Sup Forums in a nutshell

>Loves Hitler for killing the Jews while simultaneously denying the holocaust
>Rags on women for "degenerate" behavior despite being single losers who watch anime/play video games
>Complains about overly sensitive PC culture that calls everything racist despite being openly racist as fuck
>Against race mixing but obsessed with Asian women

Yeah that pretty much sums up the majority of you idiots

Other urls found in this thread:

I've been here forever and I genuinely agree with everything you just said.

>Sup Forums is one person
>racists are bad people
>video games are as bad for society as single moms and divorce culture
>white and asian women embody the same values
Go away, reddit.


Fight me, faggot.

>>Loves Hitler for killing the Jews while simultaneously denying the holocaust
Sup Forums isnt one person
>>Rags on women for "degenerate" behavior despite being single losers who watch anime/play video games
their degenerate behavior ruins them permanently
>>Complains about overly sensitive PC culture that calls everything racist despite being openly racist as fuck
progressives call the most innocent things racist
>>Against race mixing but obsessed with Asian women
Sup Forums isnt one person


>Sup Forums is one person

1. I don't like hitler
2. he didn't gas the jews(otherwise known as the holocaust), he deported them out of the country or sent them to camps with shitty living conditions that got worse because he lost a war.
>Complains about overly sensitive PC culture that calls everything racist despite being openly racist as fuck
>Against race mixing but obsessed with Asian women
>Rags on women for "degenerate" behavior despite being single losers who watch anime/play video games
What point are you even trying to make?

I know Sup Forums isn't one person, doofus. I'm talking about beliefs that Sup Forums as a whole espouses. Also, if you are openly racist, then you have no right to complain about a culture that ostracizes and shuns you, doesn't let you work for their companies, and at the very least labels you as such.

jesus christ the left can't meme

The point I'm making is that you're all hypocrite man babies

Sup Forums isn't a single person, unlike the left we have many different ideological beliefs. our combined hatred of you is what keeps the machine well oiled and going.

>comes here to ragepost about muh racism
>leaves sad and suicidal because we don't give a fuck

Let me show you the way to exit, OP.

The most useful aspect of Sup Forums is that its so full of shitposting and crazies. That's how it was able to subvert the MSM. It lets the autists network in secret while the normies take a glance and roll their eyes.

while you have no right to complain about anything because whites are the sole reason you're not dying from dysentery in some bumfuck africa you nigger

>beliefs Sup Forums as a whole espouses
Look at me; I'm a reddit exodus faggot and I believe it is somehow accurate to aggregate the beliefs of an anonymous internet image board with rapidly spawning and disappearing threads and a general attitude of edgy shitposting only to draw in (you)s from other equally edgy shitposters.

>openly racist people have no right to complain about a culture that shuns them
Ok, then why do you support BLM and other lefty causes in general? Are you saying it's not openly racist to give blacks more freebies, more free education, more admissions for lower standards, etc? Are you a nigger?

>I'm talking about beliefs that Sup Forums as a whole espouses

>mark sided with the imperials
>his wife, jane, sided with the stormcloaks
>as a whole this couple espouses both sides of the civil war
>lol, these people are so self-contradicting!

>I'm talking about beliefs that Sup Forums as a whole espouse
hi neogaf!

>18 billion well spent

>>Loves Hitler for killing the Jews while simultaneously denying the holocaust
They love him because he was a nationalistic leader and proud of his nation, the Jew part is because the numbers are supposedly exaggerated and used to push some kind of agenda.
>>Rags on women for "degenerate" behavior despite being single losers who watch anime/play video games
The behavior of those women can make them pregnant, which makes them single mothers because the activities they do don't provide mens to take care of the children, those kids will grow fucked up and things will go worse. Sup Forums just doesn't do anything to make the society worse, those womens do.
>>Complains about overly sensitive PC culture that calls everything racist despite being openly racist as fuck
They want to be free to express their ideas and hope that the world acknowledges the differences between populations, they are against bashing an idea just because is political incorrect.
>>Against race mixing but obsessed with Asian women
Those people are a minority here, but the fact that those women usually come from traditional and conservative households makes them more attractive to keep the ideas of conservatism, unlike white women which in the majority are fucked up liberals.

>le Sup Forums is satire maymee

I'm white

Sup Forums hasn't been wrong yet.

No time for these slide threads. JEWS KILLED JFK!!

>unlike the left we have many different ideological beliefs
Oh, they certainly have differing ideological beliefs, they're just not allowed to open;y drift away from their narratives to give the illusion of unity.

>Hates America but gets mad if you say so
>Constantly shitting all over white people but says he’s not racist
>Calls Taco Tuesday racist and wonders why no one listens to him crying wolf when the wolf actually shows up
>Rapes a bunch of women and says he’s a feminist

Yeah that pretty much sums up leftists

OP is faggot

>why do you support BLM and other lefty causes in general?

I don't

>Are you saying it's not openly racist to give blacks more freebies, more free education, more admissions for lower standards, etc? Are you a nigger?

No and no. Wtf are you on about idiot

It's over boys pack it in...

No, but when you make a thread about the holocaust and 90%+ of the posters believe it never happened, then make another thread about hitler and 90%+ of the posters believe that he was awesome for killing the Jews, it really makes you think


None of what you said is hypocritical.
>loves hitler for killing jews
>denying the holocaust
He didn't get a high score; we wish he did better.
>rags on women for degeneracy
Yes; riding a nigger cock carousel is degenerate and you cannot argue with the data that says even 1 extra-martial sex partner means an eventual marriage has about 20% less chance of succeeding
>single losers who watch anime/play vidya
What is degenerate about anime and video games? Who gave you the right to make qualitative judgments about people's choice of lifestyle? The DATA says women are trash; we are simply the autists who can into statistics.
>overly sensitive PC culture
It is.
>being racist as fuck openly
SCOTUS says there's no such thing as hate speech and fighting words have to be in person, nigger.
>against race mixing
Stop doing it and we won't hate it as much.
>obsessed with asian women
If white women had asian values and could keep their legs closed we wouldn't admire asian women so much.

You should stop arguing because you will lose and the lurkers will see how much of a fucking fraud you are.


Back to kikebook you go

>I don't support BLM
>affirmative action is racist and should end
So what you're saying is you're Sup Forums

Frankly many of us just wanted to be left alone. That was all, but it was idiots like you who forced us to become like this. All we wanted was to live like potted plants, taking in sunlight and existing.

OP in a nutshell.

nice sampling, faggot

i believe it did so what now? And hitler has said some coherent things.

they're all SWJs to varying degrees. the only thing that seperates the left is which victim group they're in and that's about it. but actual intelectual differences don't exist. muh corporate dems and muh socialists. is the closest thing to one. when lefties argue with themselves it's usually a bitchfest about who's more of the victim.

PC tools do think of nothing else but Muh racism. 'Racism' is a meaningless word that's no more than a trigger for programmed fefes.
Yes I'm racist and so is everyone else because racist in reality, minus all YOUR programming just means 'recognises reality' and 'is honest',
You'd be wrong to think racism is justification for seriously hurt fefes in anyone
You'd be wrong to think it's the be all and end all of everything.
It's a totally trivial fact of life that nobody should be bothered by until globalist criminals have the means to try to take over the world utilising mass migration as one of the steps,
>OP is a true noemi without the mental faculty required to understand Sup Forums.


Wtf i love neovaginas now. Y-you really showed us!


Sup Forums in a nutshell:
Too many faggot OPs.

> Sup Forums is one person

>Loves Hitler for killing the Jews while simultaneously denying the holocaust
I hate hitler
>Rags on women for "degenerate" behavior despite being single losers who watch anime/play video games
both woman and men are degenerate shit
>Complains about overly sensitive PC culture that calls everything racist despite being openly racist as fuck
I am JRR tolkien level racist that means I hate whites about the same as I do everyone else
>Against race mixing but obsessed with Asian women
I hate Asian women and am far more attracted to black woman

lurk more warmongering piece of shit liberal

But I love Hitler because he was a good-hearted man that loved his people. He never killed anyone, Jew or not.

And what are you going to do about it?

the holocaust is not killing jews. the holocaust is gassing them. it literally means "whole burnt"

OP is pic related

Prove 6 million Jews died as a direct result of Hitler's actions. You can't, and Sup Forums will prove it to you.

>Hitler killed jews
Hurr durr maybe the people who repeatedly (500+ times) get kicked out of their host nation are the problem and not the one guy who actually did something about it. Not all jews are necessarily in on the scheme, but kike nationalism is only second to the Rothschilds in terms of society-scale psychopathy.

you're suffering from a major case of thinking a board is one person just because everyone is anonymous. The pic is funny though. Reminds me of the "actually it's about ethics in games journalism" stuff. Even back then there were leftie types who know where this'd eventually end up. Not like they can do anything to stop it though.

We love Hitler for exposing the Jews, friend.

Don't talk to me or my son ever again.

>Jews are one person

OPs argument seems to be that if you have any apparent faults then no faults exist in anyone ever.
Because that makes sense lots.

>pic related

Hahaha unlike most of the people itt, you come out and show your true colors and prove my points. How the fuck is it not completely hypocritical to be against race mixing while also chasing Asian women? Also how is it not totally hypocritical to rag on women for having sex while you play video games and watch your childish anime instead of pursuing them?

Check them digits. I am racist cause niggers suck. I dont hate races that dont suck asshole

Why can't the left draw? All they make is retarded regressed cartoons. They have no artistic skill.

agree with everything except the women part. that part didn't make much sense

You are actually retarded


Oh so you're down with killing Jews as long as we don't gas them? Yeah that's a new one.

>Sup Forums is obsessed with asian women

i know this is strawman shit posting but that last one is completely baseless. its like you pulled it right out of your ass because in your feeble little mind you think weeaboo sterotypes from 10 years ago some how apply to pol in 2017

why can the left not meme

Apparently we at Sup Forums are considered as a serious competitor to NATO.
I sheeeiiit you not

>Sup Forums is literally one person

This is the only thing I took away from OP's shitty post.

>pleddit in a nutshell

>all this butthurt

>how is it not completely hypocritical to be against race-mixing while also chasing Asian women
1. Niggers aren't people.
2. Niggers are genetically more distinct and separated from the rest of Homo Sapiens (because they're not homo sapiens as per 1.)
3. Asian values are what we are respecting, not asian women. HAPAs get as much hate here as everyone else.
4. The basis for why you should be against race mixing is primarily with regard to nigger "fathers" since they can't into fatherhood as per 1. and 2.
5. Even if you win it is perfectly hypocritical, hypocrisy is a shitty criticism to levy. Do you love animals? Do you eat meat?
6. The objection to race-mixing is primarily because of how it's portrayed - (((you))) don't want people to race mix and become proud upstanding Americans, (((you))) want people to racemix so they can create more mongrelized shitskins to be future Bernie bros. Fuck off.

>rag on women for sex while video games
Video games don't doom a child to growing up with a single mother and deadbeat father, nor do they create an endless cycle of dependency on the state, nor do they force men into de facto slavery because some bitch decided "i want to keep this one!"

you're setting up a strawman, not all of us are against race mixing with asians. you're liberal platitudes have absolutely no value here. you aren't going to be up voted for spouting them. you won't be having other liberal trying to out do themselves virtue signaling how correct you are. you've left the hugbox newfriend.

Shut up faggot shill

>Loves Hitler for killing the Jews while simultaneously denying the holocaust
I hate Hitler
>Rags on women for "degenerate" behavior despite being single losers who watch anime/play video games
I really don't follow playing video games and watching cartoons aren't the same as raising a kid that you aren't prepared to raise
>Complains about overly sensitive PC culture that calls everything racist despite being openly racist as fuck
The former could be true without the latter.
>Against race mixing but obsessed with Asian women
This always annoyed me as well. A lot of Sup Forums types are beta and Asian women are easy to get for white guys, so they go for them

Why are there so many SJW faggots raiding this board now ? Begone beta nigger faggot. SAGE

What the fuck is written on the wall behiind the character in your op?

>How the fuck is it not completely hypocritical to be against race mixing while also chasing Asian women?
Because just because virgins on Sup Forums want to fuck their anime characters, doesn't mean they can actually accomplish it. Most of these faggots are just LARPing as anime protagonists anyway. There's an enormous difference between jacking off to Megumi Assfuck getting pounded and shitting out 5 mixed race babies and living on the benefit.

>le 51% flag

>Megumi Assfuck
Them's fighting words, kiwi.

The literal meaning of holocaust doesn't come from 1939-45 you incredible dope.
How do these fuckers cope with simple tasks like pulling their pants down BEFORE they shit?

For a board that parades itself offensive and retarded self around it's been getting a lot of attention on the media, does it really matter what the people of pol are?

Hit me with your body pillow then faggot

Lmao dude Asian girls are just as big of sluts as white girls are, only they are low hanging fruit for white men and that's why Sup Forums loves them. Also, playing video games and watching anime makes you a beta male, which is why you must resort to Asian women in the first place.

>setting up this obvious of a joke
You don't deserve the (you), mate.

pick any time that jews were kicked out of a country and explain why that was a legitimate response thanks

Yeah what are all those initials behind the character. Is it a list of the sexual groups you identify as?

The fuck is that, looks like a cross between a Jew and a Brazilian


The fire rises


How about a WAAAHmburger and some frenchCRIES, lefty? Also, your attempt to meme was bad and you should feel bad. Everyone who ever met you thinks you suck.

Youre just mad that we can see the all pervasive internationalist corrupt Jew agenda

I don't think anyone else read it.
It was baked yesterday.
We are preddy awesome apparently.

>Lmao dude Asian girls are just as big of sluts as white girls are, only they are low hanging fruit for white men and that's why Sup Forums loves them


>playing video games and watching anime makes you a beta male

Video games are pretty mainstream and I know a lot of people that watch anime. You are correlating stuff for no reason

I categorically refuse to learn about kike history. If you think they're all illegitimate responses (500+ times) I think the statistically burden is on you seeing as how the data supports the hypothesis that something is detestable about kikes. 500 (((coincidences))) don't happen.

>Asian girls are just as big sluts as white girls
This is what Sup Forums is criticizing; girls should not be encouraged to be sluts. If that requires beating and patriarchy, so be it. Just because females have a right to vote does not mean they have a right to proceed in cultural extinction.

>playing video games and watching anime makes you beta
Why? Video games are reasonably fun, and non-mass market shounen anime are often great ways to introduce yourself to new topics and deep dive into philosophy in an artistically pleasurable format.

>I'm white
I'm a Pajeet poo in loo. Your shitty attempts at characterizing this board as racist fail, because this board protects the absolute freedom of speech of every individual and simultaneously shits on every individual opinion because all opinions are shit.

Why don't you go suck your girlfriend's "feminine penis" you fucking faggot cocksucker piece of shit

>i dont want to learn about this thing, ill just parrot what i saw in a Sup Forums inforgraphic instead

Not even a Sup Forumslack and this is shit.
>Jews only died in the Holocaust, nowhere else ever

>staying home and playing vidya is the same thing as going out and fucking 20 guys, drinking to excess and generally fucking around until you're washed up whore looking to tie down some poor sap
>Inb4 "t. neckbeard kissless virgin"
>being racist is the same as calling everyone racist and being too sensitive (protip: it's not)
>all of Sup Forums likes Asian women


>Sup Forums is one person