Girls und Panzer, GuP and /ak/ stuff

Nonna took a day off, would you help her get a book down?

Other urls found in this thread:

I just finished reading Ribbon Warrior.

When is the next release?

Instead of getting the book down, i'll get her up.

Remember to vote

Akibanon here, heading out soon. Will report back in approx 8 hours with pics of guppie merch.

Thanks for the translations, but you forgotten about Alisa's comment and Hana's other comment, also did you figure out what Rosehips was?

Darjeeling is my wife!

Darjeeling is a fraud

I want to ask why there is not chapter this month?

what did Orange Pekoe pour?


Sometimes a mangaka needs a break. Sometimes there are production problems.



So, which of the two happened, I'm more inclined to the first since he made serafuku as well.

But I'm kinda confused, if the production has problems it seems to be about the guys planning what to do after Erika's battle

What does Rosehip tea taste like?

Hard to say which, or if it was something completely different.

Like adrenaline.

redbull and amphetamines

It's on break this month since it the release of the 5th tankoubon this coming September 23, 2016. Pic related.


So, the mangaka is preparing for an event, good, I hope extra pages next month at least



He always does breaks every 4 chapters finished before resuming. The next chapter next month will have colored pages in the first few pages..

I want to know too.

Doesn't work for me.


>Baby Chovy



Shitty google translate basically has Rosehip saying that they're here to eat elegantly or something.

My heart can't take it please no.


Muh heart

No heart here, only lewds.

Pls respond

I'm in love with a Momo!!!

He draws some really cute stuff.

If it just says nip then you've been b&, use a proxy or 4g or something


Someone caption this or something please

>AP goes WHERE?

>Yukari's mother looking optimistic about her daughter, not knowing she'd become a flat, lesbian tank lover.

Large insertions!

Arisa - ignore until she cries
Hana - defecation voyuerism
Rosehip - slap

You forgot to mention autistic

Sorry was doing something else.
Just got through Arisa until
Took care of it.

Yeah, I called her a tank lover. Same thing.

Rare Gomoyo.

Yukari is me right now.

Rare Pazomi.

Oh, that's right.

They're in school aren't they?


Pazomi looks like she's about to have an intimate conversation with a long dead relative and then fall off that pier.

Second best Mallard.

I definitely don't miss that.



What, doing high-school math?
I wish the rest of life were that easy.

I wonder which guppies have the worst grades.

I bet the hippo team have terrible grades, even in History, because they end up autistically writing long winded tangents about the wrong subject.

Is that supposed to be Miho, Maho or her son?

Most likely Maho.

Just noticed a slight error.

Math - F
English - F
Gym - F
Science - F
Sensha-do - B+
History - SSS


>History - SSS
Nah, more like F in every section other than the part of history they care about.


they fail at everything. the only reason they are not kicked out is because of their last name

Math - C+
English - A+
Gym - A+
Science - D
Senshadou - B+
History - B+
Sex ed - SSS++

Saori in her natural habitat.

There's no ice.

That's not my bed

Isn't Hippo team as knowledgeable in history as we are in the Japanese language? They just like dressing up and talking up factoids that they've memorized.

Ok so let's make that a C-.

Pre adjustment:

Math - D-
English - D
Gym - C
Science - F+
Senshadou - B+
History - F+

After a night long meeting with all of her teachers:

Math - A
English - A
Gym - A
Science - A
Senshadou - A
History - A


They are as knowledgeable as Wikipedia "experts".

Which is to say, surface-level or very niche (depending on who you talk about).

That was basically my point. They have their obsessions, and then they have historical topics that they know vague knowledge about, but if they need to organize that knowledge into a coherent thesis, I'm doubtful they'd be able to.

Math - A
English - F
Gym - D
Science - A
Senshadou - A
History - A
Height - F-


>Senshadou - A

Caesar can read Latin, so I think that already goes beyond your average "I read this on Wikipedia" kid.


Even female teachers?


One thing for sure I like about nogami is how he draw eyes

Okay okay. How the fuck do you not get an A or at least a B for gym? I thought it was more of an effort thing, even fat fucks at my school got A for gym. You would have to keep skipping the class to fail.

Some of us went to schools that didn't hand out A's like candy?

>I wonder which guppies have the worst grades.
They restore eight tanks to pristine condition, overnight, every night, after the rest of the team had had their fun with them. They stayed up late modifying the Porsche Tiger for the university match, then they had their match, and then stayed up again on the way home, putting the Pz.IV back together so Miho can have her ticker parade in Oarai, sitting out of a shiny, waxed, commercial looking panzer.
This in addition to keeping what's possibly the slowest tank the germans ever made to rosehip levels of speed and conducting their own club activity.
They probably don't actually sleep, let alone bother with school

i wonder if the father fucked the maid, and maho and miho have a half sister somewhere

>that pic
Gavin related.

>fucking around with a wife who can drive a tank
Hopefully not if he has an iota of sense in him.

Wasn't the whole point of the drive system for the Tiger (P) that if it worked it would be really efficiant and be able to get the tank up to pretty reasonable speads

Why would you cheat on a woman with a tank?

well why do you guys think hes not around, hes obviously dead

>maho and miho have a half sister somewhere

>Using "Gavin" unironically

Efficiency only goes so far (namely 100%, which it doesn't, it actually goes up to less) shitty power-to-weight ratios and high drag (tracks) make for slow machines
Not to mention the actual engines barely lasting 100km, burning through more oil per mile than your average humvee eats through gas

I know what all those words mean, but I don't get what it's saying.

I want to be Shiho's son and enter into a relationship with Shimada Chiyo