Which is worse?
Trigger vs Madhouse
Trigger, I guess, but it's a very relative term.
Madhouse has made Paranoia Agent and Chobits, two of the best anime ever made.
Madhouse at least has the Kon films and Seven Years Hand Drawn.
Trigger no contest
Madhouse actually has a good repository of media, some that required skill/talent
Trigger has LWA
Madhouse could produce nothing but shit for the next five years and they'd still have a better library than trigger. Trigger only has memes at this point, they need to make a good non-short first before you can compare them to a studio that's been around for several decades that's responsible for a good number of classics.
Trigger = Tumblr
Madhouse = MAL
Trigger, why is this even a question?
Name me 1 show that Trigger made that was shit.
Inferno cop
You forgot Texhnolyze you fucking faggots.
Shut up, these were great
Madhouse. They had some good shows they released a decade or more ago, but they've fallen far.
Trigger is still fairly new, and they're hit-or-miss. Give them another decade and we'll see if they've plumbed the depths like Madhouse.
Make a new video already you fat cuck
The animation and voice acting was great. They were stuck with kind of a shitty story, but I thought they did a good with it.
There are plenty of Madhouse shows that were way worse than Inou Battle.
It's not so much that they produce a lot of shit, although was pretty shit.
It's the fact that you're picking a fight with a studio more giant than you realize. Look at madhouse's previous works and it's not even a question, they're on the same level as Toei or Sunrise.
Honestly you'd be better off pitting Orange against Trigger or some other baby tier studio that has been around for under ten years.
Inou Battle
Kill la Kill
Ninja Slayer
Inferno Cop
>implying inferno cop isn't a masterpiece
>Inferno Cop
Come on, bait a little harder.
Neither Orange makes their own anime, so I don't know how you'd compare them to Trigger.
I guess you're right, for whatever reason I thought they were the main drive behind Majestic Prince and Active raid.
This is me. Literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like this. There is no way you can convince me this is not me. This character could not possibly be anymore me. It’s me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of this not possibly being me, then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that this character is me. This character is me, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that this character is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and this character side by side, you’d see no difference. I can safely look at this character every day and say “Yup, that’s me”. I can practically see this character every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to this character. I chuckle softly as I’m assured everyday this character is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I’ve found my identity with this character and I know my place in this world. It’s really quite funny how similar this character is to me, it’s almost like we’re identical twins. When I first saw this character, I had an existential crisis. What if this character was the real me and I was the fictional being. What if this character actual became aware of my existence? Did this character have the ability to become self aware itself?
>kill la kill
Why does Sup Forums hate it so much?
Wasn't the second coming of TTGL. Also, the last few episodes were pretty bad.
Scrapped Princess is the best studio prove me wrong.
He can't.
Besides money, he's also looking for a new place to crash because his current apartment is giving him and his roommates along with everyone who lives there the shaft(not the studio). So yeah, the most he does now is stream on twitch to make some money, thats about it. He doesn't actually have the time to edit and make new stuff, for now.