Trigger Night 4, September 19. Featuring new information on Trigger´s future shows like Little Witch Academia and Mystery Anime #1.
Trigger Night 4, September 19...
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They make it look like a club night or something. No Pan Night 3 when?
Is this where they're announcing Imaishi and Nakashima's new show?
How did Trigger design such an appealing mascot and how where they able to give her a stealth anime?
>Mystery Anime #1
Is that the big one they've been teasing?
Nakashima is actually one of the guests.
They quite literally found a way.
Are we going to get an album download if so? I loved "Meanwhile, at Gainax..."
Those fucking Teddyloid tracks, man.
So are they going to stealth-reveal Muzzle and Spring in similar miniseries?
probably just a formal announcement of TRIGGER girls
>are they going to stealth-reveal Muzzle and Spring
Those two have already been revealed in the recent TRIGGER Girls PV
Although it's possible they might also get their own short series/origin stories. Not sure if those would be as well done as Luluco was though, considering Imaishi had drawn up the plot for and pitched SPL before Kill La Kill had even aired.
>one week until luluco BD with new episodes
>new episodes
Beg pardon?
Holy shit I wanna rub my dick between those thighs
>New episodes
Where is source?
They're new half-episodes that take place in-between parts of the story. There's no plot in them, they're just little bits of filler.
Is there going to be a stream?
Again, source?
Oh, it looks like an audio drama:
>"FINAL SEASON EPISODE ∞. ··· Disappear beyond the black hole along with the black hole Alien"
Might have some interesting story elements though
So it's exactly like Kill la Kill's blu-rays then. I hope these get uploaded.
Honestly, Mystery Anime #1 would be an actually cool name for an anime
>SEASON 0 EPISODE 0.5。私、ララ子。波風立てずに生きてきた、どこにでもいる超マジメで超フツーの女子・・・
>I'm Lalaco, a very serious, very normal girl who has lived without making any waves...
Was this the anime reveal of the century?
The fourth KLK drama CD should have been in the show, desu.
All the drama CDs were great. Did they get subbed? More people really need to know about them.
>new episodes
But they are new! They're just not animated!
Dindu nuffins!
>actually being excited and looking forward to Trigger shit
After Inou Battle and Kiznaiver I'm not going to watch anything else by them. It's clear that they're just a one-hit wonder studio.
Trigger Nova when?
What if Nova becomes the drill loli?
Their work outside Imaishi and LWA is mediocre to bad, but the new project being announced is supposedly by Imaishi
Anything that was an adaptation made by Trigger was mediocre at best
Ninja slayer disagrees.
So is this going to streamed because I'm going to rip the shit out of this.
Kill yourselves.
Inou Battle and Ninja slayer were good adaptations
They probably wouldn't be able to pull of a stealth Muzzle/Spring now because people would be expecting it if another short series about a random girl came out.
They really hit the ball out of the park with Luluco, really, fucking no one saw that shit coming.
Luluco was one of the greatest ruse-cruises ever.
Takafumi Hori animeted for Steven Universe
Trigger is dead to me
Yoh Yoshinari drew a large amount of My Little Pony fanart.
Damn it, that felt so good
It's beyond me how people who are so skilled can be fascinated by garbage like that
Perhaps there's something in it that you're not seeing.
Maybe you should stop being a stupid teenager.
So animating the most popular western cartoons is a bad thing? Gotcha
Ninja Slayer sequel when?
Like what?
I don't know, but if one of the most talented animators in the entire anime industry sees something in it, clearly there's something of value there.
>see op pic
>mix up the letters
>read Night as Tright
>one-hit wonder
Which one? Don't tell me it's kill la kill
>come to the thread expecting the short video of all the trigger girls with the catchy tune
>no such thing
Sex and Violence with Machspeed
What happens in them? I'm curious.
Where can I find these bonus videos?
What's Goripon doing these days
Is he taking illustrator route just like Horiguchi and Sadamoto?
I miss Midori.
Blue or green?
Wasn't Imaishi and Urobutcher suppose to be doing something.
13 more days till anime is saved again?
Second KLK series when