One punch man english dub

>One punch man english dub

Other urls found in this thread:

>any dub in general besides the Pokemon dub and Bebop

>hey guys I hate dubbed anyme just like everyone here, hehehe can I fit in now?


What does a dub add that the original subtitles can't?

Yu Yu Hakusho
Possibly FMA (both versions)
Hell, technically, Japanese Pokemon is beter than the English, you just grew up with it.

I wasn't defending dubbed anime, just wondering why OP made this thread.

>Not judging dubs and subs individually based of the performance of the actors, script and translation.

>no Baccano!

how is the pokemon dub, anyway
i only remember watching it as a kid

It's good. I like Saitama's voice

>no Panty and Stocking

>not knowing the glory of Spanish dub Bobobo Bobobobo

I honestly liked dubs because I dislike reading.
I was literally like you for the longest time shitting on people who said that subs were better than dubs and calling them pretentious and shit.

One Punch Man was so fucking shitty, It changed my entire view of this subject.

>Possibly FMA (both versions)

FMA rose to popularity because of it's english dub. Only Cancer era and up don't know this.

In the case of YYH, the scripts host some certain differences.

YYH in English is far funnier, so the anime is a bit more lighthearted until Chapter Black. Many of the voices are far better and they really put their energy into it.
Japanese just doesn't feel as fun; the script is more serious but it doesn't have to be. It's good but I prefer English.

Well... it's okay. I can't say its bad but it does have screechy voices for certain characters, but not annoyingly. I guess it has humor as well.


I am unreasonably appreciative of them keeping Ladd's THANK YOU FUCK YOU perfectly intact. Isaac and Miria were spot on too.

Reminder that the Dragon Ball Z Kai dub is great



>shitting on the bebop dub

Get out.