A video game about killing Nazis is controversial

>A video game about killing Nazis is controversial

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>retarded nazi larper's think the game is about them

I can't wait until we purge every nazi and communist from this country.


The Devs, have advertised the game to make it be more appealing to the SJW antifa audience.
>Ad says "punch a nazi"
>Many themes in the AD are supposed to be an allegory for the political climate today.
>Major supporting character is litterally Marx 2.0

I was not aware of this, I only know the wolfenstine games as the doom-like where you shoot nazis rather than demons.

>its right or left goyim


Nobody cared about the dozens of other ww2 games. This one is different because it's pushing leftist propaganda under the guise of attacking Nazis.

As usual, it's pro-commie.

I'm good with all European authoritarianism getting BTFO, but favoring one is still favoring one.

What is controversial is a racial spin to it. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t mind killing Nazis, especially part Jewish ones, but it’s explicitly anti-White game that shits at very concepts of White European race, White America, liberty, traditional family and personal honor

That's how everyone reacts, honestly.

>Lol this is a game about killing nazis how can you possibly be this mad about it
>"Well it's essentially a modern SJW's wet dream because of reasons 1, 2, 3... etc"
>Oh, I had no idea
>Shit you're right

everyone calling the game lefty propaganda hasn't played the game
that's about it
we had a similar plotline in another Wolfenstein game and no one complained because the_donald didn't exist back then

I gave up on western vidya years ago. All of you should do the same.

mainly because th make the KKK as nazis

>white nationalist murder simulator
>not controversial

Similar plotline in which Wolfenstein exactly and this also about the ad campaign.

>I only know the wolfenstine games as the doom-like where you shoot nazis rather than demons.

Man I wish it was. youtube.com/watch?v=UJvvy6RKaCE

The original wolfenstien is a masterpiece.

if it was about killing nazis it would be ok
but now, there are pregnant niggers, dual wielding fatass cunts shooting robots, Blaskowicz being faget, abusive father out of nowhere and ku klux klan used in retarded way

>Blame plebbit
Seems to be a butthurt Sup Forums problem

you guys are talking as if the KKK hasn't been a joke for the last 25 years.

If you're white, you're automatically a Nazi.
That's why it's controversial.

The only thing I hate more than a fucking Nazi is A FUCKING COMMIE.

I think it's the part where they are fighting socialism to turn it into communism is the worst part.

America is the disgrace of the national community and should be wiped off the map they hate us Russians and they hate the national socialists

You're whining about commercials.

God you're fucking pathetic.

Everything is offensive these days. If it's not leftist idiots whining about something inconsequential then it's far right idiots whining instead.


reminder that Donald Trump's brother is on the board of directors of ZeniMax


It wouldn't be if it wasn't for the obvious agenda behind the new game, which is partially there to gain sails through shock value.

t. someone who played the original Wolfenstein, and gave no fucks


The gameplay is awesome although the storyline was weak. Blaskowich childhood was the strongest part. They went a bit overboard with insane puking Hitler and was drawn out with minimal humor. The cast had a virtue signaling bent but we're quite unique. Ending wasn't bad but follow the sequel meme and in the end nothing much was added or resolved. Anyways the game is fun only for the gun play aspect if you want a good engaging storyline look elsewhere. Generally i r8 6/10.

If people where not throwing the word Nazi around on everything and es epically on ideologies that aren't even close to being nazi such as Republicanism to Ancap.

If that where not the case then the game would only have a controversial release in Germany, as does any game that represents humans dieing and has nazis present.



It's not so much that they kill Nazi's in the game, wolfenstein has always been about that. I think what is rustling some jimmies here is that the characters dialogue is basically straight from an anti-fa/communist manifesto, whereas the previous games tried not to shove so much of that bull-sh*t down your throat. Not to mention the communist party hat, which is a movement that slaughtered tens of millions, and the 'muh forced diversity group of friends' in the game.

>mfw I have never heard of Robert S. Trump

So you mean there's nothing controversial and weird about how a company decides to copy antifa playbook and basically just stamp their trademark on it? During this political climate where everyone right from Mao is considered as nazi. Ad campaign using modified Trump slogans against nazis etc.
Can you tone down your retardation for a second.

>Whining about commercials
You sir are retarded, propaganda can be dangerous as fuck.

Nigger, look at my flag. Look at my damn flag.
Even I hate this fucking game. Its not about killing nazis. Its fucking full of anti-white propaganda

trust me, national socialists are far more preferable to commies. if you are a White American, you know it’s true


WTF I love Israel now!!

It’s not the game, it’s the marketing. They keep alluding to Trump as a Nazi and trying to appealing to antifa

Yep. If I had to live under either Communism or Nazism, I would pick Nazism. Nazis may kill 1/3 of the world in genocide, but the commies will starve the entire world.

Iz-rael da real Nazis.


It's controversial now that nazi means "white person" instead of "nazi".

So yeah, a white person killing simulator is going to be controversial.

Why has all the attention gone to the new Wolfenstein but not a single word about COD: WW2?

the thing is that certain political groups are right now using this obvious joke of an organization as a boogey-man an active serious threat or something.
While they are a bunch of fat middle aged larpers who could fill a medium sized hotel that would leave empty rooms and half of them are fbi anyway.

leftist racist propaganda, just like all of our late night talk shows


this here. the punch a nazi meme going around has obviously led to punching and harassing people who are obviously not nazies. now a comp game about killing nazies uses this same slogan. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Nazis didn't want to genocide anyone.

I just can't wait for the devs to realise that SJWs don't purchase things. Not comic book, not video games.

Maybe if they'd made a short story compilation of Harry Potter and Shades of Grey fanfiction they'd garner this audience... but a video game? A AAA-title requiring heavy computers to run smoothly?
Lol ok.

Have you ever considered that they are doing this because it makes it go viral?

It's not about killing nazis its about Communism invading video games



We didn't before, but we do now.

>SJWs don't purchase things.

Xbox X owners with literally no other new games sure buy whatever the literally fuck was just released so yeah wouldn't hold your breath on that dumb dumb logic

It's about killing Nazis
>in a world where being white makes you automatically a nazi

>calling anyone who disagrees with you politically a nazi and using that to dehumanize and justify violence against them isn't controversial


It's almost as if people don't believe the Jewish narrative that Nazis were literal demons anymore.

It wouldn't be controversial if that's all it was. Instead it's packed with all kinds of SJW garbage unlike the previous iterations of the game.


Il probably buy it when its on sale on steam for 5 dollars.

All the accusations on the right are provably true.

That's 'just a prank bro' tier excuse.
Even if going viral is their only motivation doesn't make it any way better.

150lb woman has enough speed to slide across the floor, then immediately jump with enough force to completely knock over the 250lb blasto, then uses her bird arms to dual wield lmgs. and shes 8 months pregnant. sorry no.

what the fuck was ANY of that

>snake is antifa
i'm pretty sure he'd be a libertarian or something

The video game categorizes all whites of non-Jewish descent as nazis.


That has to be the most cringeworthy I've seen all year
>haiai preggo stronk woman with vaporizer grenades
>tackles cuckowitch and mounts him
>strips of jacket, sweater, shirt, bra super fast despite being a preggo
>starts shooting two assault rifles, procured from thin air, in each their own direction, making nazibot explode
Is this how it feels like having your childhood getting molested? When will we get a stronk soul sister showing that whitey doom boy how, smacks lips, to dominate imps?

>player doesn't know how to strafe to so he can dodge shit.

What a retard, just hold alt.

Hey, remember how soviets buried people alive in their labor camps? Remember how Mao made the "bourgeoisie" walk with their knees on fractured glass? Remember how the vietnamese murdered over a million of cambodians after the "love not war" won in America? Such a victory, huh?

It's almost as if all these nightmare fuel countries have something in common, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Here, enjoy this picture of a nun burned by catalonian anarchists.

>every lefty faggot unironically sucking commie dick
>uh that guy that disagrees with me is a nazi
The height of intellectualism here.


What does "make it better mean"? You understand this was made by a company right, with the goal of making as much money as possible? And every person involves also wants it to make money or they will lose their job.

This is how the real work works. And to you that's an "excuse"

It's not left or right. It's conservative over liberal.

How do we make western women strong and relatively independent yet aware of their place in society? Maybe its her height, but I would trust that kikess to provide suppressing fire while I shift to cover.

We've all killed nazis. We haven't had to get butt fucked by a commie to do it until now.

The equivalent isn't killing white nationalists, it's killing whomever isn't a tranny loving white hating person because they're today's muh nazi in the minds of retards.

Some homies downvote some nigger trash for me real quick? youtube.com/watch?v=SttWb9mDp3Q
Its for a school project plz thx

Mate, if your game has a black pregnant woman as a protaganist shutting down white people, blaming shit on men, another pregnant woman who's as capable as a commando, a very obvious anarchist subtext at the ending of your game, some of the stupidest placements (KKK Working With nazis? I mean what?) and a protaganist with some of the weakest lead lines in a videogame, it's less controvesial, and more just plain bullshit.

I remember playing sabetour. It was just a focus on killng nazis/krauts, as an irishman helping a resistance. There was no "Fug whide beople :DDD" bullshit in it. It was a fight against an empire. And for the latest wolfenstein, to be less amusing then a game made almost 7 to 8 years before it, is embarassing.

I dont give a fuck
If it plays like the old blood and the new order im going to get it because those were really fun to play.

>bitch that's my baby stay out of the fight you fucking retard

kill yourself 16 year old

The left takes this shit seriously.

Nazi's are humans too

My thinking on it is this. There are two groups of Marxists. One group wants to take my rights IMMEDIATELY and the only reason they might not immediately want me dead is so they can profit from my labor to pay tithes on some sort of twisted race-based original sin I bear for being white. This group also enjoys widespread support among the rich and powerful, has an army of mentally ill freaks, and is funded by billionaires. On the other hand, you have a group composed these days mostly of LARPers and federal agents, who would EVENTUALLY take my rights away if they ever really got into power, plus all of the complete normies who are getting labeled as members of this second group. All joking aside, I am perfectly happy to side with the nazis until the commies are gone and then join the mass of regular normies to overwhelm the nazis if they start shit, which I doubt they will. Sorry if this is fucking obvious, I came here from Sup Forums over this Wolfenstein garbage.

It means they're playing dangerous game. Right now they're signaling at the people who think anyone against them can be considered as nazis really are nazis.
Why is this concept so hard for you to understand?

>implying natsoc isn't radical centrism

Silly roasties don't understand that gamers care about the game not virtue signaling.

T. Civil War that removes you niggers and beans

1000% wat

Hitler dindu nuffin!

welcome to the era of the White Uprising. Get in line or get fucked

Welcome to the era of right wing snowflakes.

>guys no one wants to kill you
>i can't wait to kill you

I love how triggered Sup Forums is about this game.

Then again, Sup Forums is triggered constantly so it's not even really entertaining anymore..
