what did she mean by this?
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This frog wants to fuck you.
I dissected a few frogs before in biology class.
Same here. It was pretty interesting.
Frog's mating call, they croak when they try to attract a suitable famale to the breeding colony. I'm very suspicious of Froppy's genitalia.
Wait so female frogs don't croak?
Who is this again? The Mc doesn't pay any attention to her and she gets hardly any page time
She's best girl.
In most species, only male frogs croak. In some, females do, but are very quiet and inaudible to humans.
fucking Sup Forums please go
Jesus fuck.
make me fampai :^)
Ah, I see. You are one of these meticulous ''senpoi lolol penpei lolkek'' senpai spouters
not really, I just knew it would trigger you
Also I needed to bump the thread
pure flower or pure slut?
Somewhere in between
With your benis?
But he said dissected, not a small incision.
It means frogs are predisposed to having wide hips.
I want Tsuyu to swallow me whole and alive, after we mate.
She wants it frog style.
She wants to be fucked into the asshole by Tekking101!
Also dissection is on dead things. On living things it's a vivisection.
I am now going to spend the rest of my day perfectiing my mating croak.
Frogs are beautiful
this image upsets me so much like holy shit who draw this? i mean a fucken retarded frog would have better sense of perspective, in the bat the stain that i can only usume that is mockus or blood should be in the other side since it would have been the part to hit her, also her entire body should be flipping to the other side, how you get hit left and go right, jesus fuck bro
Can anyone explainto me why is she so popular? Just because of her tounge?
Gap moe.
All the individual traits (weird eyes, long tongue, lanky mutant body) ought to make her disgusting, but all together makes her charmingly cute.
We are all perverts who want to have sex with frogs.
>t-shirt and track pants
Why am I so attracted to this?
Her design is original and appealing and not just in sexual way.
Source? Artist?
She's a girl, all female superheroes are popular in the hero-otaku crowd.
Soft, loose enough to reach under, shows a moderate amount of skin and implies intimacy in that she just wore it for comfort and didn't dress up for you.
me in the middle
>Lack of facial expressions
>No social filter when speaking
>Vocal tics
Your waifu is literally autistic
Cute, simplistically drawn face. That's all it is
>Lack of facial expressions
looks like someone hasn't read the manga
She meant the second season of Boku no Hero Academia will start airing after December 4th when the Special episode will official air on TV.
She's a smart frog. She knows what's up.
Would you still marry her even if she grew up to look like her mother?
That just makes her even hotter, desu
>tfw you'll never see the girls dorm comparing their mutated genitals and discussing the sexual applications of their quirks
Doujin artists have no ambition
Knowing that she won't end up with deku hurts.
>even if
I want to impregnate her mother too.