Meditating on the lotus of your heart, in the center is the untainted; the exquisitely pure, clear...

Meditating on the lotus of your heart, in the center is the untainted; the exquisitely pure, clear, and sorrowless; the inconceivable; the unmanifest, of infinite form; blissful, tranquil, immortal; the womb of /ai/ - Idle Activities.

Other urls found in this thread:!vYFCXKha!UWNMez-T-GQFh_qKL0YTK_fNFsZQmxgsCxSf_9IqKNYプリパラ-プリパズ/

June did nothing wrong.

I want to kiss Non on the lips for her birthday!

Damn /ai/ is fast today

I'll love /ai/ shows forever but I'll never get the elitism that forms in some people who watch them. I've seen the same phenomenon happen on /pc/.

Yeah, we get it, you're too mature for pantyshots, but you don't have to be such a faggot about it!

Penguin-sensei died for her sins.

Sumire looks better like that.

I always thought that was a joke, but I guess people take it way too seriously also don't crossthread.

I want to fuck Lala.

I wish I could have a pile of lewd and normal Non good on my floor...

Rinne appeared in my dream last night and I haven't even watched RL.
Does this mean anything?

No, you get Gollum.
I'll take (Ju)Non.

It means you should watch it.


Love is a sin.
Posting Stars sidle guide to be seen at the start of a thread~ I'll slink away after this.

It's not elitism.
Otakus are despised throughout Nippon, their doujins are stupider than the anime that pander to them, and those doujins are also some of the most disgusting, degenerate rubbish around.

I'm not saying I don't watch otaku-pandering anime, whether implicitly or explicitly.

For you.™

How long until they're at each other's throats?

Weakness is a sin.

Thanks user, this is great.

Never. Yummy and Roller need each other.


They're gonna fight and then reconcile.

It's nice to finally know the names of my favorite sidles.

user please, where do you think you are?

Sup Forums, and what of it?

Isn't user in /ai/? A place to discuss shows aimed at little girls? Besides those cardgames shows.

Weakness = sin
human's element = weakness
human's element = sin
Fortunately, God cleanses sin when you ask it of Him wholeheartedly.

Don't forget about the coloring project! Here's the links to the squares if you still need to print it out.

Zip with each individual square:!vYFCXKha!UWNMez-T-GQFh_qKL0YTK_fNFsZQmxgsCxSf_9IqKNY
Previous coloring projects:

The guide:

We're not talking about those extreme Otaku. The very thought of watching seasonal anime is repulsive to some /ai/ and /pc/ watchers.
It's elitism. They believe themselves part of an elite that has outgrown sexual content in anime, and they bring up their superiority each time as though they were an atheist teenager at a family christmas dinner.

Most annoying sidle gets sent away out of the country. Excellent.

>It's elitism.
No, it's bait. And you bit like a stupid little fish.

Indeed, that's why humans should stride to go beyond, surpass their inherent weakness.

She's already fucking mexicans.

Take that back!

Why are they in LA?

After I'm done with Aikatsu.
Or should I watch AD first?

I wish it was bait, but I've talked to people like that personally and they're dead serious.

¡Calmate, Pancho!

You can watch whatever you want first, as long it isn't DMF because it's the sequel of AD.

Watch AD if you like good drama, watch RL if you like soap operas.

Hey look, Dorothy is in King of Fighters!

It's funny how the opposite is also true
>Whoah I can't watch those idol-shit shows those are for children, now id you'll excuse me I need to go back to watching GochiUsa

Then do as I do, steer clear of narcissists. Elitism runs in their veins hardcore, they just can't stop themselves from wanting to kick reason to the curb and glorify themselves and their own awful opinions. They are hopeless.
Still, these are a minority of people in most kinds of groups, no need to get worked up about it.

It's your fault.

I don't know what any of these people are talking about, Aikatsu, PriPara, and GochiUsa are all great.

Indeed, the board, and outside of it, it's filled with people that say that, which is pretty silly in both senses, they're being held down by silly paradigms.

I'm glad I like them all. If it's got cute girls, I'm into it.

No, but they dare not TOUCH children-pandering anime, perish the thought!
But then watch pseudo-children's anime meant for late night watchers.
It's just your usual human stupidity.

I love them all too. I just like cute girls.

Truly the correct answer to this argument, as long it has cute things, it's fine in my book.


You're going to send me on a power trip.

I can hear the bells and angels singing.

Guys insecure about themselves, really. Childishly insecure.
Watching kids' shows or girls' shows threatens their masculinity and "maturity".
Typical teenage behavior. In older "kids", they're just uber immature, worse than us here, I think.

But what about cute boys?


Those are more than welcome, shota are great, I'll never get people that just like loli but despise shota, they're missing out.

I want to eat Lala

I'll beat you to it.

I could bake those, besides the hat and seal, which are beyond my abilities.

Of course I love cute boys too.

This guy gets it.

I'll beat you.

I'll beat you off.

>Watching anime for children and coloring coloring books means you're immature
>Watching sexy anime and fapping to doujins means you're immature

When will they all realize that being into anime at all makes you immature, and more importantly, that there's nothing wrong with that?

I'll suck you off.

Because the only people who are truly immature are those who try to ignore what they like and pretend to be a so-called "adult". Adults aren't real, they're a figment of children's imagination.

I think it's more inmature thinking that watching animated shows is inmature, not like I say this stuff is mature, but I wouldn't call it inmature either, this a hobby after all, until you begin to work on this kind of stuff, then it becomes a way to live, which is admirable.

I'd rather she eat me. I don't care how much blood I'll have to shed.

Fuck off.

How does being into anime make you immature? It's much better than whatever "mature" shitty detective drama or shitty action movie normalfags are watching.

Fuck on.


>How does being into anime make you immature?
Why does it matter? Being immature is more fun.
According to society, in order to be mature you pretty much shouldn't enjoy anything.

I agree, the social construction of the adult, specially in this period is the most patetic thing ever, like a drone devoid of it's spirit, which I believe is a worse kind of existence than being dead and forgotten.

The pripara mobage is out for download.


I'd like to see you try.

Time to reroll for Aroma.

Here is apkpure link for people having trouble downloading off the store.プリパラ-プリパズ/



What a coincidence, I'm gonna do that too.

What are the cards I should reroll for? Anyone got a list?

Love you~ user.

I'm already here.
Whatcha gonna do 'bout it, foo'?


Make you stay.

I'm gonna stay in your favorite idle, that's what I'm gonna do.


But user, YOU'RE my favorite idle.

Not even a minute in and already got an error.

It's just out for download. Game is under going maintenance before officially starting service.

Half way done with mine.

Whats the rarest card type to aim for in rerolling?

I'm not an idle, and that's a poor comeback against me being the reason that you're a cuck.

We Aromafags gotta stick together. Is there even an Aroma PPR in the pool at the moment though? I do remember them showing a Garuru a while back.


>gojira with a bow
Should have been Reptar instead for good measure, but fair enough.

The trick is to aim for the least rare card that no one else wants. That's truly the rarest card.

But I don't want Love or Ajimi. I want Mikan or Lala.