Was he pleading for help? Is the innocent child still in there somewhere? Does he no longer want to be insane?
Goblin Slayer
Other urls found in this thread:
Dunno about that but it's great for memes
So long as Goblin scum still breathes his mission is not finished
How does Goblin Slayer feel about Elves?
When can i expect chapter 5?
I just got on this. Is this monthly?
Nice, but you forgot the blood in the GS's hand! In the second panel it must be on his left hand and in the third one in his right arm.
Could you do it?
Yes, without second thoughts.
you are worst goblin. you are the goblin idiot you are the goblin smell. return to your cave. to our village cousins you may come our village. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,goblin we will never forgeve you. goblin rascal FUck but fuck asshole goblin stink goblin sqhipere shqipare..goblin genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead goblin..ahahahahahGOBLIN WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget rape goblin we kill the king , goblin return to your precious cave….hahahahaha idiot goblin and goblinsmell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE GOBLIIN FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. goblin slayer+Priestess=kill goblin…you will goblin genocide/ goblin slayer alive in village, goblin slayer making album of village . fast rap goblin slayer serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because ofgoblin slayer… you are ppoor stink goblin… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a cave
goblin slayer alive numbr one #1 in village….fuck the goblins ,..FUCKk ashol goblins no good i spit? in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. goblin slayer aliv and real strong wizard kill all the goblin farm aminal with rap magic now we the village rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and goblinswa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig.goblin slayer greattst hero
Goblins are lower than trash.
Nice bait to lure out the Gobbo's.
Yes. As they say, if you're going to kill a weed, you gotta remove the roots.
I would capture them so I could watch them rape.
I dunno if it looks good tho
Doomguy can freely go mental because there aren't any other humans around, but GS can't and he admits that is hard to hold back his madness
No, he's talking about how he has to put on a show because he's ranked at that rank, otherwise people act shitty towards him.
It's like being rich, but eating a baloney sandwich because you like it, but people shit all over you because you aren't buying a super expensive duck liver with gold flakes on it.
Yup, I even have an order.
>Not executing the little ankle-rapers simultaneously
So when does Goblin Slayer eventually raise his very own goblin to kill other goblins? Surely breeding them to kill one another is an intriguing aspect to a man such as him.
>not breaking the spirit of the one who gave you a nasty look by tearing his brother from his arms, smashing his skull in, taughting him to attack you while you kill the other two. Then look at him and tell him where'd his spirit go.
It's like you suck dick user.
>Breeding half-goblins to kill goblins, then having them breed each other out of existence.
The absolute madman.
That sounds incredibly inefficient and foolhardy. The goal is foremost to kill goblins, remember?
Just think of them as Muslims. It's easier that way.
It's like GS said you've come to enjoy it. Not about being efficient, you took care of the threat, now it's time for revenge.
Fucking beautiful
No, he was talking about enjoying the act of killing goblins. The Slayer is enjoying the act of dispatching the goblins in the most efficient way, he doesn't fuck around. That shit gets you killed.
Yes that's what we're talking about killing gobs, enjoy. You've obviously never felt that euphoria that come when you slam you fist into a face of something you hate, like strangling a bad dog.
nah, they were talking about doing some Hannibal-Lector shit, taunting the gobs or something. It's better to just put them down as quick as you can.
I prefer doing it psychotically, every one needs to blow off some steam.
I want to fuck Goblin Slayer's wife.
If female gobs were a thing it would be wise for him to mate with one in order to start a clan of goblin slaying half-gobs that were just as strong and smart as humans but could also see in the dark (along with other goblin abilities.)
Of course. I do it all the time in my campaign.
female goblins aren't a thing, but surely a mutant half goblin could be female, yet still retain many of the positive traits (granted negative traits would remain too, like being a goblin).
>If female gobs were a thing
Really wish monstergirlfags would leave GS threads
I like to catch trolls and dissolve them alive in acid baths.
The only way to kill them.
Today. We will remember that one campaign.
Always finish the first quest, faggots.
Considering you killed a bunch of fully grown Goblins on your way in here, what's 4 more small ones gonna matter?
Goblins are hardly monsters, visually. They guy might just like short stacks.
Por supuesto
Are Goblins a metaphor for the IJA
Was their line of thinking wrong?
I was thinking the goblin barrel. Capture a bunch and put them in an inescapable room with little water. Leave for a few weeks and see if they cannibalize each other.
I am surprise the priestess is not traumatized and still wants to be an adventurer.
Same here. I honestly think the only reason why she isn't like Monk Girl is because she was saved.
It's because she wasn't raped. Most male authors treat rape like death, in the sense that once a female character has been raped she is written out of the story (so that she might as well be dead.) Then again, most otaku wouldn't be able to handle a girl who had been raped, even if she were top tier waifu material.
She's definatelly scared but i think that the feeling of gratitude torwards GS was greater, she wants to help the person who saved her life
The archbishop (the blind blonded with massive boobs) was raped by gobs but managed to overcome it and become gold rank.
Female Orc
What do?
>pic related is the Archbishop
It is monthly, expect them on the 25th of every month for the raws. May not be updated on all the sites since the translated or ripped versions aren't readily available on front page threads until someone dumps them.
all GOBs are half-gobs since the mother is a female adventurer! any of them raped by goblins their babbies would be 100% goblin and male
What? I don't have pic.
Really, user?
Why i suspect that at some point she will start to do "questionable" things just to get GS's attention? And i don't men lewd things.
She and Priestess heal him by lying with him naked.
I said no lewd things, i mean stuff like deliberately setting goblins off just to have an excuse to call GS.
Why not? You might get a nice bonus reward.
Claro acere.
They make fortresses that are popular amongst goblins and they burn up real nice so he's probably okay with them.
I thought he was just being self deprecating
Please tell me that this girl gets raped.
>most otaku wouldn't be able to handle a girl who had been raped
Explains why pic related is not so popular, even though it has lots of cute lolis
Unless us goblin related, he doesn't care.
I think he was remarking about the irony that he is an elite adventurer and he stoops to cowardly tactics against the likes of lowly goblins. He's not acting in a manner befitting his rank.
Fuck pride and honor, use whatever methods you have to get the job done.
That's why he made that comment, he was being a smartass. Of course he's going to use any and all means. But the other adventurers all look down on him for that very reason.
Everything about this image turns me on. The arms, the equipment, the humanoid features on a monster, the exposed thighs and visible cleavage, her standoffish attitude and cute bubblegum pink hair. Gods, I just wanna break her in single combat, lower that little pantlet, bend her over and leave thick loads in both holes and a little on the green tush.
after the female rape yeah i could, it would be like a combination of extreme jealousy and vengeance
>on GS thread
I want your kind to leave
Yeah I'm going to need the source on that. It's for science.
Otome Sensou.
Thanks flimfam
To be fair, nobody except the rare outliers talks about what it is like to be raped, so it's really hard to create a believable character unless you studied psych papers or something.
none stop rape by a gang of little goblins no less
>cross boarder from /tg/
>telling people to leave
That's rich.
But I'm not from /tg/, user.
Only after raping them.
Why rape?
I don't think they are going to consent.
But why rape child boy gobs?
Overpowering your victims and make them feel despair before killing them is hot.
Damn son.
He has a vision
What music goes well with killing goblins?
I'll just crush their testicles.
That's just conquest 101
that's crueler than killing them outright like Goblin Slayer though.
In the end, he is the most merciful of the them all.
>tfw be hanging from the nearest tree or court martial if caught.
>TFW we can't enjoy our spoils of wars
why fight then?
For oil. And for the financial elite.
At least it wasn't that one Lich
Seems so.
But then there are still goblins to slay...