Would you still love your waifu if she got a total gastrectomy?

would you still love your waifu if she got a total gastrectomy?
how would you react to such an event?

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Can you still function properly after something like this?

it's surprisingly minor; it just requires some lifestyle changes. Things like eating smaller meals, a higher calorie diet so you don't rapidly lose weight, etc.
It's amazing how little your body needs to work with to keep itself running.

>would you still love your waifu if she got a total gastrectomy?
Why wouldn't I? It's not her fault.
>how would you react to such an event?
I would be highly bemused. I do not know what it entails, but I doubt it would be very pleasant for her, especially given that it'd certainly deprive her of her sport.
This is good news I suppose...?

Surely there are some foods that you can't digest without a stomach, right?

Seems alright to me but it would be horrific.

>your waifu undergoes major surgery to literally have an organ completely removed
>he's "highly bemused"
shame on you, user. Have a little more empathy

How the hell do you protect yourself from ingested bacteria without the acid?

A lot of protein digestion takes place in the stomach. This means she probably won't be able to digest big hunks of meat like steaks or BBQ. She can still eat it, but she'll get minimal nutrition from the meat, and she'll also be shitting out big chunks of beef and pork which weren't broken down properly.

So she'll need simpler proteins like amino acid supplements to get by. In general it should be easy to adapt to, but she'll need to eat more fats and carbs to make up for it.

The stomach is the thing that breaks down most of the food you eat so your intestines can absorb it without out it you'd pretty much need to eat paste for the rest of your life since that's about the limit your intestines can break down. A total gastrectomy is like a worse version of Diabetes basically. That said I don't see what your waifu only being able to eat paste for the rest of their life has to do with loving them.

>deeply thoughtful; preoccupied
>perplexed and bewildered
It's not a bad word.
That said, it'd be such a bizarre situation that thinking of it I can only laugh.

There are some people who have colostomy bag fetishes, you know.

There's acid in the small intestine too iirc

Would you still love your waifu if she got a abdominoperineal resection?

*thinking of it NOW I can only laugh
Were it to happen I would not be laughing.

>she'll also be shitting out big chunks of beef and pork

That's a lot of nearby tissue.

Isn't that highly extreme to take out so much?

Would you still love you're waifu if she lost one or multiple limbs in an accident? Would you even consider making a girl with limb(s) missing you're waifu?

Then she probably woulda shit herself sooner.

Sometimes you're better off without the organ than with just half of it

For those who are insecure (including myself), it would actually make it better. she would depend on you and wont be able to betray you

What's with this weird thread and why is no one questioning its existance on Sup Forums.

I'd dedicate my whole life trying to get her back to full health.
I would, but that brings me horrible memories. Unfinished shit stinks even worse than normal shit. Love here is the key word.
You don't fuck with cancer. If you find that shit, even half of the colon isn't out of the question.

It's too late to change our destiny now.

Fucking life cultists man.

Are you telling me this lets surgery lets me eat delicious niku without gaining weight? Why is this not a commercial product yet?

See, my waifu probably has like 97 more stomachs, so it's not a problem.

What kind of abstract shitpost is this? Of course I would

It is in some places. Sleeve gastrectomy is used in bariatric surgery.

i liked the sequel to this, where she gets artificial robot limbs and eyes and then hunts down and slaughters the dude who did it to her

Go for it man.

Imagine the limb attachments she could get

Mai waifu is already missing her arms. Please don't take her legs too, she needs those to paint.


lmao yesss
>those world-weary eyes
>that face that says she's prepared in body and mind to take the life of another human being
>the gun resting on her lap

would you throatfuck your're waifu while she's recovering from wisdom teeth removal?

I wonder how hard it is to pick up disabled girls irl. I'd be fine dating one, and I think it'd be more fulfilling than dating a non-disabled girl. I can imagine they'd be really wary of able bodied people though, or just think they're being treated like a fetish. So long as they're cute I really don't see it as a negative.

someone post the pirate version.

Don't cut yourself with that edge.

if they were cute she would always be suspicious of being an object of someone's fetish, and also of being used by someone like you who is "settling" for a disabled girl because they cant get an able bodied one.

I'd plunder her booty if you know what I mean.

>This thread

>Sup Forums - Health and Medicine

Yeah you're right. It's a shame that real life has to be so shitty.

you waifu is fucking dead ;_;

Will her tummy gurgle a lot? If so, hell yes.


Surely this is a joke right? You are only memeing, right? Where are the proofs? Doing that to yourself is absolutely terrifying.

The gurgles will be followed up by diarrhea, are you all right with that?


My waifu died getting punched to pieces anyway so nothing can phase me now.

Sure. As long as I get to hear her cute tummy rumblings before she dashes off.

finally i can taste true love without gagging!

>Fucking life cultists man.

>not loving her and making her life worth living
I'll fucking fight you 1v1 irl.

Fuck off death cultist, your ambiguous boundary of making life not worth living is harmful as a whole to our entire species and ends in our extinction.

I'll take that as a no, you sick bastard.

>can't see
>can't hear
>can't speak
>has no limbs
You know in nature this person would just be dead, right?

Oh look, the normalcucks are here, took you long enough.

So would virtually 99% of everyone alive today.

Checkmate murderer.

Wait, are you serious about this? You really think she would need to die? Fuck off man, why the fuck can't you think of something better like advancing technology to the point where she can see, hear, speak, and move again?

Fuck you and your despairing, unimaginative views.

Memeing just a bit. It's used mostly for hamplanets with hamplanet-related diseases who would supposedly die if they don't get that kind of surgery because it's too hard for them to put the fork down.


Man, you sound edgy. BUT, I do have to admit, it'd probably be better for user to put her down at that point, nobody should have to live like that.

Is that how small those bags really are?
one of my co-workers had to get one put in but I've never seen it in person

>not wanting to kill someone makes you a normalfag
It's the normalfags themselves who are so materialistic and shallow to want to kill someone who is no longer useful instead of helping them.

I've considered dying myself, but I'd never allow someone else to lose hope of living.

I'm prepared to love my zombie waifu.

>it'd probably be better for user to put her down at that point, nobody should have to live like that.
I wouldn't mind it though. I already spend 99% of my time daydreaming, I'd be okay with that.

Would you keep your waifu's filled-up shit bags as a miraculous material product of her divinity to be treasured? Surely you wouldn't throw away something that contains an extract of your waifu's perfection?

>she didn't ask for this

good taste in waifus? in my Sup Forums?!

Would this mean you could fuck her in the butt without getting poop on your dick because it comes out somewhere else?

There's an episode of Hoarders that's sort of like that.


>advancing technology to the point where she can see, hear, speak, and move again?

Don't even fucking need to. All this alredy exist, user just needs to dedicate his life to earning enough cash to pay for the surgeries.

You have absolutely no idea what her life is like, and you have no power to scry the future and tell her that, "Things will get better". For all you know, your empty cheerleading could condemn someone to ten more years of misery. You simply have no way whatsoever of knowing and I guarantee that when pressed on this you'll dodge and squirm and play the victim.

There's few things that piss me off any more but that calorie-free, retarded, soundbyte-tier, "Things will get better" dog shit is one of them.

Self-righteous assholes like you still feel the need to "help" just so you can feel a bit better about yourself. I really wish people like you would just fuck off.

Actually they don't have butthole, everything is removed.

wait, so they just sew the ass up?



Shouldn't it be up to the person who has the injuries?

Okay okay. Still though, it's pretty horrifying that hamplanets that big exist in the first place.

This would only make me love her more. Nobody else would love her or care for her but me. She would have no one to depend on other than me. Through my devotion for her she will truly fall in love with me and be grateful for my loyalty.

>you will never have a no-armed girl
>you will never help her with basic tasks throughout the day
>you will never hold your child up to her chest so both of you can hold it
>you will never see her cry with joy when she wears artificial arms for the first time

Thats lame, if the problem is further up the colon they should just leave the anal canal and some of the rectum behind, it wouldn't hurt anything. Is it an infection thing or something? I wonder what a butthole and its nearby tubing would get like without poop getting pooped out of it, maybe mucus and bacteria would build up or something.

>you will never smell the shit caking her asshole because she can't wipe it herself

The whole "never say die" as a medical ethos is incredibly paternalistic and problematic on a cultural level (it's usually puts living over whatever the actual quality of that life is). Life and death cases are supposed to be determined individually and anyone who goes "anyone in this condition should live/die of the bat", needs to be kept the fuck away from other people's health decisions.

why is disabled love the purest love?

>problematic on a cultural level
I think you went to the wrong website.


Here, try copy and pasting this URL into your address bar.

What would you do if that was your imouto or mom?

Because it feels good to have someone more miserable then you around to depend on you.

>all these people talking about limb amputations
>when there are far more interesting operations and conditions
amputee is normie level when it comes to stranger fetishes

I'm intrigued by your suggestion. Go on.

Just get a bidet.

First off, Iron Lungs.
Various forms of brain damage, like being unable to process the "left sides" of things, among other fuckery.
The thing where they take out your voice box and you speak through a little cube.
The thing that happened to the soldier where he just had a flap that opened straight to his stomach, and he ate by shoving food into it.

>you will never have a misaki in your life

Cancer is serious business user, you don't just remove it and be done with it. Sometimes you must remove nearby tissue, lymph nodes, etc.