "never knows best" on mamimi's cigarette actually means absolutely nothing. the producer just saw it on a postcard and thought it'd look cool on there.
now i know i haven't brought up any great points regarding the merit of depth, but i can at least tell you FLCL is not trash.
Better coming-of-age story than Catcher in the rye tbqfampai
and they said neo Sup Forums was a mith.
The way the backgrounds just fade away and are partially drawn reminds me of Calvin and Hobbes and works amazingly well with the colors.
>There is a lot of over-correction against nostalgia
It might be babbys first anime, but babbys first anime can be good.
>start listening to the pillows
>enjoying their shit
>google one of their songs
>"fooly cooly ost"
>"fclc soundtrack"
>"anime weeb nightcore gayshit"
Fuck you weeaboo scum
>The reason so many people praise it is because they most likely watched it when they were young "le 90's kids xD"
Shit argument, and only applicable to yanks.
I was buying the japanese DVDs as they came out through the old gainax online shop back in 2000-2001 when it was new and before it was aired on Cartoon network (it didn't even air on my country anyway).
I hate how it's impossible to talk about FLCL because you people will always assume everyone talking about it was a kid who watched it on CN.
Go watch your modern moe anime with flash-tier animation, you don't even deserve something like FLCL.