JoJo thread
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OVA DIO is the best DIO.
smelly and adorable
Part 2 is crap.
i hope i'm fitting in now
Did it explain how kira knew about cinderella's ability?
When should I begin to plan the Fightcade Tournament?
I was thinking September 20 would be a good date, it'll give people enough time to practice before we start.
I want to know more about this guy. What were his dreams and aspirations growing up? What sort of hobbies did he have? What was his personality like?
If Kira was a bartender, his stand would be Sheer Heart Cognac
No. But seeing as all stand users are attracted to one another, it wouldn't be a stretch to say Kira had his own bizarre adventure with Aya without her knowing he was a serial killer.
Head jar Dio
best Dio
stand users atrack stand users?
I'm reporting you
Sounds good.
Except that Part 2 is trash.
It's shown in the anime
D4C makes considerably less sense than King Crimson
You got a smirk out of me. I hope it was worth it
If Kira was australian his stand would be Sheer Heart Outback
>Ha ha I'm going to enjoy a good time playing Heritage for the Future on Fightcade
>Ha ha, oh cool, these guys all want to fight
>Oh, they're all picking the boss character
>Well, guess I'lll just get good!
>Hey, I'm pretty good at Hol Horse, I should play him more!
>Oh, Hol just crashes the game sometimes.
Seeing as his Stand only manifested and became a threat after his death, he probably realized his life's purpose was to die.
That's why he's so big. He's making himself a target.
If Kira enjoyed British-American rock bands, his stand would be Sheer Heart Fleetwood Mac
Not really.
Maybe he killed a few girls heading out of the salon looking pretty, and realized she was stand user after seeing her with Josuke and friends.
>tips fedora
So far, every Higashikata stand has had "King" in it's name. how long till we meet JUST WERKS
>Hol just crashes the game sometimes
That's just your internet m8, Hol is my main too and I never had a problem with him.
How high are the chances that DP makes a Deadman's Questions/Ghost Kira's Bizarre Adventure standalone OVA?
I imagine he didn't have many friends. Probably sat alone at lunch alot. Probably wanted to be an environmental scientist or something else where he could be away from civilization. Most likely had a terrible tamper, probably injured several kids in fits of rage. He probably enjoyed reading, and pointing magnifying glasses at anthills.
Shh, Gyro is sleeping.
Repeating this question from last thread.
Is there any ASB/EoH voice actors that you DON'T want to return?
I love Hol Horse so much
Why did I do this?
If Diavolo watched prime time cartoons, His favorite would be The King Simpsons.
He has the personality of one as well
It seems to be a problem with a lot of people.
Guys I know Dio is fun but his normal combo does the same amount of damage as some of Polnareff's Supers
If Pucci was fat his stand would Whitecake
Any spic wanna play some HFTF?
I like the all the actors for 5 and 6
I hope they dont change them
Tho I like that almost everybody for SDC was replaced, and I like the new ones for DiU
Giorno and Gappy.
Giorno's stand cry is absolute dogshit and Gappy's voice sounds like someone going through puberty. Doesn't fit at all.
After they make the obligatory beach/school festival/Christmas/Jolyne OVA.
Stop pressing the stand key, you fucking retards.
Stop mashing buttons and learn how to play the fucking game.
you retards arent even trying anymore
Josuke, the anime one is better.
Rohan, Koichi, Ermes, these are the only ones I can remember from the top of my head.
>they're all picking the boss character
What the fuck do you mean? What boss character?
Your next line is: Stardust Crusaders isn't really that good
I know we aren't posting dreamscope anymore but I really liked the one user did for me
Stardust Crusaders isn't really that good
>wasting meter on time stop when you're not even on the time lead
>against Jotaro
>tfw I really like SDC
>time lead
I meant life lead.
>wasting time when your opponent has MORE meter than you
this webm makes me so mad
Don't worry, without SDC, there'd be no more JoJo, so even the haters have to deal with that!
I watched the old OVAs way back in the day and I recently got caught up on the TV anime, now I want to read the manga.
Should I get the colored versions, or do they look like crappy fan-color jobs like the kind you see with some doujins?
He said during SHA that he'd been watching them all for a couple of days and taking notes of all of them. So it's implied he was watching Koichi and Yukako during Cinderella.
Hol Horse can soft lock the game even on a good connection; but it's really rare to actually do. Wish I remembered exactly how one does that, but you won't see it in a regular match.
where did the Jotaro dolphin thing start
like I get he's a marine biologist but I didnt see anything about dolphins
>playing HTFT after many years
>decide to finally give Joseph a honest try
>mad fun characters with cool looking combos
>can't do a 360 on a keyboard to save my life
The coloured versions are pretty amateur and ruin the art, so they're a no go. Also only up to Part 3 has been released in English, so there's a solid 25 years worth of manga you can only read online at the moment.
Gay priest is here
Because he wears dolphin pins on his outfits during Part 4.
I bet I could beat you right now.
Fightcade name?
Honestly the colored version is sometimes better, sometimes worse.
For example, some scenes lose impact in color (Mystery of King Crimson chapters), while others are so hard to understand without color due to how cluttered it can get (Love Train/Ball Breaker/Break my Heart, Break your Heart chapters are a great example of this)
Plus a lot of the early B&W manga has pretty mediocre scans.
I'd say that it's your call. Use the B&W manga, and if it gets too hard to follow/has shit scans, switch to colored for that chapter.
Post yours.
They also do stupid colour choices like making a DIO flashback in Part 6 happen in broad daylight and a fight set underground in Part 5 look like daylight which makes the enemy hiding his face look ridiculously stupid.
You're the one that challenged, buddy.
Yours first, don't be shy.
If it's any consolation I can barely do any input with a diagonal movement on keyboard. In timestop it's a miracle I do anything at all.
I wish DIO's timestop wasn't so bad
Gappy makes me happy
>making a DIO flashback in Part 6 happen in broad daylight
It was daytime in the B&W manga too.
I am addicted to r63 of jojo
The windows were just left blank, you can't tell the time from them.
You suck.
Keyboard is pretty bad for 360s and such rotations, like sdio's 180s, since the emulator works one-sided without the joystick.
>Kira stalking teenagers and just assuming they have magical powers
thats some creepy shit
>talk about heritage for the future
>all the fighting game autists come out
It's such a lovable game and talking about it with /jojo/ is usually so comfy
But it's a double edged sword I guess
>Not stalking teenagers to see if they have magical powers
>suck at game
>complain about people talking shit
sorry about that desu
Aside from this I did like Part 6's colors though. Stone Free
Vs Some of what I read in Part 4 and 5
>Not creepy
>everything is a jarky, overcolored BROAD DAYLIGHT, no-shading color
>completely spitting on araki's coloring style
it's pretty bad to be honest, especially part 3, 5 and 6 colorings
the worst is the first part of part 7, everything looks muddy and complete garbage
later colored chapters of part 7 look great thouhg
>watching KLK again with my jojofags who havent seen it
>imaging how fucking AMAZING part 6 would be by TRIGGER
please let david die
>say I'm not good at the game and something I have trouble with
I don't care if people call me shitty because I am shitty and admit to it, I care about fighting game autists
Hes a good boy who dindu nuffi!
I never actually played HTFT in Fightcade, do people comply to tournament rules and don't pick Petshop?
Why do I enjoy this kind of shit?
Beware of [Heavy Weather] because the salt level is HUGE
You're right, i was being kinda shitty.
I guess i'm just not used to new players being new, been here a while and since hftf's as active as it is now, it's gotten a shitload of new players and i guess i got kinda pissy about it
Sorry, friend
/r/ing a higher quality version
If they don't, they kicked out, what else do you think would happen?
dat Anatomy
Dio stronk
Yes, of course.
Stop asking for being spoonfed, you big fat baby.
!!! JxK Warning !!!
People only use Pet Shop tauntingly on winning streaks
Last time I heard someone pick petshop it was one of the regular players and then he got curbstomped playing him
But usually noobs migrate towards Hol Horse or Chaka anyway
I'm not a huge fighting game player, but I learn the lingo and watch tournaments from time to time, it's great to watch high level matches.
I don't get pissy because people like it more or follow it more than me, I just enjoy it at my own level.