Why do other studios still make moeshit anime when mainstream anime like Kimi no Na wa can make so much money?

Why do other studios still make moeshit anime when mainstream anime like Kimi no Na wa can make so much money?

Maybe you should lurk more.

otakus more likely to buy 500 dollar figurine of moeshit than a 13 dollar movie ticket

Read anime industry 101

>Kimi no Na wa can make so much money?

It only did 37 million. Like dude thats shit pennies.

That's like 200k BD sales.

>movies have the same budgets as TV shows
>anime doesn't have secondary venues of making money
Seriously, lurk more.

Why do Japanese studios still try so hard to pander to an ever shrinking otaku fanbase when opening up to a global market by welcoming writers from the West is obviously the better option?


>Why do Japanese studios still try
It's not the studios, fucktard.
The studios are just taking whatever jobs are given to them. They are making advertisements, and getting paid for that.
Even anime originals are planned and paid for by production committees, and come alongside accompanying manga, LNs, VNs, drama CDs, live events and other way to maximize monetary gain.
Westerners just want the anime, and they refuse to pay more than 20 dollars per disk. They are not a viable market.

is the bd out yet?

Not for another 6 months

Most studio ain't personally willing to take a 1-2 million dollar gamble.

106 min of Kimi no Na wa animation ≈ 2 x 5 episode worth of tv animation, then there are post production costs, advertisement and a myriad of other factors to account for it to make such a project a mainstream hit. And if you fail, you'll cripple your studio.

Shinkai has had years to develop his craft, brand and the studio's networth before embarking on this production.

Normal anime studio can't do that exactly since they operate like contact workers essentially. Maybe things will change once the streaming market of the west opens up more"netflick,amazon etc..."
Or maybe not.

Fuck I just realized that net stands for internet.

It is projected to break 6 billion yen in few more days, which is absolutely unheard of for a non-Disney/Ghibli animated feature in Japan during such a short period and during this time of the year. The movie also helped push the book and soundtrack to the #1 spots on their respective charts, so you can say that it is certainly having a halo effect on related merchandise/media.

More like a 15k average

> by welcoming writers from the West is obviously the better option?

ha ha no.
western writers are garbage tier fan fiction writers who reuse more tropes in one chapter than a LN use for the entire novel.
They are worse than any Japanese LN trope-filled writers.

KyoAni and Shaft are doing it.

Does anybody know how much money Kizu made?


First movie made just a bit over $6 million. Second movie is a bit over $3 million right now. This movie has made more than 3x as much at the box office as both Kizu movies combined in the span of 10 days.

Don't push this Kimi no Na Wa's success so hard on the front page just to trigger moefags. A guy like me doesn't like moeshit, you don't see me doing it.

>A guy like me doesn't like moeshit,

that movie was moe enough tho

>that scene where "she" rubs her breasts in tears

when will it be up on nyaa torrents?

It happens several times throughout the film, and each time her sister makes a snarky comment. When Mitsuha (the heroine) wakes up the first time in Taki's body she reaches down and touches her crotch and is flushed red with embarrassment.

There is a chance that nobody will upload a BD-rip until the BDs are actually released.

thank you narrator user

After making the same thing over and over and over, one was bound to be a hit.

That's like saying that if you keep making waifu threads, sooner or later she'll become real.

I guess.

And your analogy is like telling Sup Forums that you're a retard. Not that we didn't knew it, user. Keep your stupidity for you.

You'll never catch me. I'm anonymous!

>Why do other studios still make moeshit anime
Waifufags (and Fujoshits) are actually the ones who spend money on anime and contribute to its economy.
That's why they're the ones who are rewarded with moeshit and yaoishit every season.

As much as i wanna disagree thier is some truth thier at the least main stream sells

Kizu is made for normies though.

This KA is so obviously Okiura… I love it!

Fuck off.

yeah because I want the usual boring human, elf, dwarf etc races to exist in EVERY fantasy story


Thread is almost ten hours old, but nobody has mentioned Cell-phone yet. Your movie is buried and forgotten, OP.

If you'd been here before you would have seen the deleted post.

Yeah, making money is so easy, just make a record-breaking blockbuster. How come nobody ever thought of that?

Oh, and Shinkai's characters are plenty moe.

First movie made 800m yen total. The second was at 350m a week ago, after two weeks in cinemas.

>yfw read so many doujins that scrolling past this quickly I thought it was a uterus
Disappointed to be honest


What did he mean by this?

I think she's loco.