>his waifu isn't blonde
Explain yourself.
His waifu isn't blonde
She is but why post a trash wife
if i wanted a blonde waifu i'd just date a real girl
Why would hair color matter?
I want my waifu to have hair that doesn't exist in the 3D dimension.
Big poofy red hair.
But she is.
>Wanting genderbent Delta as a waifu
I'm not normalfag
Blue hair best hair
No fuck that shit, I see so many fucking blond girls that I'm fucking sick of it, its so generic. Why does every fucking girl with pretty brunette hair always ruin it with shitty blonde dye. Not to mention the fact that if they dye their hair blonde, unless they keep up with it, it ends up just being "dirty" blonde which looks fucking terrible (even for those who have natural dirty blond hair). Don't get me wrong though, its not just "dyed" blonde hair that I regularly see/hate, I very much also hate natural blonde hair because it just looks plain.
This doesn't apply to blonde men or blond women with short hair, idk why but it looks nice when its short.
But that's my wife, user.
Because i don't want a baka waifu
I have a brunette smart waifu
She is though.
Most dumb blondes are the one with dyed hair and not actual blondes. So the chances are high that it was a brunette.
>user isn't blond
Care to explain yourself?
Mine is blond user.
But she is.
But user ,The girl you posted is naturally a redhead.
so, does anyone know where i can find some soundtrack shit? specifically this anime's version of climax reasoning that plays near the end of most episodes, like when tengan is showing his NG code or kirigiri is guessing rurukas
sorry for repeat post, just curious !
I don't think it's out yet
>having a waifu
Darj is blonde m8.
I can give her a blonde wig that she looks pretty good in.
She's not actually blonde. She's just a gyaru.
>hair that doesn't exist in the 3D dimension
Rihanna could pull it off. I think she'd work well in a live-action American adaptation.
With Katy Perry as Yuri.
this whole time i thought it was New World Order, holy shit
What is a waifu?
What's his NG code?
On the contrary
Being in charge
>implying she isn't.
Just kidding, mugi is cute. But far frlm best girl
Why would I want a dumb bitch as a waifu???
She needs a black bull every now and then, I understand that. She's still my beautiful wife.
My waifu is not a bimbo.
Brunette wins again
But she is
What do you do about her radish eyebrows?
Taking off the mask
>Explain yourself.
She's perfect already
You people with blond waifus better be blond yourselves. If you're not, you're dooming your waifu to a lineage of shit-haired kids. She wants beautiful blond babies, and you won't be able to give them to her with your inferior sperm.
literally sluts, fucking blondes taking nigger cock when offered. That is what all they are
I am taking a latina or an asian that won't jump to the nigger cock on the first try!
>nigger cock
Is that that thing Sup Forums angrily wanks it to all the time?
>Assuming my gender
>not being able to change your gender at will
Tyrone and Jamal pls
Anybody who isn't white doesn't have the right to natural blonde women, they're our treasure.
Bringing friends.
Isn't Sup Forums mostly white anyway?
I like darker hair colors. Blond is rarely attractive to me