White males have dominated usa for the last 200 years because they where more aggressive and seen as higher beings and where clearly the only first class citizens even over their wifes. How does it feel now that the playing grounds are getting more equal that more white males are losing out jobs, innovations, woman, money, property, and power?
White males have dominated usa for the last 200 years because they where more aggressive and seen as higher beings and...
Systems rigged against white men acting like white men.
Post dick pics please.
Whites have been a minority in the world for decades. Don't know why you think this is a new thing....Perhaps prior to the 1960s....We are a dying breed, and have created everything that makes living possible.
I am no longer sure if I should be red-pill and fight back...or go black-pill and let the world deservedly go to shit for knocking out the white man.
don't insert Momo in all of this
Why not? She's shit.
Tzuyu on the other hand...
> Playing grounds are getting more “equal”
The only time I get things done in a group activity is when I'm with other men of similar character and quality.
Life is better when it's simple. Living at the sustainment level is better than being a slave to healthcare and technology. People wouldn't even need any of that since they'd just die if they were defective. In truth, the whites have made a tower destined to collapse from the start of things.
Not talking about the "world" you dummy I said USA. The rest of the world is shit.
>using the worst twice member
he didn't post mina
Why all this hate for momo? It's impossible to hate her, mina fucked bambam and tzuyu is dark skinned
momo is a retard dbh. mina is the worst twice though
If by "more equal" you mean actively discriminated against just so others can attempt to catch up to the "white male status", then, I think it's laughable at best.
> Women
> "Minorities"
> Etc.
All hired not because of their accomplishments or qualifications, but because of what they are. If that isn't the biggest slap in the face, I don't know what is. Just lol.
redpill me on twice
Checked. Satan.
Mina is pure.
Tzuyu is QT3.14
the new snsd
Sana, Mina
Nayeon, Jeongyeon
>white males are more aggressive
stop the bait
The only reason shitskins are rising in the world is because whites have developed a savoir complex. If we suddenly stopped existing the west would completely fall apart and the shit skins would start cannibalizing the asians because they can't produce their own functioning society.
based blind bro
Lol you are so deluded. It would be rape and pillaging if this society went away. Take a look at south america, africa, the middle east, it's death and destruction.
based shit taste user
Will crush all previous girl group records and will give Asia and guys like us a good 10 years of entertainment thinking we may actually have shot with one of them knowing deep down we don't. I'm a white Hispanic btw can pass as white when I need to and pass as minority by talking in spanish when It's convenient.
>It would be rape and pillaging if this society went away
And 90% of the people being raped and pillaged would deserve it. Therefore, it would be better.
This society protects the undeserving and frankly, the evil.
lol no they wouldn't, you're retarded dude, one of those noble savage faggots
Yeah, they would.
90% of people in this society deserve death, rape, suffering. I'm so sorry if I've triggered you.
No not really, being a giga nigger doesn't mean you're superior. You just make a hellish society for everyone.
Oh fuck a Twice thread! I got dibs on Sana
Sana Bumpu
Check 'em!
anyone who watches kpop or jpop should be gunned down on the spot like the autist they are
whites have dominated everywhere
we STILL dominate in the US despite unfair hiring practices and diversity academic scholarships and higher acceptance rates
despite what you might think once you are apply for jobs/college you are at a DISADVANTAGE as a white male
IKR post it in /k/ and watch the salt flow
The Marxists have done a good job of neutralizing the weakest of us, I'll give them that. It's the strong that matter, fag. You still have to deal with us before you can declare victory.
gr8 b8 m8
You're sounding like a Frenchman. Find where you last left your balls and report back, pronto!
China iq is horseshit.
If their IQ average was 105, they wouldn't live like subhumans.
Getting shit done and watching the inferiors of the group pitch a fit is still getting shit done. It can also be quite entertaining, as a bonus. You should try it.
Bullshit. Maybe in CEO world, but most jobs are not run by SJW CEO's, so most employer's still put value in employees who bring the most value to the job. If you're not married to a career that depends on an SJW CEO you'll be fine. If you are, get a fucking divorce!
ever been to China senpai?
As someone who lived there and travelled for 7 months I can tell you they don't. It's pretty organised, don't let the occasional gif of a kid getting run over mislead you.
They forget their subhumans, don't test them. They have so many humans, sub or not, it probably won't matter in the long run though.
You embarrass me user. Nobody takes anything serious on the internet. Wait don't tell me your actually mad at other people on the internet because they enjoy themselves are you goober?
All humans are equal, but some are more equal than others. In this twisted society where marriages are hateful, traditions are spat upon, universities rewards mediocrity, and ugliness in the arts is seen as beautiful, it only makes sense that the white man, the carpenter, bricklayer and builder of the US, is seen as the worst enemy to progressive ideals. Fortunately all hope is not lost in the world. Russia is a great example of a breath of warm fire and optimism in a cold and hostile world
China as a whole is backward as fuck. Sure, you can visit the cities, the developed areas, and they're organised as fuck. Their advantage is their capitalist/communist fusion + gigantic population allows them to rape the global market while shovelling their "lesser" population into graves without much more than a whimper by the neutered West.
No user it's "ONCE" and we are the best community in all of kpop and the internet.
Did you piece together those planes yet?
As a young, white male I've bought my house cash, drive a BMW that's less than 4 years old and paid off, regular blonde on-off again gf (my choice not hers) and I constantly find myself surrounded by faggots/losers/hispanics/chinks/others at clubs/bars that are always whining about their college debt or some other stupid shit like living with their parents so I honestly have no fucking clue what you're talking about. pleb. Get fucked.
i dont watch the news so i have no idea what you're talking about
Only on Sup Forums, can a thread start out with Momo, and end up with a war between Croats and Serbs.
That's pretty damn specific. I'd say that anywhere can end up in a war between Croats and Serbs.
And the more the West "balkanizes" themselves, the more we can look forward to these nonstop "wars" throughout.
you must have heard that your government bought some planes that turned out to be stitched from soviet era parts
OP is the biggest faggot yet.
not really , nothing ever happens in this satelite country, and even if it was so important i would have heard it
I'll just drop this here
non-whites are alwayas going to feel like second class citizens because they know they're mimicking a foreign race
even if we are 2% of the population and don't control anything everyone in our lands are literally LARPing as us
i don't get these jokes
Yup, gotta give you that one.
it's because of the people that unironically reply to these threads that this board has gone to shit
return from whence you came
the knife was used to slaughter Serb civilians
it hurts that you atleast dont know this much about my culture
don't be hurt m8, i don't know that much about my culture either.
As if this is a natural development and not fostered by a hostile alien elite that wants to get rid off its most dangerous competitors.And one more thing.The future without whites in white countries will not lead to a brown elysium.It will lead to Somalia on steroids with all the perks that this will entail.But for now the fight is not over.The fight is just beginning.And you little bitches are crying out like babies as the white man wakes from its slumber and starts fighting back because you know whats going to happen last time the whites get angry right.Yes a planet controlled by white males.
why do all races try to portray themselves as a victim rather than the aggressor trying to gain sympathy from others?
and whites like to say jews are the only ones who do it
It's true. It's not like you see Mexicans coming to the US and wearing sombreros, all the spics are going to abercrombie and fitch, polo, and shit like that, it's pretty hilarious really. We've even come up with our own uber-white companies now in the US and put it out of their price range because we got tired of immigrants copying our shit. You sure as fuck don't see them wearing Vineyard Vines or Brooks Brothers. They can only copy us so much with that welfare money.
I did some research. Why the fugg is this guy still alive?
og serb remover
I love kpop
I honestly want to eat Sana's asshole after shes just taken a huge shit while she blasts little aftershock farts in my mouth.
Its ben fun btw this thread was just bait and Goodnight once love you guys and remember to support our girls for likey
My only hope is that one day we can look back histroy and remember that a bait thread started WWIII
>t. never heard a frenchman
Why am I not surprised the anti-white idiot uses where in place of were, and wifes in place of wives?
We will never lose to weaker, less intelligent faggots like yourself that still cant correctly identify "where" and "were" after all these years
They were dominant because it is their country
And you are getting something from them because they are giving it away, you are not capable of taking it if it isn't given to you for free out of pity
Also blacks are a lot more aggressive
including your own ilk?
niggers, man, I swear
kinda gay
It's actually 2500years and not 200, faggot