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Why doesnt Guts grow a beard?
Better question, where does he take the time to make his face look so smooth?
Post cool Berserk art
>master swordsman
>doesn't even use a sword
half-elves don't grow beards in berserk
H-he's fast!
tfw too much of a poorfag to commission one of these Dragonslayer's from the Scotsman
I just want cool things but don't have the money to buy them.
Is Ash Crow out yet?
nice meme
Clearly he does it in the morning, to relax after fighting before going to sleep.
Maybe he's one of those people that gets facial hair super late? He's only 22-23.
Should I watch the new anime? Is it really that bad I'm just craving for new Berserk content.
>vinny image from tumbler
I don't even understand
Yes. It's on YouTube too
Some people don't grow facial or body hair at all even, native americans especially for example.
The blood of his enemies keeps his skin so nice
why is griffith so feminine
Because he was originally a girl
In the one shot, he was a girl.
he fucked the femaleaty out of casca
The new anime is pure garbage. There's plenty of other good stuff this season go watch that.
I can imagine Guts brushing the tip of his chin on his Dragonslayer.
I hope that guy's not a native english speaker; I feel an urge to slap him.
It gets better every episode plus the score by Hirasawa Susumu is epic
>It gets better every episode
Going from absolute garbage to slightly less absolute garbage doesn't make it watchable
niceuuuu original artist for the jjba part 3 ova correct?
Would Serpico stand a chance against Golden Age Griffith in a swordfight?
What if he had the magic sword?
Is Berserk a cursed franchise?
that's because Guts is japanese
Yes it does.
Maybe by the time they get to season 20, sure.
Last episode ending was awesome.
what the fuck is happening to her head/hair?
no, he's fought against him with all possible disadvantages for guts and still lost. dunno with the feather duster, maybe if guts has shit armor
Dont let peoples bitching prevent you from watching it.
Watch it. Its really good.
What anime are you watching shit takes off like a bat out of hell once father mozgus and his torturers are introduced and does not stop.
>Being this butthurt over the animation and skipping of 7 volumes.
Tell me brother. Without bitching about the animation (which sometimes looks really good and others just meh) or the fact that 7 volumes were skipped.
List five things that you dont like about the way the story is going.
How is it garbage? Explain. Plox cause it bothers me when people clamour for something for many years than it finally comes out and those same fans are telling people to not even try to watxh the new series.
Telling people something is shit or garbage telling them not to watch it is spitting in the face of everyone involced in berserk as well as true fans of the ongoing manga and anime.
I personalt enjoyed all the episodes with only the first two being oh eh quality.
>e about the way the story is going.
>How is it garbage? Explain. Plox cause it bothers me when people clamour for something for many years than it finally comes out and those same fans are tellin
yeah, what a fagget
Quality animation is happening
>the animation (which sometimes looks really good and others just meh)
>which sometimes looks really good
>others just meh
Your opinion on pretty much anything was discarded forever.
I don't remember but wasn't the fight at the pillars a draw?
>using swords against blob's that can kill you by touching your sleeve
oh yeah, playing oh ashes every episode is epic
shits gotten real repetitive
No, Serp was just lucky the fight ended in Guts smacking him with the blunt side of the sword and the falling rocks.
New trailer for Berserk musou
I have never played or seen gameplay of a musou before the Berserk one.
Are they fun? Are they challenging?
Or is it just mundane hack and slash that only braindead people enjoy?
The clangs should be louder
And speaking of the Musou, I wonder if Griffith will be able to go into Femto mode.
They're fun time wasters, especially with large varieties of characters to play as.
If you're looking for devil may cry then its not for you
Its a button masher to just turn your brain off and have fun
>Master Swordsman
>Swings around a hunk of iron
And faggots like you are the reasons why Lost Children was never animated.
You try to do that, user.
>true fans meme
>Telling people something is shit or garbage telling them not to watch it is spitting in the face of everyone involced in berserk as well as true fans of the ongoing manga and anime.
You got that completely flipped around famalam. People shouldn't support this shit. This is worse than nothing, because it gives people new to Berserk the wrong idea about the quality of the series. Just compare experiencing Berserk through the manga, which is a technical marvel, as opposed to discovering Berserk through the anime, which is bottom-of-the-barrel by ALL accounts. A little different, huh?
He's an elf, don't you see his pointy ears? Not a pixie-like little elf like Puck, but a true high-elf, like those in Tolkien's Middle Earth though his extraordinary physical prowess and regeneration rate are more reminiscent of WarCraft elves. And elves don't grow much facial hair, at least not until several milleniums old.
wait what? really?
what oneshot? do you mean the prototype?
His regeneration ability has only been because of elf dust. Its not inherent
Why are Owen and Laban such enjoyable characters?
They don't do anything extraordinary, but i like them a great deal.
griffith wasnt in the prototype.
What do you mean originally?
Really? It's been a while
But there was a grill who looked like Griffith
He symbolizes nu-males and the government :)
Just caught up
>elf king is a qt
thank you Miura
Because they're reasonable dudes.
A small girl who looked just like him was.
nigga you gay, the anime is watchable
This one is my favorite one in the whole manga. It perfectly demonstrates the visual change in Guts and Casca over all the shit that happened to them.
pig disgusting
It looks so awkward and stiff
it is definitely watchable.
It's what I would call "highly watchable hot and cold garbage". When it's good, it's actually good. See: Guts' entrance into the heretic's cave to save Casca from snake dick.
But when it's bad, it's really bad. Like highschool project bad. See: much of episode 1's animation and pacing.
It's highly watchable garbage because it's just not that good of an adaptation. Many things were changed or skipped in the beginning. The voiceacting is fairly good and the fights are entertaining, but the music rarely matches the fighting well. SFX could use a bit of work e.g. Dragonslayer shouldn't be clanging when it's smashed through meat, although that's gotten better lately.
Overall it's entertaining and worth watching if you really like Berserk imho. Some stills and scenes are really well done and make the experience very much worth it.
Good thing its a sword that bathed in so much demon blood that it has a presence of the astral plane so it can kill dead things
Some of the best mindless fun out there, in my opinion.
Especially once they started doing collabs with stuff like Gundam, One Piece, Zelda, etc. and bring on the full fanservice package.
>pepo actually want revenge tard Guts back
Father Guts is best Guts
>a third of those are the intro
>half of the rest are traced stills
New animator team FUCKING WHEN
>half of the rest are traced stills
I wonder from where they traced those
Not necessarily revenge Guts. Golden Age Guts is great too. But after the Eclipse, just settling with lolis, fodders and Caska seems like an insult to the Hawks and to the Eclipse itself
When will edge guts come back?
When he has a reason to be edgy. Serpico has been trying to put a leash on him.
Berserk? If you didn't notice it's not a jab at the anime as a whole, just the 3D animators. Whatever they touch turns to mush
>When he has a reason to be edgy.
Griffith's head is still on his shoulders
I started reading Berserk a couple months ago and just caught up. Now I have to wait all the way until the end of September until the next chapter.
I now know exactly how you all felt waiting for Guts to get off the boat.
>literally just a four-minute compilation of action scenes from the movies with Forces slapped on
>1.2 million views
What if Guts is actually a descendant of Gaiseric through one of his bastard children? Its cliche as fuck, so Miuara might do it.