Thursday is going to be a good day.
Danganronpa 3
second for Mahiru
>the two biggest waifu baits die in the same week
I'm not ready
>Tengan gets an extended fight scene, expositions the shit outta Munakata, then goes down with a fight
>Gekkobot keeps reanimating itself for multiple episodes until Munakata finally finishes it off
>Juzo gets backstabbed
no! I refuse to believe it!
He's alive, and maybe he wont survive the game, but he's definitely not dead yet!
What was the point of all that time spent on the Class 76 trio subplot if all three of them die?
Oh I hope so. I need someone to die.
>yfw Juzo got stabbed
Mahiru and Mikan arent dying though in despair.
Stay strong friend
There's no way a puny knife will be enough to put down our boy
Why are her eyes red? Why does her murder not fit the attacker's MO? Why is she so beat up? Why are her clothes ripped? Why is there blood and cloth scraps under her fingernails?
I want to marry Sonia!
You will be by Thursday. I want some angry waifufags.
kinda funny that DRIF would have you believe that Mukuro starts to actually kinda like her classmates two years from now
>Punched Naegi so hard Rihanna playing sticks and stones
>Knee'd the fuck out of Anxiety fag and makes niggers drop faster than the Detroit police department
>Went one on one with the Gozuboys
>Rekt Hinata so hard he turn Izuru
>100% accuracy rate in Olympic chair throwing, that one miss on Kirigiri was just to flex his muscles and check dat ass
>Went full ham on the old man and crew just to get his kick quota fulfilled
>Roundhousekicks the everlasting shit out of Monaca's puppet
>Too busy punching manlets, so some mentally deranged kid blows up half the school
>Great try, but no normalfags died
Fucking reeeeeeeeeee
>Tried to kill the donut but jobbed again
>Survived 2 missile barrages by some random ass cripple in a wheelchair
>Called out Monokuma's bluff with his cameras, recording his mad-ass pecs and didn't give a fuck in general about any of these plebians
>Became the world champion in boxing, declaring himself to be best with bare hand combat before even leaving high school
>Too Alpha to mess with the bitches and instead neglects his own feelings as being the third wheel to protect his friends no matter what
>Only taking 2 episodes rest before kicking the shin of everyone again.
>Took a fucking spear to the shoulder, impaled into a wall and shrugged it off like it was just a mosquito bite
>Seduced by Ruruka's sweets, but who gives a shit, our boy definitely doesn't. Fuck candy and fuck that whore, time to get her killed via NG
>Kicks the riot down with the power of flaming fists and thousands of normies
>Crawling to safety as we speak! :v(
PS: Normalfriends and Chiakifriends need not apply to based Juzo
Stay strong, my friend! He's been through worse!
He trusted Munakata.
He wasn't some Judas like Mikan so it's sad to see it happen like that.
Is Munakata in full despair mode?
What did Tengan said to trigger him so much?
Fuck off
Not all things have a deeper meaning or a reason to exist, yet they do and nothing of value is gained from them. See your own life.
I'm biggest question is why put the candy ball in her belly button?
Did the killer shove them up her ass and vagina too?
So will Junko just use the gun to kill Chiaki or will she make Chisa do it?
if Munakata gets one more kill then he, the traitor, and the mastermind are all tied up!
So it's hack writing then, basically.
Why do people hate Chiaki here a lot? She's better than Mikan.
Peko is my waifu though desu.
>tfw no NTR Peko doujin
I still cried when Chiaki died on DR2 btw ;_;
I'm not like them. But I can pretend! I think I'm dumb or maybe just happy.
people hate DR3 Chiaki for doing nothing but say "Hinata-kun..." for weeks
Ryota is suspicious? Grats Sherlock. There's no way anyone would know that by now, right?
>yfw Asahina is caught because of an empty medicine bottle
This is seriously making the "Killer Killer is the hidden player" theory look true.
Nobody hates her people don't like her as a human and you're a cuck.
Pills Ex Machina for Kirigiri.
Why is reddit able to notice things better than us?
>Why do people hate Chiaki here a lot?
Chiaki has the most fans and still has a chance to survive.
That pisses off all the other waifufags because their waifu either wasn't as well liked or died.
The Chiaki hate increased yet again immediately after Kyoko's death.
mostly komaedafags who shit on the het OTP
Friendly reminder that Kirinigger ded.
He's a blessing to my eyes every time he shows up on screen. I can't even believe I've come to like him so much.
>one of the last things Kirigiri did was hold Naegi's hand with her real hand
I'm legitimately upset we never got to see a kiss, kirigiri really liked that kid, it was literally her hope to live
But you're not Hajime.
Also why are they in a straight line?
I'm a bit bothered that we didn't get to see her disgusting freak hands.
and Hajime not Gundam
>Crack shipping
anyone have that one comic with Izuru being questioned about the Hajimeme sprite?
its in Jap unfortunately
Screencap This.
Weedman sacrifices his life to become SHSL Reality Warper.
At the cost of his entire talent, abilities, and life, he substitutes the current reality with the happy reality.
You must not lose hope
>Sup Forums
>not retarded
pick one
I can't think of anime Mukuro as Mukuro. She doesn't even fit the free time events the way she is now. But I chalk this up to lazy writing and making every character in the show one dimensional.
"Yes Chief, they still think I'm loyal to Class 78. Munakata caught on, but he was disposed of. As for Kirigiri-san, well... let's just say the experimental poison was an amazing success."
"No Chief, I have no idea what Ruruka was planning. But with her torn to pieces, I don't imagine it matters."
"Yes Chief, Nagito thought he was Ultimate Hope until the very end. He thought the game was his idea all along."
"Yes Chief, I agree. The world needs a mix of Hope and Despair. They never knew there was a second Kamakura project. I saw to that when I disposed of Yukizome and Seiko."
"Yes Chief, your plan went perfectly. I look forward to seeing you back at Headquarters, Nanami-san
This show still has to be televised. They can't show anything THAT graphic.
"ur a faget"
>kirigiri just killed off like that
I'm still not sure how to feel.
Now that the Great Gozu's code has been revealed to have nothing to do with protecting Naegi, can we all agree that he was a true bro?
>Juzo stays loyal to Munakata through thick and thin
>Juzo follows all his orders, even putting himself in harms way to help the man
>Juzo is obviously very hesitant to kill anyone, even taking the chance to leave so he isn't forced to do so.
>Trusted Munakata despite the fact Munakata went shit house crazy.
>Gets a sword in the gut because he didn't abandon his buddy from high school.
>There are "People" who still dislike Juzo
I actually haven't seen this meme before. Please explain.
I'm gonna fix that to woman, if I don't it will bug the shit out of me.
>No "Juzo's fate revealed"
Shit poll
Reminder that hope ALWAYS WINS.
I dunno, I think she's consistent. Mukuro did bad shit and it's showing her during the time she did bad shit.
I want to be your best man and get shitfaced.
His NG is literal easy mode that could be mistaken for traitor's though
>Robot has info on all the NG codes
Hold the fuck up. Did Monaka ever state that she was into this with the mastermind? I thought she said she joined in for fun right?
Does her robot really count as a participant if that's the case? Couldn't there be 2 people in hiding in it doesn't count?
Keep the memes coming
She the classic red hair tsundere. Shown to be very motherly and has traditional view on marriage.
> 2 people.
> Zombie Mukuro and Junko.
She hacked it.
>That bit right before he got stabbed where he could tell his friend had fucking lost it but was trying to bring him back.
Feels good being a soniafag.
And you shall do it, my friend.
no, Monaca's a special case since she never went to sleep
she fucked around and checked everyone's NG codes during that time
naw i wanna see junko snap her neck to set up her pattern of snapping necks in Dr0 Izuru would be too busy fighting off a hinata memory
He looks like he really does believe in that fantasy of being Munakata's right hand man as he builds a new world. God, anons, he's too pure.
Not him but she has the lewdest FTEs.
FTEs are canon.
>Alive and well
Feels good to be a soniafag indeed.
That part is fine and all, but the problem I have is her being a masochist to Junko. She seems a lot more indifferent towards everything in the game. I know she really likes her sister but I think the anime took it a little too far and made her out to be a joke character half the time.
>Not posting the best version
How many years of intensive therapy is Naegi going to need?
Seriously, he must be suffering from the worst PTSD ever at this point. He's been in two full killing games, and sort-of in one.
Literally not dead.
I'm surprised I haven't seen people talking about Gekko's situation more.
>Monaca kills Real Gekko and makes Gekkobot
>sends Gekkobot to FF and controls her from there
For what purpose did she make Gekkobot? She had to have been associated with the mastermind somehow.
My understanding is that people aren't a fan of how most of her AI traits were replaced with nothing but repeating "Hinata-kun" on loop for weeks
I don't mind personally, but I can see how people who liked her for her other character traits would be mad
She has caveman view on gender roles and marriage.
If you slapped her butt and ordered her to make a sandwich, she would if you were a decent husband.
Our boy was too pure for this world
To save myself from further despair I will assume she is dead until proven otherwise.
It was more Imposter fault for sending her alone and getting captured, asswipe
>kiri killed
Fucking this fucking anime.
Fuck Kodaka.
Fuck Sup Forums, /drg/, and Sup Forums.
I have officially dropped this fucking shit.
Kodaka you hack fuck, I hope you're reading this shit. V3 will be the last thing you ever work on.
I think that's consistent with both IF and 0. Mukuro's an Ultimate Despair and she acts like one, including an unhealthy obsession with Junko.
Did the mastermind knows about gekkobot?
Purest character.
It's because of people like you Kodaka can't actually kill anyone off.
She had a good run user.
>Chiaki is alive
>Didnt participate in NWP because she never fell to despair
>Ego created her AI version to patch up Hajime because he was the most fucked up of the bunch
Shitters about to get BTFO once again by based Kodaka.
>tfw Juzo never got to give him real first aid
Also,Judas was never brainwash don't know what that user thinking.