all bow before the Queen of Sup Forums!
It's Tomoko Thursday!
Why does Sup Forums like this girl so much? Is it because she's relatable?
Thanks for making way smellyfag.
I think she's cute.
>relating to a shit
It's because she's a semen demon.
>not even bothering to repost your image.jpg samefaggotry
Delinquent-chan is pretty hot too
fucking best girl
she's adorable
Cute legs.
go back to /trash/ please
Same person.
What is tomoko doing.
>Finally got my new computer
>Get ready for Tomoko posting right off as I start it off, as well as install some other uneccesary shit
>Wait the fuck up
>HDD isn't working, get fucked faggot
I swear once I am able I am going to make sure these threads get filled with the most images possible.
Yes tomoko is masturbation in the bath.
I feel bad for you.
Letting the fart bubbles move across her pussy when they rise to the surface.
>mfw no kii-chan chapters until next summer.
Who is this demon of the semen variety?
This remains undetermined. We're not sure what her true form even is.
Thanks ESLkun, I just most make sure to keep the threads up in burger day time while you keep them in chink day time.
Cute little legs!
but it's monday
Rereading the earlier chapters, it's amazing to see how far she has come.
It's heartwarming to see her improve.
Like as if that matters.
Every day is Tomoko day! She is a best! And only deserves the best!
Could tomoko be an accurate shooter?
No with a stubby little G36k. Tomoko needs a rifle with wood furniture and in a pretty small cartridge. The G36 is in 5.56, but I think the smaller the better so I'd say a 74 variant would be best. It's very light and recoil is negligible. With wood furniture adding needed weight, she'd be able to handle even short bursts fully automatically.
The AK series also has the benefit of requiring little maintenance while still holding up. While the M16 series is actually quite robust, the AK adds even more reliability even when the operator is negligent with cleaning and lubrication. Tomoko seems like the kind of soldier who would put off cleaning to the last minute, and may get interrupted while cleaning and have to engage in a firefight with her pants down around her ankles (so to speak, though it might even be literally!). AKs can fire even without their dust covers, which is just the kind of thing Tomoko needs when on the battlefield.
Her role as a rifleman even suits her just fine. She is free to operate quasi-independently while still having the support of her fireteam to back her up as needed. Compared to placing her on a crew humped weapon, she wouldn't need to interact or rely on others as much. This is key, because she'd have the tendency to second guess asking for help, even when enemy fire is incoming, or when she's made contact with an enemy patrol or sentry. Crew serviced weapons also tend to require more teamwork and coordination skills to change barrels or reload, which isn't something Tomoko excels at.
Additionally, during training, Tomoko makes an excellent OPFOR planner. Her unorthodox fighting style allows her to prepare ambush attacks and she excels at asymmetrical warfare. Her tendency to go in undetected while remaining on high alert is something she has been praised for by butter bars from all over. She's frequently chosen for joint FTX events as a special guest to assist in BLUFOR and OPFOR planning.
Exelent pasta friendo. Saving this one for the future.
Her "unorthodox fighting style" and "asymmetrical warfare" would just get her kicked off the squad/basic training. Honestly, I don't think she'll make it past basic training, her social anxiety would get in the way.
Her "ability to go undetected" is true, though. She's like a ghost in class. Plus, I believe she wanted to be a mercinary, no? That would be perfect for her.
She has a great chance of becoming a Sup Forumsack or a /k/omando.
Plus, if Golden Eye taught me something, she will have some advantage in the battlefield.
is she a vampire?
I thought she wanted to become a security guard
What kind of threads do you think she would browse?
>Honestly, I don't think she'll make it past basic training, her social anxiety would get in the way.
Well, basic measures your worth in a lot of ways. First and foremost, it makes sure you're not mentally retarded. Tomoko, in my opinion, would find basic difficult and challenging in many ways. I think that if she really tried, she could get through it. Her social skills are poor, but they're enough to get by so long as she's willing to put the work in. I think Tomoko would find the military is actually very rewarding to people like her if she can stick with it. Comfy, government desk jobs are few and far between in the civilian world, but as a POG she could easy stuff herself away in some quiet corner if she plays her cards right.
esl kun stop spamming your fucking waifu, everybody will end hating it
Don't think she would feel welcome on Sup Forums with all the anti fujo threads, she would probabilly just shitpost in those. Threads of anime/manga she likes/watched/reads.
Maybe browse Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /k/ or /jp/, with the obligatory /cm/ and /y/.
But, doesn't she canonicaly browses 2ch? Or am I just confusing her with the autors?
purple guy is cool. Has the same face of author and artist.
Ohh look, the only anime I've ever dropped!
Umaro was never the queen of Sup Forums and never will be.
We don't like her.
We don't empathize with her.
We see her as the spoiled, rotten brat she is and want to see her raped and murdered.
Sup Forums probably.
did you pause the anime and pace around too?
So as of the lastest chapter which girl is most likely to win the Tomokob owl?
I would totally love to sniff Tomoko, bet she smells terrible would just make me harder though.
Nice meme.
Projecting much?
Tomoko is cute.
>We see her as the spoiled, rotten brat she is and want to see her raped and murdered.
tomokofags hate happy people we already know this fact
we don't have the arrogance to claim that Umaru is the queen
Tomoko seems to be good at running so no wonder she has great legs.
Sorry, Tomokoshitter, but Umaru is the true and only Queen of Sup Forums.
Why not both?
Summer needs to end quickly.
I watched the anime
Its was interesting for about first 4-5 episodes then it became repetitive
>It's Tomoko Thursday!
It's Tuesday
Shit taste, kys faggot.
Well, she hasn't actually improved herself with regards to how she treats people around her. She's still a horrible person. People has just kind of adapted to her.
It's the whole Oregairu change yourself or change the world thing again. It's not she that has changed, it's the world.
/cgl/ definitely and maybe /u/ and /y/
All other answers are shit and dont make sense
Yeah, but she's always so depressed in the earlier chapters, she doesn't seem that way as often anymore. Tomoko just started to not care about being popular anymore.
Her personality hasn't changed, but now she has people to express it to. Before, she used to keep it to herself.
Tomoko spaghetti'd it
Why does she wear such big Mickey Mouse shoes? Her feet aren't that big.
if she took them off, it would be extremely painful
She's a big small girl.
Has she ever even cosplayed or been interested on it?
>Not /cm/ or /y/
Oh I get it, you are a retarded yurifag.
>Has she ever cosplayed?
>She will never wear it again
>She only wore it for that 1 picture
We are fucking weeaboos and not any kind of weeaboos, the kind of weeaboos that come to post on fucking Sup Forums, that itself makes all of us shit, specially you faggot
Wait a second, why does she look exactly like the delinquent girl from that shitty bear anime that aired a while ago
God she is so disgusting, why is it I want to fuck her silly and make her my gf?
How bad do her feet smell?
>Anyone ever winning the Tomokowbowl
Oh user
Because you are like her
>that feel when you still believe in the one true Queen.
we are all in this shitty board , what do you know...
All of us are shit , that's why she's relatable
amen to that
Even if she doesn't smell bad she still smells and that's enough.
>Every loner is a scumbag
I have to disagree with her. Every loner is a scumbag the same way nomralfags, and overall everyone is a scumbag.
So, tuesdays are Tomoko days here, and tuesdays are console tan days?
What a wild coincidence. Just for whoever doesn't knows, the Vita tan is actually based on Tomoko.
I'm in both threads, watching you guys.
And yes, Vita-tan is my favourite next to Megadrive-tan and SNES-tan
We need a meth chan chapter
I just did. Don't you like it when people draw a lot of no-Tomokos?
Snes, Wii U, Vita and PC tan a best!
I don't even have a Vita though.
did you even watch the show?
the whole reason why tomoko is a loner is because she looks down on people and expects everyone to bow down to her because she thinks she's important, as if she matters any more than any other piece of shit person on this planet.
at the end of the day, she's a selfish, self-obsessed, self-indulgent coward, like most "loners". and until she changes that, she'll remain miserable.
on the other hand, most normalfags in the show are clearly better, nicer people than tomoko because they're just trying to have fun, and aren't egotistical cowards like her.
I am kinda talking, in the case of reality, everybody is the same form of scumbag.
>most normalfags
Most. Reminder, she was bullied, there is deliquent chan, her brother can sometimes be a douche, and god knows what else happens with people. Sure, its not justified because she is just like the majority, but doesn't deny the fact that there are a lot of assholes even in the manga. Plus she seems ok sometimes with her friends I guess.
Vita-tan is cute. CUTE!
The best, and cutest tan. I wonder why is that?
hmm that's a good question
the queen of my heart.
Tomoko could improve herself by 200% by just getting a proper night's sleep for a few days, taking a shower and combing her hair. The irony.
How the hell is it Thursday when it's only Wednesday here in Japan?