What the FUCK was her problem?
What the FUCK was her problem?
she was raped by her father and kept in the hall with no bed for easy urinal access if he needed to go piss on her in the night.
Serious family issues. She's the only gatari that stays completely fucked up through the entire storyline, she just learns to hide it.
She was too sexy for her own good.
Poor ability to actually solve oddity crisis by herself.
Every time she's ever tried to face an oddity, she's only ever won because of Araragi's actions. IE Penetrating her pussy or causing her to go loco on some fuck mothering vampires.
She is in love with a loser who is also stupid, while excelling at everything she tries. She likes a kid with no friends, while being very popular herself. She essentially wants to be a loser who does bad in school, while doing the exact opposite in her actual life. The cognitive dissonance that builds over time between these opposing views she holds eventually tears her apart mentally. Her lack of any sort of parental figures exacerbates this, in that she basically just lives to go to school, which she does well at, when in reality she wants nothing to do with school.
So her mental state declines and she can't handle it.
She has a rocking body, but absolutely zero personality.
Sup Forums - Armchair Psychology
I don't know why people don't like her. Seems like a perfect woman to me, even though she had a kinda fucked up life.
Jealousy over several things.
Math is even more broken than she is.
Her baggage got old and she has a stick up her ass. Maybe it's only a little stick, but when half the cast is ready to bantz the night away she looks like little miss no fun. Though I guess that's just about right if you want to date your mother.
Is Math the most punished Monogatari?
She was worst girl. Still is.
She has close to the worst possible sort of realistic life in a country like japan, but Shinobu had an unimaginably terrible past beyond any realistic boundaries and she isn't dead like Snail and Devil. But outside of those probably.
Friendly reminder that Araragi is only allowed to make love with Hanekawa
>Penetrating her pussy
Oh my god, that's exactly what he did to Kako. How did I not realize it before?
Spelled "Snake" wrong there
But he's had sex multiple times with Senjougahara.
What are you talking about?
I thought he just walked her home gently.
Broken childhood, broken family, broken mind.
She would gladly remove that stick on the grounds that something else replace it.
Nah. She'd just take the extra leverage to kick her Araragi reformation plan into high gear. That way they'd both be boring.
You're damn right he did
Even if I disregard the actual backstory and regard this in terms of someone who just watched the anime, this is very possibly the dumbest thing about Monogatari I've ever read on Sup Forums.
What episode?
actually it's a realistic answer but I guess we're all just memeing in this thread so whatever
Early nekomonogatari shiro. Ep. 1 or 2.
Add the fact that she was raped as a kid and ignored by her family, and that post becomes pretty fucking spot on, desu, famalam. It changes a bit in the later part of the series a bit, but it's still spo on.
>tfw crab raped cat just to brag about it to Arararagi
>tfw cat probably enjoyed it, thinking it to be indirect sex with Arararagi
>tfw both probably were thinking "THIS is what you will never get, Ararararagi-kun!"
That she's the only good and realistic character in a shitshow.
She's perfect and knows it and therefore gets furstrated and crazy when plebs like Arararagi still choose someone else over her.
Cat could easily get with Araragi if she were more aggressive. Hell, Crab would probably be down with it too.
I want crab and cat to end together,Araragi donĀ“t deserved any of them