Can anybody defeat this man in a debate?

>sargon BTFO twice
>mister metokur BTFO
>lauren southern BTFO
>coach red pill BTFO
>no bullshit BTFO
>naked ape BTFO
>kraut and tea BTFO
>buntyking BTFO
>andywarski BTFO
>chris ray gun BTFO
>laci green BTFO
>mouthy buddha BTFO
>Sup Forums BTFO
>nazis BTFO
>sjws BTFO

Serious, it's fucking insane how fast and efficient this guy debates. The only other person I've seen on this level is Ben Shapiro. Anybody used to hate this dude but has become an hero to us? He has really changed my view on the entire SJW/Skeptic community. This guy is truely a force to be reconciled in the "Skeptic" Community.

Other urls found in this thread:
Legit was BTFO by Nich Fuentes

HIDE manlet tread
IGNORE or SAGE manlet threads
DO NOT engage with manlet thread OPs.

if destiny is the intellectual of the left, I think we're going to be ok

is he a zionist?

These bait shill threads are so awful

Literally was btfo by all those people. Are you actually unaware or refuse to acknowledge him getting btfo everywhere...also sage typical leftist nonsense

The only person he really beat was Jontron and that Sup Forums guy. He was annihilated by Naked Ape, Sargon on the second time, Fuentes, that white nationalist guy, metokur, the list goes on.

metocuck did

he literally started crying minutes after jim left


Is there a vid?

Destiny got BTFO by Jim, made him sound like he wanted to run sorties over Mexico and made him cry by the end

OP said he won.

This exact thread AGAIN?

REPORT slide threads
>REPORT slide threads
REPORT slide threads
>REPORT slide threads
REPORT slide threads
>REPORT slide threads
REPORT slide threads
>REPORT slide threads

If you absolutely must reply, at least type SAGE in the Options field

Please fucking quit shilling this poor man's prosecutor, r/Destiny.


OP is a faggot

Like OP, Destiny is a faggot
Look how I'm BTFO him now

Fuck off shill, Metokur ripped Destiny a new asshole.
If you watch that video and still think Destiny can debate, you're a 20 IQ brainlet drone.
I've watched this guy since his justintv starcraft days but he's an arrogant egotistical retard that assumes he's an expert on a subject after reading 2 articles on it.

OP is wrong. Jim destroyed Destiny so bad he had to go to his audience to reaffirm his beliefs once the stream was over.
Jim literally made Destiny admit he's ok with racism and sexism against whites "for the greater good".

He didn't defeat Lauren, they just kept talking about different issues. Lauren was arguing about security and crime rates and Destiny about economics. I would say it was a draw.

You posted this this morning.

Knock it off, midget.

satan's right

Literally WHO is this faggot?

He represents the Lolipop Guild.

When you say cry i expect someone actually crying instead of someone thinking about the discussion


This is like the 5th time you've made the same thread brit bong. There should really be a limit on how many times you can make the same thread.

You are entirely useless. Go away now.

The Alt-Right will NEVER recover. You CAN'T beat him. Just stop before you embarrassed yourselves more hahahahahaha

Nope... I don't think anyone can!

I guess that short joke
went over your head




Is this the third or fourth time today you made this thread? Of course nu/pol/ will post sans-sage anyways.

really makes me think

I want to see Destiny versus Molynuex

Hi Destiny. You should really spread these threads out a bit. Every day? Are the donations thinning out? Being pushed out by streamers who provide some actual entertainment value?


You have terrible humor ;) fucking dad jokes

I got it. It just want funny.


Sorry m8, dadjokes are a sick addiction of mine.

Dad jokes best jokes

He is pretty damn good.
But, the thing is he is semi-pro.
If you want to see real top tier debate, find a serious debate club and sit in on a couple of them.
It is like watching verbal chess.





>defending Bernie buying 4 summer homes


It was great to see the manlet frantically googleing shit for an hour while he got bombarded with facts about shit he thought he was so confident about. Despite claiming to be rational and fact based, Destiny showed that he blindly bought into the "Gronald Grumpf will nuke the middle east! Clinton Good!" narrative.


Get out of here with this literal who e-celeb garbage. You know what goes in the options field

Who dis fagit wyte boi

Hes mah boo.

>Do you think it was right that the [racial] composition was changed without a vote.

Dude. The popoulace does not have a vote on CONTROLLING THE RACIAL COMPOSITION of the nation. I mean, you can vote with your penis. And then raise the kid. But no, you don't get to try and... what? forcefully castrate all the spics? No you don't get to force the jews to start banging more furiously. The racial composition of the US is not something that anyone should be even TRYING to control.

Immigration? Sure, that's completely ok. Bitch all you want about that. But whining and bitching about "the average skin tone got darker without me voting on it" is just..... dude, that's wrong.

And yeah, the comeback is legit. Congress DID vote on it.

kek, "leftists".

Fucker can't even get a real set. His greenscreen is glaring.

>Immigrants always vote for big government.

Uh huh. I'm sure all those post-nazi germany immigrants just LOVE government. And those fleeing Soviet Russia. Or the Mao purges. ... uh huh.

>Completely ignores that congress voted on this bill. Still says it was "diametrically opposed to the will of the people"

It's not a BTFO if you just ignore the legit counter-point.

Lets play a game I like to call "Which picture is photo-shopped"

Wasn't gamergate about some chick sucking off a bunch of journalists for good reviews? How did it get political?

No, that was burgers&fries
gamergate was about the dozen or so articles attacking gamers that came out as a reaction to people suggesting that reviews and rewards are rigged

Basically people said this is fucked up and hated game journalism even more and asked for transparency. Game journalists said it was the death of video gamers and said they were attacking women. Then feminists got into the whole thing and turned it into misogyny and SJWism.

density the dense libtard autist gamur? nothing to see here just a troll post

This thread again? And besides, who is that faggot? Looks like a sad shit.

>Then feminists got into the whole thing and turned it into misogyny and SJWism.
and then creepy bearded male feminists touched everyone

>can't beat him in debates
>can't make more money than him
>can't slander him
>can't bully him
>can't kill him (he has a weapons cabinet at home)

It's just non stop rape for a year now. When will Sup Forums just call it quits?

this thread again by the same 1 post brit

this post

sage this shit

>people actually think Destiny "won" any of those debates

I always knew people like you had to exist, but I never thought I'd ever see one

Basically it got the white male shut-ins who never cared about politics against SJW nonsense and into politics, which was a big part of the impetus of memetic warfare and trump support online. Good question, but still sage

>He didn't win all those debates.
Get some better political views user.

This guy is a fucking info dump surprised Destiny is so civil letting him go uninterrupted

This faggot sticks advertisements up when his opponent is talking
What a weedy little faggot
True minds dont want to be eceleb cancer
He would get owned if he came to Sup Forums and had to actually fight on accountable terms

He rage-quit the Sargon debate. You can never win a debate when you rage-quit.

>we lost, but by losing, we actually won.

>He has really changed my view on the entire SJW/Skeptic community
No he hasn't, because you are a shill trying to pretend like you were one of us that was convinced.

His arguments consist of screaming above his opponent and saying "THAT'S NOT A FAIR COMPARISON" during a debate.

It's a like a living MSNBC meme.

Not surprised at all he walked out on that troll philosopher.
All that guy does is say ridiculous shit constantly until you lose track.

Former StarCraft 2 player who dropped out of that game because he was too shitty, got his ass blasted by his that game's fan base for saying nigger once on his stream. Now he seems to be some kind of liberal debater on jewtube or something to that effect.

Destiny is retarded in that he thinks he can figure out a way to get politicians and companies to compensate workers voluntarily, but Sargon is a little bitch too.

Sargon, like many conservatives have no depth beyond saying blacks need to get married.

Sargon is not a conservative.

He didn't believe he had the right to be debating sargon, you can't lose harder than that.

>all these nu/pol/ faggots STILL bumping this thread
Please, all of you, kill yourselves

Is this the guy that said communism is just an 'economic thing'

Never realized what a smug asshole Molyneaux was before Destiny made that vid.

>Destiny behaves like an autist throughout the "debates"
>Refuses to argue issues, so you can't even understand what his "real" stance is
>Will talk in circles for literally hours, if it means avoiding talking about important issues
>Would rather ad hominem than argue opinions
>Claims to cite facts - google searches shit on the fly, claiming said source is indeed factual with zero research
>Ha, checkmate fatass! I win again XDDD *bobs head back and forth acting silly*
>When you don't have to debate because your ravenous fanbase will dox/insult/research for you, so you can just pretend you're styling on them
>"I obviously won" after, regardless of what was said or done
You're right. No one can beat Destiny because even if he and his reputation were 20 feet deep in the earth, his fanbase wouldn't believe it and he'd be too far up his own ass to concede.

> mister metokur
when was he actually btfo last time? i'd like to hear that shit

Just a reminder that if you bump this thread you are a redditor retard

To be fair you have to have a really high IQ to embrace the subtleties of Destiny's remarks in his debates. He obviously saw that his dialogue was going over Sargon's head and decided that it was a waste of time.

For over 6 months this SAME THREAD with 3 varying pics has been posted...

what's sad is that there are only a few reasons why:

1) Actually this guy who shills for himself... (lame beyond measure)

2) a fanboy (even worse) of his, defending his "honor"

3) a "troll" expending constant, autistic... "high effort."

No matter what it is.. it's fucking TRASH.

> 1 post by this ID

Destiny go to bed and pay your alimony


This is shill thread

haha Jim sounds like a based guy and Destiny is a faggot manlet

Agreed, even his catchphrase "my dude" is itself a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons.

>times X has won an argument = 5k+
>times X has been reward with sex for winning an argument = 0

Wow it's nothing.


>pol on full meltdown mode

interesting how muslims sound just like republicans tho isn't it?

This thread is trash but controlling the racial composition via legal means is quite easy when you look at it in terms of immigration and subsidies for births.

Immigration is a vote issue and does control racial composition

>you don't have to castrate the spics, if you don't let em be there in the first place

nobody. that's the joke / saddest part

Years of playing Starcraft have taught him to think 3 steps ahead. Unfortunately it has also taught him to associate with invasive aliens.

He's not wrong...

No he wasnt the only on who maybe btfod him was fuentes guy

destiny used to be cool i'm still hoping that maybe it's all just a ruse and he's playing devil's advocate to train people to be able to better defend their beliefs or something

>Uh huh. I'm sure all those post-nazi germany immigrants just LOVE government. And those fleeing Soviet Russia. Or the Mao purges. ... uh huh.

Let me rephrase that: the majority of nonwhite immigrants vote for big government. I don't care about white immigrants, or even asians to a certain extent

>The Virgin Destiny
>The Chad Gariepy


This guy reminds me of my beady-eyed ginger roommate who is even more of an autistic spastic.