This is very disturbing episode.
Its Hollywood witch hunt.
This is very disturbing episode
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southpark has stopped being funny in the least bit. they need to quit or take a few years off.
I was trying to correlate the point of the episode, you are very very smart, i bet you watch Rick and Morty, huh?
give me a rundown/cliffnotes of episode
Eric Cartman is the only good character. Mel Gibson PBUH HH
its not funny this episode literally have group of witches but only one abduct children and make all witches look bad!
Thanks for the reminder, new episode.
Iv been a South Park dirty cock sucker since episode 1. They could plummet the thing into the ground and i'll still watch. No jokes off-bounds, that doesn't mean they are all gems. A lot of them are shit, complete shit, but of anything, they got the methodology right. Keep hitting until one connects, and when they make it connect, fuck its a pretty funny show.
>they got the methodology right. Keep hitting until one connects
so South Park is afraid of being lumped in with the pedos when the day of the rope hits? maybe they should speak up now and save themselves before it's too late
its pretty obvious they put their juices into their games, the new one is pretty good. it's funny and it isn't as one sided as the show has become.
there is something related to that and what happens guys who do want to expose things, all other witchs starts to blame that guy.
you mean witch pursuit right
It started off okay with Iron Maiden but it just got more boring.
>we-we're innocent goys
>no really you can stop investigating now
>we're not doing anything shady
Far too many trashy or lazy people are using or allowing South Park to keep to keep their kids sitting still and not bothering them. This material should not be getting into children's minds, but idiot normie parents either fall for or more likely rationalize that "it's a cartoon, so-".
>doesn't post a tldr
are you part of their viral marketing team or some shit?
You best be joking. Eric is the most flanderized character.
I lost interest when last season's plots involved shitting on the concept of white people having memory. The "day took ar jorbs" b.s. was annoying too. The American middle class were some of the hardest-working, smartest and most loyal people who ever graced this earth.
I loved this episode. South park is great
It's interesting that the 2016 season had their version of Trump supporters rioting in the streets with "fuck 'um" signs, being randomly violent. When after the election we saw the Left play this out in real life with "Rape M_____" signs, burning shit, beating people, etc, even until now. South Park lest track of the zeitgeist sometime after the PC Principle theme.
Remember when cartman was awesome and not just some fat dope with a gf he hates
same senpai
The president has to come in and save the day.
South Park is rated MA for a reason, fuckhead. It's not designed to be watched by kids.
People still watch this?
The season where they assraped SJWs was amazing
>All I´m saying is that if there is a witch in the woods you shouldn´t walk around dressed as Hansel and Gretel
This, best in a while
>>doesn't post a tldr
Hi newfriend. We don't do that crap here. Read the posts or fuck off.
yep. i haven't watched since last season and so far i haven't read of them ridiculously hillary supporters yet. iirc the first episode of the new season openly mocked trump supporters. and all trump supporters are doing is literally nothing.
ever since that rollingstone article they did where they admitted there should be a double standard with freedom of speach i've lost all respect i had for them.
i don't care if they want to make fun of trump and his supporters. i really don't. but flatout ignoring the lunacy on the left right now is outrageous. there are a lot of comedy gold and they are purposefuly ignoring it.
i remember reading that the day after the election they had comedy central execs "crying" to them on the phone in horror that trump won. these fucks actually feel sorry for them. fuck them. its southpark.
>ridiculously hillary
anyways i miss the early and mid 2000 episodes when it came to politics. they did a decent job equally bashing both. now its predominantly one sided with politics and i don't know how they got here from pc principal and their take on safe spaces and reality which was brilliant.
>witch hunt
Too bad
South Park has actually been pretty redpilled on everything for most of it's existence, it's just that the Trump thing is really where they officially got old and out of touch. I wish so much that I could ask them why they used to make fun of Hollywood liberals crying about republicans, and now just sound like them.
South Park is old.
I chuckled at that nursing home episode where they played prison rap. Also when Carman sang Nirvana
south park is degenerate filth
i would never have known about hermaphodites if not for this vile show
I actually loved the Trump stuff. When Garrison is on stage crying about how he's scared and doesn't know what to do and Stans dad starts loving him, that was amazing. They've always just riffed on pop culture. They didn't even take a Fucking side.
They called Hillary a turd sandwich, made her a retard, and joked about her waving to the 4 people excited to see her.
Pretty sure you would have on Sup Forums.
I was raised by South Park. fuck yourself
I guess you need to be in hollywood to get the joke. Though somebrainwashed kid that laughs at ever southpark episode because it use to be coool will think it was funny.
Except none of that was really relevant to what was going on in that election, you can tell they had like the most surface level understanding of it from watching MSM. really, it's because they watch too much fucking TV, that's obvious from their show content. Watching TV is for old farts.
These guys should just stop making episodes and just make tiny shorts on YouTube about current events.
The episode had far more parallels to Hillary and the dems or Bohemian Grove than Weinstein.
Secret club where they get fucked up once a year. One of them is actually taking kids souls. Trump used to be one of them so he shows up to kill the witch as they're getting ready to patsy the other guy.
Thematically this episode was a Fucking masterpiece.
gimme a half hour imma watch it now. im 3 minutes in and already the based "girlfriends are total shit brain washers" meme has kicked in. sweet
When half the country believes some bullshit it's part of the culture whether you agree with it or not. Their failure to kiss Trumps ass is not a failure. It's what the show has always been.
Too late for that after I got an eyeful of fourth grade penises in season 20
>tfw you run into Dan Schneider in the hall unexpectedly
Just Nickelodeon things.
Sounds like they got your soul to be honest
Can you delete this slander
I'm a fan. You're a child.
They didn't have to kiss Trump's ass. But you're delusional if you think they didn't softball Hillary by comparison. Here's a completely different, more relevant take they could have done on the whole thing: Everyone is incensed about Trump's character while hypocritically ignoring Hillary's actual criminal shit. There is so much more potential for jokes and meaningful satire there, but instead they went the route of 'haha trump's a racist jerk he shouldn't be president because his personality sucks!' LAME.
post source
>that reflexive "dont kiss me stop kissing me" twitch
Its diaper witch academy, just google it
no I just don't watch that cartoon any more
A picture of a tweet from him and a video are not slander.
>goes on Sup Forums
>still watches jewish bullshit
Are you all retarded or what's the deal here?
You're an idiot if you don't think Trump is a joke. You're also an idiot if you think your vote changes anything.
>national geospatial agency
honestly i don't really know what the analogy was with the witches. At first i thought muslims but probably not.
They're under samizdat
it's not an analogy
>Iv been a South Park dirty cock sucker
i feel like this is that thing the kids call "projection"
> one witch ruining it for other witches
> witches keep doing their shit anyway
> public action of witches are peaceful instead of fixing the situation
it's what going on with the Podestas and Hillary
>it's another Sup Forumsfags get triggered because someone made fun of Trump episode
what slander? he's a fucking degenerate
you're on Sup Forums you dumb chainsaw ducking spic
I agree. After the hiedi episodes he was reduced to a laughable character
No he isn't
Thanks, I thought I was on /lit/
But he's saying it about himself?
what part of "witch hunt" don't you understand? do you not see the parallel that they are drawing?
dont know what is more pathetic. this show is still on the air or that people still watch it.
They are old and out of touch
I think it's because of all the white middle class people who are doing drugs, but that one guy overdose on it, and now causing trouble for everyone.
Naughty! Thread is depressing! AWEFUL
He is
Dan, take off the VPN and go to bed.
No he isn't there's no proof
I'm not on a VPN and I work nights
Maybe for a freak like you this shit is normanl.
What a creep
You guys are just crazed sex perverts
You missed the point completely man. It’s about elite whites not giving a fuck about rural whites, until the rural whites start to riot like niggers and are finally seen as “poor souls to help” by elite whites. “Rich white ladies would go to Africa and let the black kids suck her tits dry while poor white babies died covered in flies.” I heard something like that once, I forgot where.
>no you
I gave up on this show after "put down your phone". I don't need my stupid juvenile cartoon speaking past me as an audience member to Trump when he isn't going to watch it in the first place. Like christ just send him a fucking letter or go talk to him yourself.
what's so bad about being Jewish?
>notoriously greedy
>invented usury
>nepotistic to the core
>use the Holocaust as a cudgel to end debates
>promote degeneracy among non-Jewish societies
The list could go on and on.
Just a coincidence
The writing in that episode was so bad, the entire episode had Craig acting rational towards the possible threat of NK then he just suddenly decides that Tweak was right at the end.
Which season was it that had Pewdiepie as the central plot point again?
the recent seasons are just bad. but the musical number actually pissed me off. not because it was anti-trump (low hanging fruit), but because the whole buildup seemed to be "we need to start curbing this smartphone social media addiction before we destroy our society and stop enjoying anything or living in our own lives", and then it's like NAH FUCK DRUMPF MUH NORTH KOREA like holy fucking shit dude.