ITT overrated shit
ITT overrated shit
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Gurren Lagann, not so good.
This x1000.
Steins;Gate? More like Shits;Gay.
Came here to post this.
stfu, you're nothing without my pasta.
You mean there are people who don't recognize it as pretentious bullshit?
No Game No Life?
More like No way it's NOT shit.
Yeah, I don't like Egoraptor either.
Shirobako. If I wanted dull, pretentious and unaccurate commentary on the anime industry would watch nothing because it would be SHIT.
Love Live! Shitty rip-off of K-on!
Kill la Kill, nobody kills. Having QUALITY fanservice with huge tribute to classic overrated shits doesn't make it good.
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso? moar leik SHITgatsu wa Kimi no Kuso, right?
Nana. Literally KEKS and SLUTS the anime. Fucking awful.
K-On! Now, this is WHAT I call MOESHIT.
Clannad, shitty anime and even worse VN. Better read a book.
Bakemonogatari, more like Bakamonogaytari. Pretentious shit for pretentious faggots who haven't read proper literature. No plot, and no animation either.
Panty and Stocking? More like slutty and boring
Uchoten Kazoku? If I wanted to see an eccentric family I'd visit my family in the south.
Samurai Flamenco, homosexual bait. Tumblr-tier anime
Non Non Biyori? More like Non Non It Bores Me!
Gundam? More like GunDUMB
Barakamon, if I wanted to watch Barack's bullshit, I'd turn on the news.
Aldnoah Zero/10
Berserk, random shit fight. Shitty shounen is shitty.
Akame ga Kill, makes me want to use an AK to mega Kill myself
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun? More like Gaykan Shoujo Nosucky-kun!
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - Emo lol so randum XD bullshit
Hyouka, one episode in and I fell asleep.
Gunbuster? More like Nutbuster.
Diebuster? moar leik Shitbuster.
91 Days, GAGSTA but shit.
Mob Psycho? I liked it better when it was called OPM
New Game? More like New Anime please
Amaama to Inazuma, just as annoying as babysitting your cousin.
re:zero more like re:zero/10
Tokyo Ghoul, Tokyo Dogshit
>Tokyo Ghoul, Tokyo Dogshit
Tokyo Poo has a better ring to it, I think.
You're a faggot with no taste, to be honest
Aria, a show about nothing.
Do you really think monster is overrated, or is it just an unrelated pic ?
fucking newfags
it's part of the meme you dipshit nu/a/
i was only pretending to be retarded
k-on, I'm not even going to google and save some pic of that show to prove it just to show how much I hate it.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes? More like Legend of the Gay Homos.
Tokyo ghoul
Literally the worst anime ever.
I'll kill all of you faggots one day, you just wait.
Please post the completed pasta senpai. I miss it.
Whoever is writing most of these posts is doing an awful job
yes. yes. yes.
These threads always start with the exact same shit.
> Berserk 1997 is overrated
I'll skin you alive if I find you
Got the full thing somewhere?
hey don't say bad things to gundam
>Aldnoah Zero/10
kek'd heartily
me correcting you was part of the meme, you MALer
fucking agreed
The only thing they erased from this show was the good writing.
Shinsekai yori? More like Shitsogay Yuri.
>your opinion
Holy shit I thought the list remained relatively unchanged for the last 8 years