People are posting these around Jordan Peterson’s neighborhood

Other urls found in this thread:

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

I think he can stand the heat more than anyone.

Antifa is so fucking dumb they don't realize this would just strengthen his cause and fanbase

Finally! Everyone must beware of Jordan Peterson "sorting out" the LGBTQIAP++PBAFDUMG youths of Toronto! It's only a matter of time until he "cleans the streets" like he "cleans his room" and who knows what will happen then! It's another shoah!!!!!!!

>taking anything the NCP is saying seriously.
It's a marginally edgier rhino party.

Agreed. I was poorly referring to the liberals. MAGA

>They can't even spell constitution right.
Not even a bit surprised.

The fuck? JBP is pretty tame compared to what else is out there. He's a good dude and doesn't deserve this.
What complete cunts.

Good. Edgy liberals need to be pushed hard right if there's any hope of saving the west.

>Standing for traditionalism = campaigning against human rights

These loser faggots just don't want to clean their rooms.

>They can't even spell constitution right.
Saw this on his Twitter.
I will say I am thankful to SJWs in a way. I took the sortingpill as a result of some snowflake bitching about him here.

Does this word have ANY power left?

The worst thing about political correctness is that there's no putting it back in it's bottle.

Consider what life would be like if you were to embody your conscience.

I live 2 minutes away from University of Toronto, what does Sup Forums want me to do to. Will provide pics with timestamp.

Organize a community effort to pick up litter in your area.


some Sup Forumstard has been posting them. he made a thread about it

Tell more

Oy vey!

Are we at 50 million hard supporters yet?

I'm optimistic.

Mainstream news lost all credibility. All of Hollywood is in a complete meltdown. People are rejecting establishment politicians.

Just keep rejecting it when they try to push it.


> Jordan Peterson
> Neonazi associate threat
> Denial of human rights
The absolute state of the left.

Antifa here, it was us.

Put the sign "it's okay to be white" over that lefty shit.

he is doxing back this afternoon.

he's a fucking liberal

>"cleans the streets" like he "cleans his room"

wtf do nothing you idiot, this is going to be a disaster for both sides

You could place any name there, and it would sound scary

peterson tells rightwingers not to be like rightwingers

Find some teal haired faggot and take a video of you kicking the chair out from under him

you need to leave now.

>lefties using alt-right memetic warfare against them

what fucked up timeline am I living in?

Get out while you still can

why block the name? it's a fucking tweet. it's public information except here?

Someone red pill me on Jordan Peterson. Why is he always brought up? Why do liberals hate him and conservatives like him now? He always seemed like just some random whacky self improvement philosophy type of guy. What so good about him from a right wing perspective?

lol, if someone is being called a nazi i always pay extra attention to him/her. Those are usually the folks with the most interesting stuff to say imho. Almost never it's an actual nazi lol.

Leftists are just fucking crazy.

>putting up long-winded posters
>memetic warfare
>$0.01 has been deposited into your piggy bank
Will shills ever learn?

Nice. I hope to see the day people like Peterson take up arms against our enemies.

If you can't stand the leaf, get out of Canada

It isnt because he is radical its because he is coherent and intelligent. The fag commie brigade wants their enemy to be dumb skinhead nazi punks who piss their pants but instead they get embarassed by JBP NON STOP for exposing them as functionally retarded.

What a coincidence, I'm in his class.

lol fucking stupid nazis


this is so fucking dumb

Lol tenure. Liberals btfo

Holy fucking shit. Those digits need to be checked

Explain me wat do...

ignore it all and improve your own life, seriously.

so what? they're constantly attacking him and trying to get him fired.

He was an early and vocal critic of Canadian legislation concerning gender pronouns. To say that it would make misgendering a person wittingly or not a crime isn't much of a stretch. He testified before the Canadian government to protest the legislation on the grounds that it limited speech but he's cool with trans people and will accommodate them to a reasonable degree but that criminalizing speech based around such vague concepts sets a dangerous precedent. This was enough to earn the reputation of an alt. Right natsee.

Did anyone call the number on the poster?

I should leave a message.

do u want a picture of my penis?

Let me guess... some neet faggot played the new Wolfenstein game and realized he had "lost the fighting spirit", which made him live out his bethesda inspired fantasy of "sticking it up to the man"


Pepe thats says NO PC

>learned man develops deeply nuanced views on consciousness and the human condition drawn from empirical evidence and years of personal experience as a clinical psychologist
>paraphrased to "he hates people"

The most frustrating """argument""" he could experience. It's not even sophistry. Sophistry is at least clever.


ignore it, get a gf, read a book, write a song, learn a hobby, get a raise. Why are you bothering with this? not rhetorical btw

Neo Nazi and Alt Right are pronouns and thus should be capitalized.

moar jp memes plz

He’s a thought criminal for not going along with the program of word reassignment. He preaches responsibility, family, and self improvement. He thinks Christianity is a correct and morally superior philosophy. He calls out communists and cultural marxists left and right.

Personally I think he’s fleecing people out of tons of money and he’s a false prophet that will burn in eternal hellfire. Worse still he’s a leaf. Although he may end up being the first leaf refugee seeking asylum for thought crime.

sounds like you could use the future authoring program user

i can find a coupon code for a 10% discount if youre interested

What makes him a false profit?

the absolute state of our bitches : ( that amount of plastic surgery at her age : (


Praise him

do these people understand irony?

Liberals aren't people. They're cattle.


>he is doxing back this afternoon.
>he's a fucking liberal
you fucking faggot

okay well he's being a fucking boomer and putting people in danger on all sides

I almost punched my monitor while watching his "debates" with that batshit insane people
>claim c16 is going to put not saying the pronouns as hate speech
>fat retarded cow tells him this is wrong because she is a lawyer and sucks massive dick
>some thing that calls herself a man immediately accuses him of hate speech

A classical liberal being devoured by the endgame of said liberalism

Teaching Christianity as merely a correct moral philosophy is heresy. He frames a lot of important biblical stuff in terms of Jung and Nietzsche as if they don’t stand on their own. He simultaneously thinks it’s superlative and yet requires lesser thinkers and documents to unpack all the meaning.

His whole take on the faith is very appealing to religious skeptics but it’s poison for the actual faithful.

So what, are you okay with doing nothing then?
What, do you rather have fat retards running dodge charges into crowds or something?
He is the only one doing anything worth a fucking damn to stop the filth from spreading and cut it at the root
Because he is smart enough to admit that religion isn't objective truth as many retards believe it to be.

I believe in God, but try to convince non believers that its a good moral philosophy regardless, is this wrong, I just think its easier to get people listening if they are skeptical

Because its fun

Peterson will be fine even if the university fires him. He is a celebrity now and has made himself his own brand. He gets enough support from patreon and other donations that he can go 100% self employed if he wants.

My faith in humanity is gone

yeah Im going to do nothing, and none of you should. why what would you even do if you knew his TA or the ppl he doxed?

what side are you going for? any and all? chaos?

For what it's worth, he's said that it may actually be true, but he focuses on how it is psychologically true.

Realizing that it's functionally true is the first step to realizing it's actually true, and so it seems to be good for some people. But yes, at some point, one must actually believe, or your usefulness to God is limited.

>people of colour
>human rights

>if you attack your enemies, they win
Leafs truly are cancer incarnate

> relating the good moral parts of christianity to other philosophies is bad and poisonous.
> If you don't fully follow my own particular, probably hypocritical interpretation of my religion it's heresy and you deserve hellfire.

The worst part of modern society is that theocrats like you are less repugnant than SJWs somehow. Modern politics is cancer.

I'm hardcore atheist but I do admit Christianity does have a lot of good moral ideals. However, Christianity by no means has a monopoly on these morals. The Bible is also full of horrible hate, ignorance, and outright lies about how the universe operates.

I admit Christianity is way better than Judaism or Islam. But it is still backwards thinking that is obsolete. We can extract the positive teachings of Christianity and learn from them without having to believe all the nonsense.

Judging from your post, you're too ignorant for it to matter what you think about this of that religion.

Once you admit it is correct and superior to all alternatives what do you gain by nit picking its level of truth?

He strikes me as a non-believer who arrived at this conclusion logically and he has faith in the system of civilization that Christianity tends to produce without having faith in any of the specifics. Maybe I’m reading him wrong and he actually has faith but he doesn’t use any of the language that typically denotes that.

The fact that it constrains you, do you believe the bible is objective truth?
Claiming it is will constrain you and belittle you into a peasant that cannot see farther than what it's front of him, that humility is good I know but I don't want to live like that, honestly.

Judging by your post you are just a butthurt young earth creationist who can't find any real flaw in my comment so you skip straight to attacking my character instead. I'll take it as a complement.

Why are you so butthurt that you’re going to hell? The path to salvation is simple especially once you’ve decided that it will objectively lead to a better outcome on average. If you are simply going to mime the faith to get the rewards but not really commit to it who is the real asshole?

why would you attack peterson? DONT let it be

Times will come when being named a NAZI is a compliment and not an insult

So you would stray from the superior and correct system simply because it requires some limitations on your behavior? Do you think you are somehow improving the system by doing this or are you just willing to accept worse outcomes?

Even if they fire him he's still a gorrillianaire.
More time to work on his personal projects if he doesn't need to teach.

Is my english too bad to understand you or are you just a blathering dumbass?
How is identifying the people that are attacking him damaging to peterson?
How is learning more about the natural world not beneficial for our societies?

Everyone wants a qt virgin doe-eyed xtian gf now, so they join the church as Petersonians who rationalize their porn addiction and other favorite vices as harmless and pretend to be sincere. Ask them if they want a Petersonian gf who secretly watches porn and masturbates to all the cocks she sucked before meeting them. Oops, I guess lying about the past isn't THAT bad, now is it?

They want a Christian, but not the hassle of becoming Christian themselves.