page 64, 59 on doc
page 64, 59 on doc
pic related, was just released in the dump as well
Fucking heebs.
more threads needed on this same img!
This could be a stupid question but look at
why is this font significantly different from the rest of the text?
Seriously though guys, I'm getting sleeping, lets all go to bed.
I hope you're just trolling.
>tfw you've been waiting for a real happening for years and it finally happened
IT'S FUCKING TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When is aipac being banned?
I don't mean to sound trollish. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I was just pointing it out. It looks edited.
>inb4 I can tell by the pixels
>pictured: what Obama did for 8 years
I'm feeling pretty tired, I might go and have a (redacted).
>tfw say actually say (((they)))
Memes are fucking real
Doesn't this prove Jews and anti-communists collaborate together for nefarious ends? Doesn't this clearly disprove the retarded "Jewish communism" meme?
Any nigga who says "I'm getting sleepy." is a fucking shill tryna put you to bed. STAY AWAKE AND READ THIS SHIT.
Please Google Sam Hyde
But don't you know that yawns are contagous? You know you want to go to sleep.
In all seriousness, any retard that falls for the sleepy meme is low energy.
The Soviet Union would have squashed Israel like a stink beetle had it not been protected by the USA.
lol hes a fucking noob
Kek I'm a fucking idiot
What could it beeee
no you commiecuck
kikes invented fucking communism
Wow. I've never.... It's just too easy to insult you right now I don't know where to start
>The Jews
>not a certain cabal of elite rich who are mostly Jews that are fucking over the rest of the Jews along with the rest of us and using other Jews as cannon fodder
Antisemitism is a method of control used by the elite to control Jews and gentiles below them.
you forgot the ben garrison signature
digits confirm your idiocy
I know who sam Hyde is I just had a brain fart
Forgive me
What a time to be alive.
So.. you actually believed it was Sam Hyde.
The state of Sup Forums...
They have a set of brackets too
You are forgiven
It was the driver wasnt it?
JFK is still alive you fucktards. His fake assassination was the first big televised fraud
Google: JFK wellaware1 , compare the wives.. In video below it shows that Oswald gettting shot was staged too
rich jews, poor jews.. they're all part of the same tribe advocating for their tribe's interest (nation of Israel). it's just that the rich ones have the power to do it even if it means killing a US President or anyone else for that matter. that is literally why they killed him. because he wouldn't let them do whatever they wanted in the ME with nuclear weapons and of course The Fed.
wtf is this trying to say?
that a natsoc was trying to save jfk ?
2 in one thread?
Any more docs that confirm these implications?
Jews will just say that it happened long time ago and is not relevant to the modern politics.
will alex jones ignore this?
no one wants to fucking answer my q.
(((Ruby))) visited Israel!
Well we don't actually know since Trump bowed to the deep state and held back "hundreds" of documents from the latest release for further "national security review".
In other words, everything we got are likely the non-critical bits.
it has a fucking typo on it
Wait, he's alive and in Cuba? Is that what I just read?
The explosive headshot most likely came from the stormdrain. In the Zapruder film, unless you're viewing a super bad quality version, you can clearly (without any effort) see blood etc going UP at approx the 1 or 2 a clock direction.
Here's one with the entirety of both pages. The lower half of the Cubana flight report is too insane to be left out. The CIA didn't even try to find out who the passenger was and couldn't explain to Congress why that didn't.
Even the past isn't safe.
Thank you OP. All these threads and posts need to be with proper citations. This will avoid any of these shills claiming fake.
I would assume that this is refering to the jewish mafia, considering that back in that day saying jews as a collective probably meant this, not the synagogue jews downtown. Not shilling this is just a posit
and no planes hit the towers either.
and all mass shootings are CGI hoaxes.
Define he
He Harvey Oswald?
dat ass tho
this was one busy bad hombre
No. He = JFK
It's not complete without that sig.
My first thought as well ;)
All the stupid shit these fucks have pulled on us for the last 100 years
nigga those aren't even close
Why would they protect JFK?
Let's play a game, it's called Where's Oswaldo?
> Jews being confirmed for helping Anti-American governements out
> even probably killed Kennedy
>literally no one cares
If no one even begins to give a shit the USA deserves the good ol nuke treatment
Fucking kek, those dude from the hwndu forensic task force need to get on this shit
LOL detective pol is at it again.
Yes. Jews killed JFK because you found a jewish name! Omg!! What now and how does it relate to israel ?
Find the word Israel. Connect it to Israel.
Do you understand the concept of proof ?
Of they knew it for 50 years, why are we your greatest ally ?
Larping on the legacy of your own murdered president.
We do care, that's why we elected Trump.
Hey, he's switched threads to encourage the masses!
That lead went nowhere, guy was just shitposting
>Formed own group - SHRIKE (Society to Harass Reds & Intimidate Kikes)
I found /ourguys/
JFK told Israel: 'If you want U.S. aid, shut down your nuclear bomb factory'
>Finally, Kennedy had enough, and in a personal letter dated May 18, 1963, the president warned that unless American inspectors were allowed into Dimona (meaning the end of any military activities), Israel would find itself totally isolated.
Here's your (((you)))
>Greatest Ally
>Society to Harass Reds & Intimidate Kikes Everywhere
We mozu now?
No passenger name. No information.
The tactical use of the word "alegedly" again.
Literally nothing.
Fucking kek
Yeah imagine that - a 50 year old typewritten government document with a typo.
That one isn't that interesting desu. That kike was most definitely involved in the assassination but jews visiting israel is not anything significant.
Some 60’s bants?
Then shut up and read the whole archive you kike fuck.