why does anime hate buff guys if the most iconic and famous anime of all time had buff guys? doesn't it make sense that the world's protectors and peak humans be jacked instead of skinny little girls?
Why does anime hate buff guys if the most iconic and famous anime of all time had buff guys...
It was big in the 80s. Guys like Stallone and Schwarzenegger made that kind of protagonist popular. Of course, as time went on, tastes changed and so did the characters. Though the impact of all the Gokus and Kenshiros remained, they simply aren't as appealing for newer series nowadays.
>doesn't it make sense that the world's protectors and peak humans be jacked instead of skinny little girls?
No, it doesn't.
We know from experience what muscles can do. We can measure its size and get a rough estimate of how much strength we can expect from it.
Magic is different.
Anyone who relies on muscle rather than magic is limited by definition.
Goku's physical strength is only a minuscule part of his actual power. That's why he could get shot with a weak laser gun.
If he stopped doing weight training and focused on improving his supernatural abilities, he'd be more powerful than ever.
Magical girls are doing it right.
Not every show is about martial arts or boxing.
I'm talking about by real-life logic.
You have no idea what logic means.
What you mean is real-life standards. Because successful fighters tend to be muscular in real life, you want them to be muscular in fiction as well.
Here is the problem with your standards:
A muscular guy will never be of strategic importance. He is just not strong enough. Even if he COULD train his muscles up to a size where he could lift a tank (and even if there were a surface where he could do it without sinking into the ground), that wouldn't really change the outcome of a war.
His muscles are largely irrelevant.
You are speaking of "world's protectors". How is a guy who can't even end a normal war on Earth going to protect the whole of Earth from something that would by necessity be strong enough to overpower all of Earth's forces combined?
He can't. Period.
Muscles are irrelevant.
Hi /fit/-kun, please refrain from making lousy threads like this. Thank you.
because everyone is obese these days or are looking like skeletons
>Muscles are irrelevant.
In a gun fight, mostly.
In a wizard magic battle thingie, not at all.
In a realistic fist to fist fight?
Nigger, you are just thinking about DBZ shit here.
>Wants more buff guys
>Posts toriyama's middle finger to overly buff hero's.
>In a realistic fist to fist fight?
We are talking about protecting the Earth. Are you retarded?
because being buff takes work the average anime fag can't handle, it is territory they never had and can't relate. they like things that are easy cute and safe.
OP got the response he wanted. Pack up boys
japan just doesn't care about dbz as much as you do
1. Harder to relate to for average consumer.
2. Twig people are easier/cheaper to draw and animate.
First post nailed it. It's not the 80's anymore.
oh ok. so anime is like a safe space from normies and chads who work out then... god damn japan is breeding estrogen filled betas, there should be a law against that
>the most iconic and famous anime of all time had buff guys?
Dragonball is not the most iconic and famous anime of all time though
>tfw even dragonball super toned down on the muscle
Only Jojo is left
It would be nice if there was still a lot of muscular guy animes along side the skinny faggots. You know, some variation.
believe it or not, most normal men with a healthy level of testosterone work out nowadays
There's that rugby anime but it seems like fujo bait.
Then what is, Doraemon?
lmao no they don't what the FUCK 90% of guys are lazy as shit and don't do any kind of real exercise.
Please enlighten me to what is then? Because it's the first one I watched. Everyone I've talked to that doesn't watch anime knows about it. Nothing else comes close.
It's Lupin.
>doesn't it make sense that the world's protectors and peak humans be jacked instead of skinny little girls?
No, because only someone pure in her heart is a suitable protector of the world, not some jacked manslut.
Best post.
Bruh, nobody knows about Lupin III I didn't even know it was a thing until last year when a coworker showed it to me and some friends.
Okay, you better be baiting.
Even when I was fucking 12 I knew what Lupin was.
Not the guy you're talking to but I'd say pokemon is a little higher. DBZ definitely up there as one of the only animes everybody knows exists though.
Maybe Sailor Moon
Most anime doesn't really break outside the niche of "people who watch anime!" even something like bebop which is vastly more popular than 99% of anime isn't known by most people outside of people who watch anime (and people with friends who watch anime openly)
>they simply aren't as appealing for newer series nowadays.
Yea but why
Sorry OP not everyone is a homosexual like you and thus material just won't be made for you.
Goku can ride the nimbus. How many other protagonists can do the same?
Your an oldfag then. I'm 19
You're right. Pokemon is most well known.
skinny jeans are in bro thats why
Urameshi wasn't buff.
t. fatty/skelly
He was toned as shit though, and the guys he fought were usually huge.
Sadly, a lot of folks on Sup Forums have never seen Lupin III and are not even aware of it's cultural impact.
Please explain.
niether was goku until the android/cell/buu saga
Why is anime full of white people? Why don't the chink eyed ugly nips draw themselves?
>look at japanese girls cosplaying
Tinfoil hat theory on my part but I think a small part of it is that muscle like in your pic and this one:
has too much detail and no one wants to spend time drawing that.
no one was buff on gundam tho except for like ral
What is the name?
Everyone is ugly and asian looking in Akira. People like that one just fine.
Japs correctly associate large muscles with homosexuality. No one wants a faggot MC.
luffy can ride the nimbus
Why does fujoshit sell then?
Yeah, you're right. Pokémon is a little higher thanks to the original games.
>Goku can ride the nimbus.
Goku is basically a little girl in the body of a _______
Because there's homosexuality as envisioned by homosexual men
and homosexuality as envisioned by heterosexual girls that like men.
I dunno man the main dude from Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica was pretty buff for an anime lead and he wasn't very gay
Lots of Japanese girls are really cute though.
Would you prefer they take the Korean approach and have their entire country get plastic surgery when they turn 18?
Yeah, wish there were more protagonists like him. His confidence and ability bumped that show up way higher on my favorites list than it has any right to.
because jojo's bizarre adventure has set the trend for the "what's in" look of every era and in this current era fags are in
To be honest, there were a lot more problems with animating Kinnikuman Nisei/Ultimate Muscle than just the muscles. Particularly in how wild the character gimmicks got. There is a wrestler that is an actual array of road signs for example.
Another problem was how they simply couldn't animate all the gore in the manga, but that was more censorship than anything else.
Most aren't though. Like 99999% of japs look terrible
>go to japan
>everybody is ugly
>E V E R Y B O D Y
I don't have yellow fever though so I judge them objectively
Especially when they don't have make up on.
There's some okay ones though.
it logically makes sense though.
being overly jacked like that results in you having terrible cardio and slow as fuck
No I would prefer it if the nips admit that anime is 99% white because asians are fucking ugly and disgusting. Those chink eyed nips actually think their disney ripoff cartoons are based on their own people. LMFAO. Japan should politely get the fuck out of G7 and stop pretending to be white.
lmao me too, man. Actually loved that show.
Not enough fun shows like that where the main guy is just a cool dude who's not useless.
>make a thread about it
>bunch of posters on Sup Forums whine about him being a gary stu
mfw people don't want fun
>draw white girl
>call it japanese
>have it get fucked by ugly asians
At least niggers have the balls to approach white girls. Asians just fantasize about fucking whites and jack their little weiner.
This amuses me, because due to taking random samples you are inclined to a more symmetrical face with fewer imperfections.
because slim niggas run the game now
He knows hes a Gary Stu, that shows started at the end of his story. After he beat the bad guy and won the girl. So it actually makes his Gary Stu seem a million times better then edgy light novel protag with no experience.
dude what is your problem with them doing whatever the fuck they want? they're the reason why you watch your shitty children cartoons and beat your dick off to them
>I judge them objectively
You don't judge somebody's looks objectively just because you don't have a preference for people similar to them. You'd judge them fully differently, if you had grown up there, or if you had grown up anywhere or anytime else.
He's gotta reaffirm his self-worth through superiority by association through raising his perceived ingroup above outgroups. Hence also calling people "niggers" and making tiny wiener (please note that it should actually be written with "ie") stereotypes.
Doing that overly buff thing is bad according to Vegeta because you lose speed.
Which doesn't make sense when everything is solved with energy blasts anyway.
I judge them more objectively than someone with yellow fever, man. People with yellow fever will ignore that they look TERRIBLE just because they have squinty eyes.
>will ignore that they look TERRIBLE
How do you know that they look "terrible" and others misjudge them, rather than you misjudging them? Because you presuppose that you judge objectively, which you justify with how well you recognize that they look "terrible".
Don't you see your circular reasoning?
This confirms it, finnish are mongoloids.
>the most iconic and famous anime of all time had buff guys
Because most of the modern anime industry relies on otakus self-inserting. Otakus recoil at the thought of a girl liking a guy for anything but "he's nice" (aka actual merits and skills), what do you think they feel when they see a jacked as fuck character who actually had to WORK for those gains?
You realize Dragon Ball is much much more famous and iconic than Madoka, right? Madoka doesn't even beat the other shonen like One Piece.
>That's why he could get shot with a weak laser gun.
That was bullshit and you know it
Do you really want anime girls to look like this?
> the most iconic and famous anime of all time had buff guys
Because that anime has nothing to do with most of the anime you're talking about?
Did Dragon Ball get nominated in Oscar? Oh yeah, right it's not.
Yes, at least some of them.
That's a easy one OP. Would you rather get protected by a huge sweaty guy or a sexy dressed young lady?
God she's absolutely beautiful!
Believe it or not, "normie" is not part of the Sup Forums dictionary.
Lurk more.
>actually giving a shit about the Oscars
Kill yourself.
>armor places of >1 inch thickness
>bra plate
Great ideas. Didn't OP mention "real-life logic" at some point?
>I would a Vietnamese, French, Israeli, Italian, or Russian
Wrong board.
>Anyone who relies on muscle rather than magic is limited by definition.
This motherfucker disagrees.
Ask /tg/. They'll sing you a song about fighters being outmatched by mages.
Martial artists will never be beaten by that Harry Potter shit.
Nope. He who invests most in Arms technology wins.
>Harry Potter
>a guy that has not a single spell that makes him immune to all physical attacks
Your standards for mages are fucking low.
I was trying to be condescending by comparing manga mages to Harry Potter. You are a little bit slow to be on the mage's side.
>I was trying to be condescending
And I pointed out you were wrong in your comparison. Good thing you were only pretending to not know better.
Literal autism.
It depends on where you are looking at.
>Not twigmen
Where have you been for the last 16 years?
Hey man, don't be too harsh to guys like