Who are SHRIKE?

I can't find anything about them with normal searches.
Are they "our guy"?

Seems like it.

>Harass Reds & Intimidate Kikes everywhere
are we SHRIKE?


I'm not finding anything either.

Isn't that a bit odd? A group just falling off the map like that?


The Sup Forums SHRIKE team. I kinda like it...

www.pc.co.il general 203593

I do too

those digits confirm it

It’s going to be a long night

dr. pavel, I'm SHRIKE

This should really be higher up in the priority chain. A group like this just disappearing without a trace, with the way the lefties chart all the "hate" groups?

>Impale the rats
Shrikes are the perfect symbol for us

That's a loggerhead Shrike. They're down here in Florida. Often called "the butcher bird."

These folks were purged by Bill Buckley and what became the mainstream conservative movement

>Dr. Pavel, I'm SHRIKE

1 adam 12, 1 adam 12....i'm calling in a SHRIKE STRIKE.

It would be nice to find some way to contact them. They may have some insight into things that have never been presented here.

Bumping for SHRIKE

SHRIKE here, we actually had moot set up Sup Forums to make our big comeback.