What would it be like? Would it be a shithole?
An African country under National Socialism
Of course.
What economic system could work run by 11 year old white children?
Oxymoron. National Socialism is inherently Germanic as described in Mein Kampf. The closest would be those Rwandan niggers who genocided the other nigger tribe.
So no NatSoc? But what about fascism in general?
>national socialism
>an entire continent with thousands of ethnic groups
I bet you're one of those people who doesn't know the difference between ethnicity and race.
I didn't mean the whole fucking continent you dumb fucking leaf, I meant a random country in Africa
Here comes the leaf.
Condescending and wrong, always at the same time.
Fuck it, lets try it anyway.
They don't have nations. The idea of a nation-state is a modern concept.
NatSoc would be too agressive for a non-developed nation to put in effect with all the policies centered about racial superiority and ethnocentricism in general, an easier system would be that of Mussolini, that would just lead to a Dictatorial regime based around corporations.
Most African nations depend on foreign trade for machinery and the like while they remain as exporters of raw resources, they couldnt really pull NatSoc while depending on the west for everything more complex than basic tools and food.
North Africa could probably try but I think the one place that had a chance there has got fucked beyond that by now.
I've often thought the end result of a free market within a country with a functioning government would look like this. The stick-up is non-producers. What would Hitler do with the perfect Aryan that just sat on their ass all day and demanded to be taken care of? What should be done?
>Implying it has not been attempted
Well, he taxed males highly who weren't out there getting married and reproducing. I think that says a lot about how he felt about personal responsibility and contributing to your people.
>demanded to be taken care of
This specifically. How do you deal with Aryans on the dole? If they marry and have children does that excuse them from work?
Would be a a decent country to their capability.
Wouldnt it be similar to Gadaffis Libya?
Everyone has to work.
I am not familiar with how Hitler handled that, but if I had to guess based on his other policies it was probably restrictive welfare policies that were centered around finding work for someone as soon as possible and cutting them off if they aren't taking it seriously.
How do you make them work?
Germany had 0% unemployment, everyone was united under work, everyone had jobs, housing, vacations, luxury, cars etc..
>How do you make them work?
You throw them in a concentration camp if they do not
Work is mandatory.
whip, it worked last time
Might work in Botswana. It's mostly ethnically homogeneous and has valuable natural resources that could fund the national programs while giving the people a useful task.
It can work anywhere.
Any modern ideology placed into Africa will end up with extreme genocide and extreme violence.
Africans are incapable of organizing on a mass scale.
Thank you that's what I was looking for.
Yet Westerners would never accept them reverting to stateless tribal lands. Why do they feel the need to force modernity on people's who would otherwise choose to roam as their ancestors did?
I'm decidely not in the political camp of most on here but I see no issue with allowing those that wish to live wildly to do as they please. As long as they don't leach off those of us who choose not to.
>I'm decidely not in the political camp of most on here
What? The natsoc larpers? Like 70% of them are not white or high schoolers. WN is a different story though
>an african country that xxxxx
>what would it be like?
a shithole
>would it be a shit hole?
where would they put the ghettos? how would you tell the difference? impossible thought experiment
>Would it be a shithole?
Yes. Free market capitalism is frankly the only thing that can work for Africa at this point. It has seen great results in Botswana thus far.
Literally named one of the African countries with the highest concentration of white people on the continent.
Not a good example, user.
White Africans only account for 3% of the population of Botswana, and that doesn't exactly disprove my point. If free market capitalism allows whites to rise to the top, thus benefitting the African society as a whole, then that's not a bad thing.
The better question is why do you want it to work.
Do you also want places like China to go full capitalist so that they get the leg up on us?
Everyone benefits when they succeed. There's a whole host of resources within Africa that no one is getting to for as long as they remain a shithole, but if they become free market capitalists then we get access to their resources and all our economy grows as well because there is a whole new market of people to sell our products to.
literal fucking retard
Not sure I agree with that after seeing how the Middle East has been such a huge problem for us.
But hey, we are getting cheap oil right? Everyone benefits.
>is inherently Germanic
The middle east is an example of why we shouldn't try to interfere in foreign nations.
There is quite a bit of evidence to suggest that Saudi Arabia directly helped finance the 9/11 attacks and are continuing to fund anti-american terrorists. Something they would be unable to do if they were not able to sell boatloads of oil to us.
Do you believe that this would not be happening without American interference?
It might still happen, maybe not but maybe it would. Although interestingly enough despite billions of dollars spent and thousands of lives lost we still haven't been able to stop it.
Sounds like a good argument for forcing communism on other countries, not allowing them to potentially threaten us by giving them free market systems.
>An African country under National Socialism
>An African country
Leaf will always be a leaf
My westerners shit themselves at the prospect of bread lines due to socialism but those niggers are already starving so banding together under a decent socialist leader couldn't hurt them too much.
I mean, look at this shit.
Can you imagine queuing for hours just for basic necessities? Would never happen in a capitalist country - too much efficiency.