Re:Zero or Berserk's?
Who is the better Puck of the two?
The best puck is the one I'm gonna give your mommy tonight
Comparing Memeserk to a masterpiece.
comparing redditzero to a memesterpiece
Is that what you tell yourself to justify being a redditfag?
Then feel free to go back anytime, newshit.
One of them destroys the world when their master is killed
They let Their master get killed, twice? Shit puck in my opinion
What the Puck?
If Puck can come out at night anyway and use his full power why doesn't he do that to protect Emilia?
He can come out at night, but Emilia has to summon him first because he would be asleep and unaware of what's going on.
Captain Earth's
Puck is obviously better
Puck never lies.
Re:Zero is actually a good show though. Not even subjectively either, it's a fact.
One of them is funnier, cuter, more powerful and bigger than the other.
Why doesn't she summon him if she's in danger then? I don't buy the she's the only one who will survive excuse. Puck can control his powers really well and can choose who to kill or not.
Well, technically you can only blame him for one time at a time.
gambits and exploits await
It sounds very exhausting from how Puck described it. Also Emilia was always killed by surprise. Maybe Puck could've saved her the first time the cult attacked the town and the mansion, but we didn't see what happened so no way to tell if she'd summoned him or not.
Fuck you, I was going to post that.