So... i downloaded the 20gbs of files....and ive been researching since they dropped...
what i see is that this board is fucking SLIDING, and it seems like they didnt even release most pages of alot of the files. someone please discuss w me.

Link description page
and heres where it says its 800 pages even... this is the page it is listed on.

Other urls found in this thread:, ADOLF_0003.pdf, ADOLF_0001.pdf, ADOLF_0002.pdf, ADOLF_0004.pdf, ADOLF_0005.pdf, ADOLF_0006.pdf

guess not

nice digits

what do you want to discuss?

yes they are pulling out all the stops to avoid discussion and digging into this as well as to create discord amongst us.

We need to be organized in our research of not only this but also CF pay2play

well obviously... alotta shills out...and disinfo... what are they trying to hide however? i have found pages to be missing in alot of documents...even pages out of the middle... theyre hiding alot, and with 700+ pages missing of just one of the 2800 files "released", they really could have hidden ALOT more than they want to lead on.


All the threads are slide threads rn "HITLERS STILL ALIVE" "The Jews Did It!"

Guess we will have to wait a few days?

Mate. Kill yourself. I'm serious. You jews are absolutely immoral disgusting vermin.


exactly..just the fact someone brought up hitler in an entirely unrelated document release thats super i dont think my thread will gain traction, maybe not enough high iq individuals on.. but...this release is not what they say it u see what i mean? all the conclusions/ juicy docs are missing pages or not released

cripplechan has sticky fwiw.

Shills don't want us to organize and the mods don't care.

i actually agree, wtf is with a document saying something about hitler? wtf?


whiskey for my me beer for my horses


According to these CIA documents, Hitler may actually have lived past WWII, ADOLF_0003.pdf

The JFK documents also show that Israel was funding militant Cuban groups with foreknowledge of the assassination. Kill yourself.

how could we somehow demand an answer? like..the national archives said they just werent gonna release a few hundred documents....but theres tons of shit missing out of the ones supposedly cleared for release...

I would not say that is conclusive in any way.--and what, may I ask, does hitler being alive have to do with recent events or disclosures? Why bring it up?

we not discrediting that.....but FUCK THAT, LETS FOCUS ON JFK YOU DOUCHE SHILL

>Falling for the David Duke meme

Fascinating that went it's not served up to them by the Russians Sup Forums are shit at this ammeter detective game.

I'm digging through them user, just copied a link that was being shilled around. It's of personal interest to me.

That's a good question, I'm not sure who originally brought it up or why.

pretty sad i feel like people are gonna never know that most of the files disappeared? lmao. i mean whose to say they will release the rest of the pages of THESE files... when the other files are supposed to come out

it's always like that...

what link is of personal interest im wondering? willing to follow any leads.. but currently nothing substantial has surfaced everything that would be an actual help is missing or was withheld for 160 fucking days

the difference being the JFK act in this one...this shit will have to come out if i have to call the national archives myself after 160 more days lmao. i wanna know bout all the missing fucking pages. NOT TO MENTION ALL THE PAGES THAT ARE UNREADABLE due to shitty scanning machine

This particular link was interesting to me because it purported to have an image someone took with Hitler. The CIA and FBI would follow up on all such reports and take them seriously. That means something to me.

Here were other links posted in case you are interested:, ADOLF_0001.pdf, ADOLF_0002.pdf, ADOLF_0004.pdf, ADOLF_0005.pdf, ADOLF_0006.pdf

As far as the JFK documents go, it's best to look through them and then start looking for leads you can use in further research on your own. Obviously the IC is going to want to ensure that the most damning documents never see the light of day.

what did i say to you in the other thread
you fucking nigger
if you really care go through the files and note which ones have missing files
soros shill detected

fuck you and contribute if you want to help not give shitty advice. like i said the majority of files pertaining to anything important have shit missing motherfucker and not alot of ppl know this so im spreading the word so its not forgotten.

no you can kys you lazy fucking pig
im sitting here individually downloading and numbering all the documents for later
what are you doing other than making a sperg thread about it?
you havent even tried to provide more screens about what your saying
and there is plenty of importance in there you were following the threads

ive already had all 20gbs downloaded motherfucker and obviously ive already alerted 1000s of a possible attempt to withhold information from public. so that when the time comes, we can ask for it. you aint done shit but be a shill trying to piss me off and derail my efforts so fuck youuuuuu


oooh well done you downloaded it in bulk!!!
fucking legend!!!
and you havent alerted thousands to shit because as i said earlier everyone looking at these files would be noticing it
you are an idiot mate
now get to work cataloging which files dont match up with the page numbers

What slide?

Time for Bed, everyone, you're all Extremely Sleepy.

Fuck off straya let adults handle this shit

you are an idiot or leftypol
this guy is implying people are trying to slide his retarded thread about something that every notices
why would he be making a thread just about this and not actually sharing a single thing??
seems like this may be a slide thread

not implying sliding my thread, but info in general. dammit clock out motherfucker

im here all night mate

admits to shilling...

imagine being this nuts

WE literally nothing
Kys kike nigger

bumperino, ignore the shills.

>tries to bump his own thread
>calling out shills

harassing me in every thread i point out that there's missing files - shill

>2 threads
>he was sperging out calling everyone shills
>trying to shut down investigation
you are new as fuck trying to bump your own thread
you glow