What do you Sup Forums fags think about what Miyasaki said about 'modern' anime?
What do you Sup Forums fags think about what Miyasaki said about 'modern' anime?
he's an old fart trying to stay relevant.
I prefer moeblobs over Miyazaki's garbage.
I enjoyed K-On more than any of Miyazaki's shitty films. Fags like OP need to stay off Sup Forums.
But Sup Forums stands for anime not autism...
I bet these faggots claim NGE is a masterpiece.
i hate eva with a passion.
Anno literally just got high off sniffing paint and threw together a bunch of nonsense and neckbeards today still talk about how DEEP evangelion is.
but it is.
go back to Sup Forums
>tfw they ignore your OP and discuss something completely unrelated
He's got a point
I honestly think he's a bit overrated. Most of his movies aren't anything special, and don't really appeal to my taste. They're mostly appealing to normalfags. Like said, he's an old fart.
>3 EVA threads at any given time of any given day
>thread about MODERN anime hijacked into a EVA shitpost jamboree
>Waifu threads become Rei Vs Asuka shitposting
>Kill la Kill thread "EVA is better than this shit"
It is 2016 and these people still have not got a grip.
I don't really disagree. It's not exactly a secret that anime is repetitive, boring, one-note, childish, and purposely aimed as low and safe as possible so the manchildren can buy stupid shit that no sane person would ever care about. I think the problem in general is that Japanese people are very unambitious. Even Ghibli is guilty of Japanese quality story-telling.
Miyazaki's seen watamote didn't get a second season.
Sup Forums hates it because he criticizes exactly what this board's culture is mostly about. But everytime this question comes up all they can do talk about his movies, like there is any relevance to whether he is right or not. It's almost like they know he is right but can't come to terms with it.
The worst part of this is, when somebody Is in a thread like this one. They see that off topic eva post. Instead of checking the catalog to post in the 3 existing eva threads, they will run off and make a fucking new one
EoE is the most kino thing ever made. Better than all of Miyazaki's shit.
Problem is, NGE itself has many flaws so it's not exactly a "masterpiece" thats for sure. Many of the Eva fans don't want to admit this.
I still highly regard EoE however and always will.
Evangelion and many of Miyazaki's films are in the top tier of anime ever made.
Eva is "modern," though. OP put it in quotes to talk about Miyazaki's definition, and when Miyazaki shits on "today's" anime or whatever, he's talking about a 40/50-year range of stuff. You're an oblivious retard if you think Miyazaki's golden age was the 90s - he thinks it went to shit when Tezuka got involved.
this is where you belong
Its basically a fucking meme, he didn't even get mad about this shit or otaku people take his remarks entirely out of context.
Miyazaki is exactly what all you niggers keep saying he hates
>hurr hurr nature good humans bad
the old man needs to die already