Have you sworn fealty to your king today?


That slut is not my King.

Karl the great?


Sorry, I don't swear loyalty to sluts.

Agravain is best boy

Good taste user.

Lancelot a shit.

>Being loyal to cucks

Secondary please leave.

king of the who?

Muh dick.

>Not only is she busty she has the arara thickness
I can't believe I thought a child like Nero would be the grown appearance of Arturia.

Truly a goddess.

>turning Seibah into a titty monster
I enjoy thickness alight, but it's just not right whenever it comes to her.
I know her body stopped ageing when she was 14yo, so a fully grown up Saber would look more developed, but this is too much.

Where's the king though?

Oh come on plenty of doujins did it this is nothing new.

The difference is that none of those doujinshi were canon.

If Saber had been taken in Fate and only Lancer was available would Shirou be able to summon this Saber with Avalon?

But everyone wins now. Main Arturia is still Saber Arturia, nothing really changes with this.

No, because this version of Arturia is a goddess, and gods couldn't be summoned in the Fuyuki Grail War.

>hey kid, wanna /ss/?

Lancer Artoria wasn't always a goddess.
You can summon her human form just like you can summon Heracles prior to his ascension.

>because this version of Arturia is a goddess
Wait what?

No, because Lancer Artoria is from an alternate timeline.

Shirou probably would've ended up with regular Artoria wielding Rhongomyniad. Yes, there's a distinction.

Mind you, I'm not taking this too seriously.
Anyhow, I don't see how everyone wins from this.
Again, I'm talking purely from aesthetics here, so I'm not taking these designs personally.

My main issue is that Arturia had an air of elegance and fragility which played a nice contrast to her being a knight and all the power she holds, but this new design is just erotic. That may have worked well for Rider, but not for Saber. Hell, even Sakura and Hanei look modest in comparison.

Even Arc, who is thick as fuck, looks well given the designs she's given (be it her regular outfit or her princess one).

>alternate timeline.
Isn't Archer the same?

>Lancer Artoria wasn't always a goddess.
Yeah, but that would be regular Arturia with Rhongomyniad.
If you want the Avatar of Rhongomyniad, that's gonna be a goddess always, no?

Poor Lancer Arthuria, now her Saber self bullies her

What? EMIYA is from a different world-line from Shirou in F/SN, Lancer Arthuria is from a world-line where she continued using the spear instead of the sword and grew up normally, and a hundred other examples of this same thing.

An infinite amount of world-lines converge at the throne, demonstrating an infinite amount of possibilities. And that's basically how its always been.

Camelot Grand Order is all about a world-line where Bedivere fucked up throwing the sword in the lake, so King Arthur became an undead wriath who couldn't pass onto Avalon properly.

Archer is a product of that timeline though it's possible for Shirou to become that Archer, titty king is not from a possible future, but from an entirely separate past.

A possible future and possible past are the same thing. Its all different world-lines.


>but this new design is just erotic
This new design is her fanservicey third ascension design.
She appears in the story looking like this.


Ah, that looks cool.
If that's how she looks regularly, then I don't have any complaints.

Its the same thing, she looks the same under that armor. You just strip it off of her as you ascend her.

She looks perfectly fine in her last art, like a warrior maiden, like Jeanne of Arc.

It doesn't make sense though if everything is stored in the throne it should be summonable.

The distinction is in the catalysts.

Rin's pendant had a possibility of becoming Archer's pendant at the time of summoning, therefore it could be used as a catalyst to summon him.

Shirou's Avalon is in no way tied to alternate Arturia, the events of the past are already fixed. It is only tied to the Arturia of his timeline.

>RotK still thought "Arthur" was a man even in this form
How fucking blind do you have to be.

>if everything is stored in the throne it should be summonable.

Everything basically is summonable, including alternate versions of the same person. Almost infinite versions of infinite people.

Everything is summonable, but each Grail has its own limitations.

Holy Lances are good civilization.

How blind are you, is the question. Her boobs are hidden by her armor, she looks entirely the same as the king they used to know, except taller. Anything feminine about her is covered up entirely.

>each Grail has its own limitations.

Keep in mind this is a work done by the Japanese, and for them a man can look feminine, and that simply means he's got very fine characteristics.

This might be since they are more likely to be androgynous.

Vote Mordred for King!

The Fuyuki grail is not the basis for all grails.

Different grails work differently
Reason why Stheno and Euryale can be summoned in F/GO.

I want to see her bully a boy-king or two.

The Fuyuki grail was clearly stated to be unable to summon gods. I don't recall if there was an explanation for why those couldn't be summoned.

On the other hand, if you look at other systems such as the Mooncell, or the Grail in Fate/strange fake you can tell those abide by different rules.

So you can only summon this Arturia as a goddess?

You don't vote for kings!

>something wrong, user?

Lancer Arturia can be regular human/dragon Arturia with a Lance (Rhongomyniad).

If you want this though. That's the Avatar of Rhongomyniad, and that's a goddess.

>The Fuyuki grail was clearly stated to be unable to summon gods. I don't recall if there was an explanation for why those couldn't be summoned.

Fuyuki grail can't summon them since gods aren't in the throne of heroes, they're in the throne of gods. Its stated in F/SF that anything with A rank divinity or above is not in the throne of heroes.

Fate/Extra is a super computer that records everything in the universe, therefore it summons shit based on its own records, therefore the throne doesn't matter.

F/SF there aren't any gods summoned

In F/GO divine things are summonable in very limited situations as talked about in Rome. You can't force them to be summoned, only they can allow themselves to be summoned, since they aren't in the throne. Basically if the god goes out of its way, it can be summoned if it feels like it. However this is only possible for a few reasons. Namely the fact that the entire world is at stake, which means gods are also in danger, so they feel like getting involved this one time. Also because this is yet another different system from Fuyuki.

The Arturia that you can summon in F/GO is essitnally Vanilla Saber but is using Rhyon instead of Excalibur. Goddess Lancer is the result of her falling under the control of the holy Lance and pushing her to Goddess level but changes her.

Goddess only exist in the Camelot Order of F/GO. We can summon her as if she never was controlled by the Lance

If you looked at the full design you'd realize that even in full armor her outfit exposes her thighs and child bearing hips.

Also it's not entirely unreasonable for a 14-15 year old boy to look feminine. It's much more ridiculous for a fully grown "man" to have the soft, delicate features of a fair maiden... is what I was going to say, but then I remembered that Bedivere and Tristan exist.

Also, gods are still gods, therefore its too complicated for the system to summon themselves normally. Therefore they have to find some loophole to be summoned.

Such as becoming a Pseudo-servant, or limiting themselves a lot.

So she really is not future Arturia?

norway's king begs to differ

Watery tarts throw your swords at Mordred!

Lion King in Camelot =/= The Arthuria Lancer you summon

Both of them are future Arthuria's sort of, but both came about in different ways.

Lion King is an undead wraith, Lancer Arthuria is just Arthuria if she chose to use her lance full time in life.

Designwise, even Saber Arturia could have grown up to be like that.
So, that's a canon grown up Arturia.

However, the Arturia that pulled Caliburn is eternally 14.

But does their king have a magical sword gifted to them by the Lady of the Lake?

She's literally the Best.

Oh I get it now.

Nice to see they finally made her fuckable. I can fap to her now.

Just a different iteration of her.

When in comes to Arturia being a Lancer there is

Vanilla Lancer-Normal version that used the Lance
Alter Lancer-Think Alter with a Lance
The Lion King- Arturia after the Lance takes control.

I'd feal those tys, if you catch my drift.

Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

I don't know, Bedivere looks pretty feminine.

So, Rhongomyniad >>>>> Excalibur?

>All these lore by Nasu
At this point I just want to have good waifu, the plot doesn't matter anymore

There's got to be a doujin about Lancer Arturia recharging her mana with Shirou.

>Alter Lancer-Think Alter with a Lance
This Alter has a more valid reason for existing though.
She's Lancer Arturia as the leader of the Wild Hunt.
Whereas Saber Alter shouldn't even exist on the throne since she's just some aberration created by some wormslut shitting grail mud all over Saber during a grail war.

>The Lion King- Arturia after the Lance takes control.
This version is also the goddess.

Not really
They are pretty even if you don't take what the Lion King did into consideration. That was on a completly different level.

Be quiet!

Vote for Mordred, a King for the masses!

Mordred is literally retarded.
Merlin confirmed, don't ask him about it.

What did she do?

I was thinking of Rhongomyniad when wielded by the Avatar.
I think it goes up to EX in terms of output when Avatar of Rhongomyniad goes Alter, no?

>Alter Lancer-Think Alter with a Lance

This was an early on theory, but it was deconfirmed pretty heavily. When Lancer Arthuria Alter first came out, people thought it was fucking stupid and bad, since they thought she was just Alter Saber basically but with the spear and the breasts were bad. Then her bio got updated when Lancer Arthuria finally came out, to reveal she's the same as Lancer Arthuria, same entire scenario basically. Her height was the changed, people no longer thought she was just Alter.

Bond CE reveals that Lancer Arthuria and Alter Arthuria Lancer came to the same crossroads in life with using the spear full time in Life. Lancer Arthuria decided the become more divine in nature due to the spear's influence while trying to retain some humanity, but Alter went "Fuck you spear, don't corrupt me, I'll retain my humanity until the end" and stuck to her path as a human despite using the spear.

Ironically the Alter version is the one who decided to rule as a human, rather than a divine king.

Of course at that point it would be stronger.
It is buffed as shit as it has the Avatar building the power for the spear and the people they took into Camelot.

There's nothing wrong with Mordred that a little proper parenting couldn't have fixed.

Be a goddess with appropriately goddess-level powerlevels.

She was just casually dropping orbital strikes on Muslims throughout the entirety of the Camelot chapter.

I hope no one was planning on sexualizing the saints

Dumb incest homunculus cant be kings.

Fucking Faggot Self-Insert Fanfiction Shits

>King Arthur
Britbongs please kindly fuck off with your fanfiction.

>The Arturia that you can summon in F/GO is essitnally Vanilla Saber but is using Rhyon instead of Excalibur.

Kinda different really

>She became an existence closer to Divine Spirits due to using the holy spear, but since the period of use was just that of ten-odd years, her mental structure and spiritual make-up has not changed too much.
>The Heroic Spirit of a 「different possibility」 than the regular Artoria. Although she takes a human form, she can no longer be called a Human Heroic Spirit. Due to the properties concealed in the holy spear, she has changed・mutated into an existence closer to a Divine Spirit - a goddess if anything. While she has turned more rational, more collected than holy sword Artoria, her humanity has not been lost. Rather, there are now composure in her choices thanks to becoming an adult, achieving an ideal way of being as a king.

>This version of her is a Heroic Spirit of Heavens that, at Camlann Hill, gave back the holy spear herself and returned to the land. Meanwhile, the Servant 「Lion King」 (who has the same appearance as her) was not able to die when she was fated to die and, as consequence, ended up becoming a wandering ghost while retaining the holy spear. Because the 「Lion King」 who held onto the holy spear has completely turned into a Divine Spirit, its inner aspects are different from this version of her.

She's more mature, slightly different outlook on life. She says she has a bit more of a sense of humor, less stick up her ass. Her interlude shows a difference in character.

01. Midway through the Ninth Crusade, someone who should have died is given a Holy Grail. Using the power of the Holy Grail, the expeditionary force approaches the Holy Land. Dedicating everything to the King of Magic, they set fire to the land and slaughter the people. However, in their greed they summon the Pharaoh. Naturally, the Pharaoh confiscates their grail, creates the Egyptian Territory, and sets about building his own kingdom there.
02. The expeditionary force loses ground. The one chosen by the Holy Grail is cornered by the people of the Holy Land. But then, a mysterious Servant appears and summons the "False Crusaders." Though this Servant identifies themselves as Richard I, their appearance and behavior are far too different from his. The False Crusaders capture the expeditionary force and occupy the Holy Land.
03. The Lion King arrives in the singularity and summons the Knights of the Round Table.
04. The Knights of the Round Table battle the False Crusaders. The expeditionary force is annihilated. The Holy Land falls. The Holy City is completed.
05. Xuanzang-chan suddenly appears
06. Chaldea begins the Sixth Grand Order


They can be King of the waves! Vote Mordred for King of England!

>Fuyuki grail can't summon them since gods aren't in the throne of heroes, they're in the throne of gods. Its stated in F/SF that anything with A rank divinity or above is not in the throne of heroes.
What's Gilgamesh's Divinity again?

Was just trying to keep it simple for him.

>casually dropping orbital strikes on Muslims throughout the entirety of the Camelot chapter.

Why isn't she liked more?

Made the knights of the round fight to the death, only the survivors may serve her, killed a fuckload of Muslims, and then tried to end humanity.

This whole thing made me remember Proto-Saber's Excalibur was EX (and had a better design as well).

B, because he really hated the gods and that somehow makes his Divinity stat lower.

>swearing fealty to one of the worst servants in the game

That's more or less what happened before the beginning of Chapter 6.
When the Lion King appeared in the Sixth Grand Order, she summoned the Heroic Spirits of the Round Table with her own power.
(This is different than the summoning method used by Chaldea)
All but two of the Knights responded to the summons, and were informed of the world's collapse, and how in half a year's time all would be reduced to nothing by the King of Magic. And, the Lion King told them about the "means of salvation by the holy lance," their best hope of counteracting it.
In the solemn morning glow, the Lion King proclaimed:

"I summoned you knights because I require your power. While I can destroy my enemies alone, I cannot perform the Holy Selection. I need knights that will become my hands and feet. However. I understand that this act violates your beliefs. Will you obey me, or will you leave my side? Or, will you band together here to strike me down? I will hear your answers at sundown. I can wait no longer than that."

And so, the Knights of the Round Table each fretted over their choice.
There would surely be those who sided with the Lion King, just as there would surely be those who tried to stop her.
In either case, the enemy would be their fellow Knights.
Nobody was going to leave. If they disagreed with the Lion King, they had no choice but to enact the death penalty.
That, in turn, meant fighting their comrades who had chosen to follow her.


Don't talk shit on the Hassans
They were the best part of the Order

Motherfucking King Hassan