Remember how you guys lost?
Remember how you guys lost?
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>implying Sup Forums is one person
and no. i don't remember. i wasn't born back then. do you remember when there was no food and you had to do slave work in gulags? it happend not too long ago.
Krauts are STILL sore!
the only sore thing in this thread is your anus. start using lube when you let tyrone in.
What could possibly go wrong when Germans are in a bad mood?
Have you ever seen a German in a bad mood? They're the sweetest people on Earth in my opinion.
Implying you won XD
I can't help but notice the world doesn't look very "red", unless you call the blood all over the place from Zionist wars "red". We lost but you never won ;p
We beat the Commies and Nazis.
>Leaf doesn't know what communism even is
>Probably thinks its when the government does stuff
remember Sup Forums?
>Hitler survived and instructed certain peoples in how to re-establish the Reich
>Died a peaceful death in Argentina
>Trump is now beginning to re-establish the Reich
Honestly nothing would be better for the left than a fascist resurgence
My grandpa fought and got a Purple Heart fighting in Germany for the white nationalist state of America, with a segregated military, so no.
Now Jews are ruining it all, just like you ruin everything else you touch:
No. i wasn't born yet. How was it?
Remember when the USSR won the cold war?
Slav niggers and Krauts got BTFO by FREEDOM
>Implying communists give a shit about the USSR
USSR was the only Communist state that amounted to anything and stayed true to it and didn't descend into state capitalism.
FREEDOM beat the fuck out of the Jewish authoritarianism.
you dont know what this word means.
to you its just a buzzword.
NatSoc isn't fascism.
Read a book dumb lefty.
>Remember how you guys lost?
what country's flag is that?
My granpas and granduncles all fought in Russia and they never starved and died as poor paupers but lived in comfy german state were as the soviet veterans....
you mad bro ?
>USSR was the only Communist state
stopped reading
I think you are the one who is confused...
>literal Israeli puppet
>reestablishing the Reich
>>USSR was the only Communist state
>stopped reading
Ah, you mean the end stage Communism, which can't exist in anything but fairy tales.
The USSR and Red Russia, is Communism. And it lost.
You're a faggot and you know it
And you obviously do care about the USSR and Red Army being as you made the thread about them beating the Nazis (they beat 1/2 of them).
? We win actually, lol.
join the right side, man. there is room at our table for you, even if you are a Jew.
>the end stage Communism
Are you shitting me? Do a google search and read just a few sentences about the USSR and then come back.
You shame Stalin you filthy wannabe
>The USSR and Red Russia, is Communism.
>Western Education...
a lot more then 50%
no, YOU join the right side!
Im willing to bet the rest of the world aside, had it just been between Germany and Russia, there would be no more Russia. faggot.
Still alive nigga
save your money comrade ;)
we're both anti-Zionists. I wonder what else we can agree on? Do you believe all people have the right to exist?
Patton and MacArthur would've steamrolled you fucks to hell if they had authorization
what a naive thing to say, obviously not lol!
It's amazing how proud you are about winning by default. what a fag
MacArthur was not a fucking retard like Patton and had no desire to make war on the soviets
which people should die off?
Here we go gents we got a “real” communist on our hands. Oh no
You silly fuck, if he didn't get into that (((accident))) he would've been voted into office and communism would be a faint memory, like the last time you wiped your ass.
All good things come to an end
And the pendulum will swing forth
Especially when he did none of the work or self sacrifice. Is it just me or are communists much like the juden in that they are natural leeches
>da joos killed Patton
A war with the Soviets would have been a slaughter. You act like it would be easy as fuck, the Germans thought that to. Patton was a straight egotistical retard
>inb4 muh nukes
Lmao the dumb bastards where stretched thin, it would've been a slaughter for the Slav monkeys
Yes, I remember how the socialists lost.
You see, Nazis have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them until they reached their limit and surrendered.
Remember how you lost to yourselves because communism isn't sustainable?
>low quality bat
Fought the wrong enemy
Forgot pic, also bait*
now, keep in mind I agreed that some people should not have the right to "exist", that doesn't mean I support genocide or any reactionary nonsense but...
Drug dealers
>stretched thin
You must not understand the sheer size of the red army at the end of the war. Patton and his toy Sherman's would have been decimated and soviet artillery would have killed thousands
That video really makes my dick hard. Jews are our greatest ally.
>questions immigration publicly and goes to jail
>publicly forced to praise multiculturalism and death of Australian culture or else it's jail
Yeah, that's why you are on an user board crying about "muh nigga dick" and "muh Oz chink colony"
>posts a thread with the hammer and sickle flag
>with a pic of the red army
holy shit what a retard
and then the soviet union collapsed without the need for an invasion
Looked around Australia lately user? Jews run the joint. They have already successfully changed the demographics and culture permanently. You have increasing left wing Jewish authoritarianism in all walks of life. How does that freedom taste? A bit chinky maybe?
I must say its a bit of a misnomer to label the hammer and sickle a "communist" flag when the USSR was Socialist.
And not a particularly good one at that...
I agree with this.
However, do you realize Capitalism is the same thing as Communism only disguised to not look like Communism? Both have the same effect on society tho eventual poverty and breadlines.
You're reasonable so thanks for discussion and not trolling/b8ing me
ahahahhahahha THE DAMAGE CONTROL
And where is the soviet union today ?
Oh wait :)
Soviets were fash as shit though
>we fought for the future, destroyed the invader, and brought to our homeland the laurels of fame
>our glory will live in the memory of nations, and all generations will honour her name
they don't that's why they support communism
Isn't it Lenin who said the goal of socialism is communism?
It was fucking easy. You guys were being slaughtered left and right while all your villages were being rescued from the merchants. You got lucky that winter came 3 weeks early. Your saving grace was a highly improbable event occurring. So smart, right?
I'm fairly certain we won that war, unless I've been living in Germany this whole time and my life has been a lie
>May as well off myself because death is better than being a fucking piefke
I doubt u, fine sir, are actually russian
Moreover i believe you to be some kind of american communist ignorant of the failed idealism of forementioned ideology
T. Yours faithful
If the winter is the only reason how come the Germans didn't start winning after the winter was over?
>not believing in the real third position
Remember how gommies are exterminated and Fascism is rising all over europe and us again?
The Jews won the war idiot. You and your ancestor were just an useful idiots. If you are angry go dance to some jungle music or some shit.
everyone lost ww2
soon as the Church is made great again I'm returning to Roman Catholicism
Only white people, genuine whites, lost the war
Why not do your part to help?
After all, the church is the community of the world's Catholics
>The Jews won the war idiot
My statement still holds true ;^)
>you guys
>Sup Forums is one person
>everyone on Sup Forums is a nazi
not my duty to purge the pedophiles and zionists. not even within my power. if it was id act.
>Working with niggers and mongrels
No thanks, I'll do it locally.
How's the ussr doing these days?
>Commie logic
>Elite veterans and high tech equipment perish in harsh and unexpected early winter
>"you don't have unlimited peasants and hastily produced shoddy equipment as cannon fodder?"
Only a commie is that dumb. Capital is a limited resource!!! That's why communism doesn't work. It's not infinite!
Daily reminder that unit 731 raped and dissected russian women without sedatives and got away with it and thousands of russian women work as hookers in the red light districts of japan.
USSR not win this war (even not able), COALITION (3+ countrys) did it. So fuck off, commie.