Hillary Clinton Exposed As Source Of Dossier

Did we just fucking win????

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She did nothing wrong. Drumpflets are just trying to discredit her queen essence. Fuck deplorables. Heil Hillary. Podesta did nothing wrong. You are all a bunch of fake news russian shill racist deplorable anti-rick&morty goon lords virgin neckbeard permavirgin incel mom's basement dwelling ...


She's fucked

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Retard Much?

Did we ever stop winning?

It's fucking nothing, as usual.
Goodnight. I'm go to bed.

holy shit. if she's playing the ol' "I was unaware officer, I swear!" routine, she's good and fucked. grab a pint lads, it's showtime

not yet

She is so fucked . Huma s pussy cant even comfort her at this point

Obama pulled the unaware routine routinely and they let it go every time.

Based sleepy nigger poster

You know how when Trump Jr. was under investigation for getting catfished over dirt on HRC from a foreign intelligence agent? Irony is a bitch when emails and money trail evidence showed that HRC and the DNC did the exact same thing by paying a foreign intelligence agent for dirt on Trump.

she also claimed she wasn't unwell until she was folded into the back of a fucking van by henchmen
her first instinct in a moment of crisis is to lie, then tell the truth later

Stick a crutch up her ass . she s done

am i not banned yet bump

ahh yes but (((They))) don't hold executive power anymore, and I guarantee her statements will be verified publicly & relatively soon

don't know why i searched for this just for this thread, but here's where I got this from
>The larger question that will be raised by the "health scare" is the one that has dogged Clinton forever: Why does she create cover stories rather than reveal the truth? At many critical turns in her lengthy career, Clinton has chosen obfuscation rather than revelation.


Hmm. So people in areas with high lead concentration voted for hillary?

Now that they are caught redhanded, she starts pleading ignorance.

That was her clone

Just as I thought, nothing again. Can we please get back to the JFK files now?

I hope they drag her ass in front of congress and ask her directly. She says she was unaware, then a sourse drops some of the "deleted" emails that show her knowing about the dossier.

I hate hillary and all but it's not like she would go to jail for this

thats a good observation. even if many of the things themselves are inconsequential what is not is the habit to constantly lie about them

>exact same thing
Wrong leafag.

Attending a meeting to HEAR something (which is not a crime, even if it was a Russian spy pretending not to be a spy) is nowhere near as bad as paying money for a dossier that includes "Russian intelligence" and then having McCain give to FBI to use for BS

I really don't understand how voters trust politicians in the USA. When there are leads that a politician has tried to defame someone, they are called out on it, deny it.. and people believe them? This is basic shit that gets revealed on a monthly basis and happens probably way more often. Some common sense things really seem to be a problem for Democrat Voters and never-Trumpers. I really don't understand what someone would get out of defending Hillary Clinton. I don't get how she was actually close to becoming president.

i need a rundown

Bb_bB-bb-bbuuu-uut mah impeeEeeEeeeeEEEEchhg. IT WAS HER TURN, REEE3eeeeEeeeEEE

The WaPo article reporting Clintons campaign paid Fusion GPS was a partial hangout attempt by the dems to shield Fusion from the bank record subpoena

>Dems obstructed the Fusion GPS hearing, Fusion GPS pleads the fifth to everything

>Nunes issued a subpoena for bank records back to 2015, Court was due to supply records Monday

>Obama appointee Judge delayed subpoena

>WaPo publishes story saying DNC funded the dossier tuesday

>This strengthens the injunction

>Because there’s something Fusion cares about keeping secret even more than the Clinton-DNC news—and that something is in those bank records. The release of the client names was a last-ditch effort to appease the House Intelligence Committee, which issued subpoenas to Fusion’s bank and was close to obtaining records until Fusion filed suit last week. The release was also likely aimed at currying favor with the court, given Fusion’s otherwise weak legal case. The judge could rule as early as Friday morning.

Podesta tried to stop the hearing
>The untold story is the Democrats’ unprecedented behavior. Mr. Rooney had barely started when committee staffers for Mr. Schiff interrupted, accused him of badgering witnesses, and suggested he was acting unethically. Jaws dropped. Staff do not interrupt congressmen. They do not accuse them of misbehavior. And they certainly do not act as defense attorneys for witnesses. No Democratic lawmakers had bothered to come to the hearing to police this circus, and Mr. Rooney told me that he “won’t be doing any more interviews without a member from the minority present.”

See pic related.

The Fusion GPS bank records subpoena was delayed until Wednesday by Obama appointee Judge Tanya Chutkan

>U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan granted the House motion to intervene and has delayed the due date for the bank to comply with the subpoena until Wednesday while she evaluates the complaint.

Tanya is the judge that was trying to force Trump to give an illegal an abortion
>The temporary restraining order, issued by U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan Wednesday evening, said the federal government must allow the unnamed 17-year-old girl, who is about 15 weeks pregnant, to receive the abortion within days.

This gave WaPo and other media critters time to fess up before Nunes got the truth

Podesta may have perjured himself
>Exclusive: In Hill interviews, top Dems denied knowledge of payments to firm behind Trump dossier

>Podesta was asked in his September interview whether the Clinton campaign had a contractual agreement with Fusion GPS, and he said he was not aware of one, according to one of the sources.

>Sitting next to Podesta during the interview: his attorney Marc Elias, who worked for the law firm that hired Fusion GPS to continue research on Trump on behalf of the Clinton campaign and DNC, multiple sources said. Elias was only there in his capacity as Podesta's attorney and not as a witness.

So Podesta denied paying Fusion while sitting directly next to the guy who paid Fusion on his behalf

And then this ties it all together
>Here, the Clinton campaign and the DNC retained the law firm of Perkins Coie; in turn, one of its partners, Marc E. Elias, retained Fusion GPS. We don’t know how much Fusion GPS was paid, but the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid $9.1 million to Perkins Coie during the 2016 campaign (i.e., between mid-2015 and late 2016).

>A friend draws my attention to an intriguing coincidence.

>In its capacity as attorney for the DNC, Perkins Coie – through another of its partners, Michael Sussman – is also the law firm that retained CrowdStrike, the cyber security outfit, upon learning in April 2016 that the DNC’s servers had been hacked.

So this law firm fed two different fake documents into the intel community

1. The Crowdstrike report blaming Russia for the 'hack' of the DNC

2. The Fusion dossier claiming Trump was colluding with Russia

Both halves of the same "Muh Russia" hoax

So who are they protecting? If they fed the clinton and dnc to protect the original funder has to be higher on the totem pole than either of them.

My guess is a foreign government or a US intelligence agency.

So are these people really fucked, or is this just people making a big deal about what might happen again?

Thank you based Australia bro

Holy fucking shit is literally EVERYTHING the Democrats do is projection?

(it was actually me heh heh)
(it was actually me heh heh)
(it was actually me heh heh)

Nice from Podesta to invite us over for a sacrifice, gay Luigi?

Wake me up when someone actually gets, you know, tried or arrested or ANYTHING.

Funds flow from the DNC, to Perkins Cole (conveniently under attorney-client privilege), to both Crowdstrike and Fusion GPS

But somehow, neither Podesta, nor Clinton, nor Wasserman Schultz knew what they money was going to.

And it was federally reported as "legal services".

What a convenient setup, and nobody in the DNC leadership had any idea what several million dollars went to.

I guess anyone should have a law firm as an intermediary, that way they can refuse disclosure of communication.

Like, Jesus, I would be happy if the attorney general just wrote them like a $100 fine and literally just lightly slapped Hillary Clinton on the wrist or something at this point.

So there's about 10 nonsensical slide threads on the front page right now.

>The only people who voted for Hillary are Urban retards.

Really makes you think.

which sparked the ENTIRE investigation of potential "collusion" (which has also been a year's-worth of news cycle) and also may have even lead to the entire "justification" for the FBI wire-tapping the Trump campaign and the subsequent unmasking of certain individuals (under Susan Rice) too?

this happening is heating up, if only the media cared
there sure do seem to be a lot of (((them))) and democrats going down for sexual harassment though..

The balls on these people always amaze me

During the debates when Hillary demanded that Trump swear to not dispute the election results because that would undermine democracy somehow, I wish his retort was

>You mean like Al Gore?

In hindsight, that whole exchange seems sinister.




>id: cuck-chink
lurk more

The majority of high IQ individuals in our country come from rural towns. Don't be embarrassed for not knowing this though. Even Mensa, during its initial creation days, was disappointed by the lack of sophisticated intellectuals that ended up joining because most people with high IQs turned out to be from humble homes.

what is the end goal of this

not a single person will go to jail, we all know that right?

this revelation renders an entire fucking year of time and money wasted by the entire mainstream political system

she won't see a day in prison, and the damage is done already.

So what? Other than the pee party, everything in the dossier turned out to be correct.

Post the proofs you dont have

Ha, you guys lost to retards.

>In this special Just Security article, highly respected former member of the CIA’s Senior Intelligence Service, John Sipher examines the Steele dossier using methods that an intelligence officer would to try to validate such information. Sipher concludes that the dossier’s information on campaign collusion is generally credible when measured against standard Russian intelligence practices, events subsequent to Steele’s reporting, and information that has become available in the nine months since Steele’s final report.



>Hillary Clinton Exposed As Source Of Dossier
no, you're just a fucking brainwashed moron

Fox News is perpetrating a crime on Americans' minds

This just means that it sounds like something the Russians would do.

> "The dossier itself played absolutely no role in the coordinated intelligence assessment that Russia interfered in our election."

> Robert Litt formerly served as the General Counsel to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence


why did that guy on here take credit for it then? i remember when the allegations came out, the person who wrote it supposedly was bragging about tricking some insane anti-trump CIA idiot into submitting it

If you ever want to know what the left is doing, just look at what they're accusing the right of.
Projection is the left's standard MO 24/7.

>believing a Russian shill


>former member of the CIA
>generally credible
>events subsequent to Steele’s reporting, and information that has become available in the nine months
I.e. later CNN reporting

I asked for proof and i received trash.

Assert a claim from the dossier that was true.

Until she;s brought before the tribunal and executed, there is no win.

Its like you fucking leaf believe that if you dont live in a city then that makes you an inferior being; sounds funny hearing about inferiority from a fucking leaf

>Assert a claim from the dossier that was true.

To take one example, the first report says that Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was responsible for Russia’s compromising materials on Hillary Clinton, and now we have reports that Michael Cohen had contacted Peskov directly in January 2016 seeking help with a Trump business deal in Moscow (after Cohen received the email from Trump business associate Felix Sater saying “Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it. I will get all of Putin’s team to buy in on this.”). To take another example, the third Orbis report says that Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was managing the connection with the Kremlin, and we now know that he was present at the June 9, 2016 meeting with Donald Trump, Jr., Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya and Rinat Akhmetshin, who has reportedly boasted of his ties to ties and experience in Soviet intelligence and counterintelligence. According to a recent New York Times story, “Akhmetshin told journalists that he was a longtime acquaintance of Paul J. Manafort.”

Naw, she paid a research company for opposition research. Not sure why people think it's a big deal.

dude i have no fucking clue what is true or some miles-deep embedded ruse inside 5D chess or what anymore.

I'm glad the memes from right after the election are making a comeback

Why not make a quick and simple summarization of the truth? Better than being outcompeted by the lie

wrong, someone, probably a few people, will absolutely go to jail over this. biggest political scandal of all time. it's going to be way bigger than Monica. way bigger than Watergate. easily.

not a single thing in it is correct

>Assert a claim from the dossier that was true.

Well before any public knowledge of these events, the Orbis report identified multiple elements of the Russian operation including a cyber campaign, leaked documents related to Hillary Clinton, and meetings with Paul Manafort and other Trump affiliates to discuss the receipt of stolen documents. Mr. Steele could not have known that the Russians stole information on Hillary Clinton, or that they were considering means to weaponize them in the U.S. election, all of which turned out to be stunningly accurate.

journalism is a dead art, look how long it took a single fucking journalist to actually give unbiased reporting of sweden

there is nowhere for reputable journalists to go, because they know if you aren't On The Take.

democrats are convinced Trump has obstructed justice. If they win the midterm next year, Trump will be impeached.

nope, the Russians never stole information on Hillary or the DNC. Completely made up nonsense.

No. Nobody's going to jail - not even Trump, and his gang of crooks. The fix is in, and the only sucker at this table is you.

aaaahhhh guys this is great and all but cant it wait? so tired right now.... going to head to sleep..... you should all do the same

I hope they do make the midterm about impeachment. Guaranteed win for the GOP if they do that.

>nope, the Russians never stole information on Hillary or the DNC. Completely made up nonsense.

Except they did.



He emailed Peskov about a Tower, never got a response, and the project was cancelled. Bretty big deal bro

Then we got Manafort, who we now know worked with the podesta group, in a meeting with Fusion GPS paid lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

So the dossier paid for by Fusion GPS is proven by the actions of a Fusion GPS linked lawyer?

>this proves everything
you seriously believe this? after we've been shown that the cat has been let out of the bag when it comes to cyber-security according to these same agencies?
It sounds like you're not even sleepy at all

Aya, True democrat are you?
How is kkk now?

the winning is picking up too quickly. It'll never get to that point.

Fusion and Crowdstrike both paid by the DNC and Clinton campaign through the same DNC law firm.

This statement:
Is based on crowdstrikes reporting.

it is now legal for the government to lie to us.
they repealed the Smith-Mundt Act in 2013 to specifically enable such "statements"

Screencap thread pls. This is user putting the puzzle together. This is what WHanon needs us to be doing.

Wrong. They got the info from an American company and Hillary didn't even know about it.

And since you gay DNC funded statement includes guccifer 2.0

I do it for free

Keep in mind the CIA "lost" their hacking tools and now nothing can ever be guaranteed ever again

I like it how the "New Zealand" VPN russkie troll is ignoring this and keeps pushing spam about conspiracies


That's the routine they always pull when things get hairy. Does it really surprise you?

Imagine being so sheltered that you think not living in a city means you're stupid

All these rural people who actually own land and houses and have places to call their own with fully functioning families and house holds

Man fuck them retards lmao

totally not old, we should keep this one going

>Its directly contridicted
getting nervous there, obvious russkie troll?
and no, it's not "contridicted"
and you saying that won't make it so

have a good work day at the troll farm

>All these city people who actually own real estate and houses and have places to call their own with fully functioning families and house holds

works that way, too, genius.
you think everyone who lives in a city is renting? lol

HAHAHAHAHAHAH he deleted it

I exposed a russian troll for you guys


The government assessment that interference occured is irrelevent to the dossier. The question is if the dossier was used for FISA warrents, used in unmasking thereafter, resulting in targeted leaks to the press

Further suggested reading