Is this accurate? Do "racial realists" have a hard time accepting Jewish IQ results?
Is this accurate? Do "racial realists" have a hard time accepting Jewish IQ results?
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Jews have higher IQs (making them inherently more successful) AND they resort to nepotism. It's not that hard to understand.
Checked and yes, no. Rigid ethical standards are for goyim. Well, it was...
who cares about your made up scenario
the fact that SJWs are making images like this proves that things like IQ and statistics are spreading
Nah Jews have higher IQs on average than whites by an almost whole standard deviation, but they’re hyperethnocentric and tribal which makes them essentially evil:
The only reason most Americans don’t know about this is the Jewish media mafia purged all critics.
That being said, goys build the best, most powerful societies because they’re not just urban middlemen
IQ is not the only factor
Yes tribal connections, working as a team in an individualist society, etc.
Israel has a low IQ
That means that only white Jews are smart
Ashkenazi are the only exceptionally smart ones. They’re the smartest racial group on the planet except for the Brahmins of India, who aren’t manipulative sociopaths to outgroups like Jews are
>Do "racial realists" have a hard time accepting Jewish IQ results?
Not at all.
White numbers vary a ton between individual European phenotypes, not to mention all the hispanics who check the white box because they want to fit in dragging down the number.
I don't think the Jewish IQ is in dispute on here, it is rationalized by the idea that Jews are parasitic and evil so it doesn't matter that they have higher average intelligence.
"Race realists" dispute the Asian IQ being higher by saying Asians cheat on IQ tests in Asian countries etc. It is of course total nonsense as their IQ scores as a group are consistent from Asian countries, Asian immigrants in the US, Asian adopted children and so on.
When they do admit it, they revert to the creativity meme and upper brackets of the bell curve. Despite East-Asians being dominant even at the top percentile in every cross-race study.
The only real argument here is that Asians seem to score higher on spatial understanding and slightly worse on verbal understanding, which explains their over representation in technical fields but under representation in fields like law.
Average white American IQ in a lot of northern states like Massachusetts is 104
Don't hate them for being smart, hate then for being usurer parasites corrupting everything we hold dear
>hyperethnocentric and tribal
So they should be multicultural and diverse instead?
>under representation in fields like law.
Fields related to creativity.
No. There has never been a study showing whites and blacks to have the same IQs.
The Largest studies on Jews and whites showed they had the same. Only very very small studies showed the Jews being ahead. These studies were conducted by Jews.
Short of Iraq (which was in the chaos of 9/11) what wars have Jews made whites fight, to the person who has that cartoon?
haha singapore full of fuckin cheaters
desu i wouldn't believe IQ results from any asian country. theyre all cheatin' ass dinks
> only Ashkenazi jews are actually known to have on average higher iq than whites
> descended from the union of ethnic jews and Germanic peoples
really makes you think
IQ is real, not all studies into racial IQ are necessarily evenhanded.
Except the studies show the opposite. That there is no difference between jews and whites in intelligence.
>Estonia, Finland up there
>Both with some asian admixture.
>Israel below Lithuania
Law is more a combination of social understanding and verbalization of the societal structures it represents, it is not 'more' creative than say mathematics. I wouldn't say either is more creative, just different.
Every race realists I've ever seen make an argument freely admits that it's not about superiority and that east Asians are at the top. This is usually included as PART OF the argument to distance themselves from white supremacy. It's about having a better understanding of what's shaped the world and not ignoring facts.
Ashkenazis have on average higher IQs than whites.
Don’t be a nigger about reality. We’re still stronger and smarter than the Jews if we can band together.
in my opinion their fanaticism and paranoia often blinds them from wise decisions.
‘Race realists’ use the Jewish IQ question all the time to prove their point, and are the first to point out that Asians in general have higher IQ as well, such that it’s affirmative action that is racist and not just against whites.
I have literally never heard or seen a single person with the inconsistent stance in your post.
It’s a straw man made by libcucks based on their assumption that everyone else is as much a hypocrite as they are, and they are simply reversing their own positions (they are the ones who counter black IQ inferiority observations with Jewish IQ reports, nevermind the fact that it bothers no race realist, they just presume so) and thinking it makes a good argumentative meme.
While (((they))) are quick to point out he Jews they always evade the Asian topic, because even though it’s an even better argument it goes against their white privilege narrative.
They are idiots and you posted their shit content.
Solid retort, Rabbi.
Because measuring racial differentiation by IQ alone without breaking down what makes up IQ is lazy. Kikes score well in areas that predispose them to being short sighted parasitic rats that kill their hosts. Not so for other racial populations, even the worst most ethnocentric poos or chinks are better in that reguard.
Have you ever been to Japan? It's like 20 years in the future
>yes goyim, we're... THEY'RE smarter than you, but you're so big and strong, don't you like being to Jews what niggers are to you?
First day on the job with JIDF, Shekelstein? Shills aren't usually this obvious.
So because Jews have a higher IQ, the black/white IQ gap is invalidated. Is this what you're suggesting OP?
T. Mediterranean/Slavic brainlet
You have to go back
Jews are the spiritual leaders of whites because whites always sell out their people and future for a few shekels
Nice attempt at deflection, but you've been found out. Look at how stricken he is, how injured.
No, I hardly ever see see any serious race realist denying Jews IQ.
In-group preference coupled with strive to knowledge, ethnic nationalism coupled with total lack of respect to out group.
Literally Hitler.
Seriously, has no one else noticed that this kike loving "Nazi" posts the same threads everyday and then never responds. If you're gonna respond to this shite, PLEASE, at least sage it.
What’s going on big guy?
No most race realists cite Ashkenazi Jews and East Asians having higher IQ's than them.
It doesn't really change the argument that mass migrations from low IQ populations are detrimental to these high IQ populations like Israel, East Asia and Europe/European settled nations.
We've got a Jew shitposting about how much smarter Jews are than everyone else. You've been found out Abraham, why are you still posting?
Lolz im not Jewish. Good try tho.
Oh sweetie
Sure you're not. You're "white" for the purposes of this discussion, right?
Ply your tricks elsewhere, Chosen.
Into the oven with you, Jew
The Arabs/Mizrahi/Sephardic Jews do not bring down Israel's IQ by much either, with them removed, Israel would be comparable to higher IQ European countries.
How did they get that? Thousands of years of mingling with Whites.
>Jews are the superior race!
>>fuck off Jew
>n-no you're the jew
Just fucking pathetic. And this is why I stand by my original point that they don't have higher IQs. This is a Jew operating at his top game.
>Israel's average iq is lower than America's and most of the west
>fake flag
>calls others Jewish
>fake flag
>calls others Jewish
>Confederacy is a fake flag
Suck my uncut southern dick you absolute parasite on humanity.
>mfw he's still pretending he's not Jewish
RIght but the point of the post is that they look down on others, while they are below the jews by a wider margin than blacks are to whites.
Also the whole point of racial realism from a utilitarian standpoint is to control the other races as you would logically be their stewards, as they are below you.
They have a good culture that emphasizes education and life long learning that still exists while we sift youtube videos, go to concerts and get wasted.
Hey JIDF newfag, you see that ID: WfchqIHC? Notice how it only seems to be on YOUR posts? They didn't train you very well before dropping you in the deep end of the pool, did they?
Jews have higher IQ averages than whites.
This is not a made up scenario.
The fact you are trying to redirect the conversation to be about sjws proves that you don't have an argument.
>blacks need to be separated from whites because whites are smarter
>whites need to be separated from jews because jews are smarter
such hypocrisy
The races that succeed the most have a balance of high I.Q and good culture that allows them to be creative. There is a reason the west has contributed so much to science and culture globally compared to most other nations.
It's not hispanics, it's brown mestizo mexicans
Id be happy to be seperated from jews. Pack them up and send them all to Israel, if not willing then in dust bags.
Your picture is a kike playing both sides. Ery accurate.
but its not about superiority in the first place
Alright, now that the kike pushing Jewish master race intelligence got caught trying to samefag himself like a fucking newfagcuck, I'm out. Remember, Jews don't apply a double-blind test to themselves when measuring IQ and so any test where they don't show you how it was administered and places Jews higher than everyone else should immediately be suspect.
Be better than that Sup Forums, look the information up before taking graphs at face value.
Doesn't bother me for a few different reasons.
1 - Race realism doesn't mean you get a sense of superiority from the IQ scores of people that look like you. Race realism just means accepting the data.
2 - I don't have to like or respect someone or a group of people based on their IQ, just as I don't have to dislike people of low IQ.
3 - High trends in asian and jewish intelligence don't affect my individual intelligence at all. I am as smart as I am, regardless of the data of my group.
4 - Anyone with an IQ over 130 is sufficiently intelligent to be successful and understand more or less anything they want to. IQ testing is less reliable and/or meaningful at the higher ends of the spectrum.
5 - Hypocrisy is hypocrisy regardless of the intelligence of the hypocrite, and often times having a "grand intellect" just serves to improve a man's capacity for self-deception and duplicity. I don't mind that Jewish people are successful, I admire success when it's honest. What irritates me is their duplicitous attacks against white "racists", while Jewish liberals and their black compatriots are some of the most ethnocentric goblins the world has ever seen.
Kikes are smarter than whites ON AVERAGE. Remember there are many of us right here who probably are 125+ IQ, but normies are dragging our statistics down
>There is a white privilage. Whites are richer have it easier in the life and are more succesfull, it's unfair.
>jewish are impossibly rich and have all the highest position becouse they are intelligent and you are just a jealous loser
Everyone that hates jews is a fuckin retard
there is no jewish conspiracy to control the world u fucking idiots
First day on the job, chaim?
An education system that favors their form of pulpit/thinkers, and has Jewish nepotism to boot... I can't imagine how they would not gain enormous success out of it.
Disagree with them? Well, the 'anti-semite' card will get thrown around, and a university campus will fire whoever is tarred and distance themselves from whatever research they conduct.
Honestly, the truth of the matter is that Jews behave exactly like niggers to get their way.
you guys all have your heads up each others ass and have no fucking clue. it must suck to waste your whole life believing in some fake and gay ideology
IQ is just a number. I can speak for some people that tested as high IQ. Without rolemodels, guidence, society and challenge, some of us fail to find the role we're supposed to step into, and languish, anguish and fail.
Smart can sometimes mean just understanding all too well why you're unhappy and still be powerless to fix it.
Wait, this isn't R9k. Fuck.
Sure, there was no Hitler either.
there are libtards that happen to have ancestors that are jewish, but they dont adhere to some stupid secret new world order plot. all of those libtards are the same as the white goy libtards. libtards that have jewish ancestors are extremely anti-jewish and go against the religion constantly in the name of progressivism.
Not at all.
We know that jews are smarter than us and it also bolsters our argument that kikes are manipulating our society to bring its downfall.
By "below", what do you mean? By IQ? Below. Sounds pretty racist to me.
Keep telling that to yourself. I'm sure the african that was let in because that jewish minister said you shouldn't be so closed minded as a nation,that is also about to rape your mother will beg to differ.
in general religious jews want nothing to do with goys and nothing to do with politics. they want to live in their own little community and they dont want to assimilate. liberals with jewish backgrounds are like liberal goys. they were educated at some leftist university and are social climbers, so they get into some high position in business and/or government and then proceed to push some stupid agenda. liberals with jewish ancestors are leftists because jews suffer from a mental disease called guilt. they are very guilty for everything and think they need to be liberal to be a good person. there is no NWO plot u fucking idiots. its just a lot of stupid fucking liberals with jewish backgrounds. they hate judaism u retards dont you get it
like i said, there are liberals with jewish backgrounds that force these policies because they are fucking stupid. they dont follow judaism in the slightest. they hate religious jews. they are just leftist retards like the rest.
Yeah but simply population-wise there a crud ton more genius whites than there are genuis jews.
But jews are primarily verbally intelligent, thus better to mask their bullshit evil.
inb4 nobel prizes when nobel prize committees are a bunch of stupid ugly kikes, to be rednundant
haven't u noticed none of these people say they are religious. they always say they are 'culturally jewish' which doesnt mean anything. they are essentially white, but they want to be a minority so they can feel good about themselves. they do almost NOTHING that is actually jewish
u guys cant fuck with me on this. you live in a fucking bubble and dont know shit about jews. kys faggots
>Christians are the spiritual leaders of whites because whites always sell out their people and future for a few shekels
ftfy. y welcome
Why is Estonia so high?
I've literally never seen anyone say something along the lines of the second panel.
jewish people get the best of everything. Best schools, best education, best teachers, best healthcare, best overall support.
on the other hand the average public school is totally garbage tier. Crap teachers, crap education, crap low class children.
guess what which one produces the well educated...
I can't believe so many of you are taking the bait on this spam that's posted by the Nazi flag literally every fucking day. Where are the mods?! 404 these bullshit controversy posts
They might go against Judaism, but they will also target Christianity and White countries with just as much, if not more intensity and often uniformity of belief. The guilt they keep is pushed more onto us than kept to themselves. Pic related.
Left wing kikes are not the only problem, right wing kikes are the neo-cohens and (((conservatives))) that push for wars in the Middle-East and North Africa which benefits Israel. None of them seem all that guilty about getting the goyim to fight their wars for them.
>IQ is just a number.
It's more than that. It's a fairly strong estimate of one's potential. Yes, there are other factors, but the statistics demonstrate that, in general, the higher the IQ, the better the job. You won't be finding many medical doctors or physicists with sub-100 IQ scores.
true redpill right here, i know u are all reading it too, u just wanna blue pill yourself because you created this whole stupid identity around hating jews. hate the real people causing your problems. there is no conspiracy u fucking idiots. there are piece of shit liberal jews, liberal goys, spics, niggers, sand-niggers all over the place, but u choose to hate jews as a whole? u are all a bunch of fucking retards and need to gas yourselves
u fucking retard, you dont know anything, right wing jews that arent religious are also part of the problem. ACTUAL JEWS, ones that follow the religion DONT PUSH FOR SHIT (in general) and want to be left alone. THE PROBLEM STARTS WHEN JEWS WANT TO ASSIMILATE. Leftist jews are the most assimilated
>Is this accurate?
Are we being raided -- what's with all these bait thread?
Liberal Jews make Jews look bad. and they arent the majority of jews. maybe in america, but they are not representative of the jewish people. they are at odds with israelis, and completely at odds with religious jews. theres a ton of sub-groups within jews that have political fights with each other. my whole point is: THERES NO CONSPIRACY U FUCKING FAGGOTS
I thought it was only one small population of askanazis who yielded the high scores that are always bandied about.
Anyway, regardless, they're still a nefarious influence.