Is there anything worse than Fate secondaries?

Is there anything worse than Fate secondaries?

Fate primaries? I mean seriously, are you proud to have read that drivel?

Exhibit A

jojo secondaries like you

I read it. The art was bad, the characters are flat and uninteresting and the setting and story were boring and uninspired. The only redeeming factor of the vn are the h-scenes, because they're so bad they're actually somewhat funny

I don't know, the holocaust is pretty bad

Stop spreading lies, please



>I read it.
No you didn't.

You sure told him user.


At least you limited yourself to fictional events

>setting [...] uninspired
You didn't read it.

He's right though, if had actually read the VN he would be able to develop his points. Saying "the art was bad, the characters were bad, the story was bad" gives nothing to refute, it's sophistry you could apply to anything (and wrong to boot). Secondaries truly are cancer

You can tell who is a secondary by seeing if they actually like Urobuchi's pretentiously written edgelord, Kiritsugu.

Fate/Zero was a mistake. They should have just left Kiritsugu as an accessory to Shirou's story instead of letting Urobuchi ruin it.

>the holocaust is pretty bad

FGO existing

Fuck, you got me there.

>read VN because I thought it would be awesome heroes from the past killing eachother and mages as shit
>instead it is just some kid butthurt at his servant fighting and has some survivor complex with a superhero complex and it is long and boring.
>UBW picked up pace a bit and was better
>FW killed every character that already had development in the past routes, you get a bunch of cooking, you get told the whole grail thing is only the tip of the iceberg and the past two routes actually didnt matter shit and the entire thing is different but has a neat ending
>watch anime later because the whole of Sup Forums does
>wonder why I bother halfway in
The VN has its moments but people overhype it way too much. Not worth the 30 or so hours of reading it.

>and the past two routes actually didnt matter shit

If that's what you got out of Heaven's Feel then you are actually retarded

The grail might be disabled but the whole satan in the great grail thing is still loaded

>"the art was bad, the characters were bad, the story was bad" gives nothing to refute
That's because I'm not interested in a discussion over it. I read it, even endured all routes to see what all the fuzz is about. And I will never get back those hours.
>and wrong to boot
And this is why I'm not interested in a discussion, discussing with fate fags is useless.
What am I still doing here anyway


And people still meme about Prisma Illya being "a disgrace to the franchise". FGO is the true conversion to absolute garbage, Kancolle tier waifushit. HF movies are our last chance for anything good in this franchise.

What's worse is people who eat up any TM shit like it's good

I've never read the VN but i'm getting Extella because it looks fun. How mad does that make you OP?

Meh, that's just on the "main plot" side of things, and it's canonically taken down 10 years later.
The other 2 routes are still relevant because they show you very different sides to characters than HF.

Literally all of it is good except Grand Order, Apocrypha and Prisma Illya.

Is there even anything good about this franchise? The original VN is bad, anime is shit, spinoffs are somehow even worse.
Why is this even popular?


F/SN is fine when you're a teen and reading it however many years ago
Pretty much everything TM made afterwards is just kinda bland and cash cow abusing

Prisma Illya is really bad though, complete with a fanfic tier Shirou that /reddit/ eats up

Thanks to licenses I bet TYPE-MOON profits so much from all this trash that they'll never make another VN again.

Grand Order is actually really good past the second chapter.
But I've long since tried to convince any of you of the fact since nobody wants to give a mobage a fair shake, and I sympathize with that mindset at the least.


>Not [clang]

It's actually great and fun for the most part (at least the main series). You just have shit taste and don't enjoy what other people do.

I get the feeling that the people that say that never tried to give a shit about FGO's story or any of the new Servants. Or, hell, any of the new insights on old Servants.

There's a lot to like about FGO if you get past your knee-jerk "Ewwww, it's a mobile game" reaction.

The FSN VN is way, way longer than 30 hours.

Fatefags are delusional. There's nothing original or interesting about the rehashed Arthurian legend or the inane magic systems that bend to the plot rather than vice versa.

Yeah no I put hundreds of hours into that shit, complete with shitposting on the /vg/ general. It's a shit game with a shit writer.

At least Prisma is just a small, spin-off side story. FGO is basically taking the main series' lore and shitting all over it in the name of fanservice, while also claiming to be a "main entry" in the franchise. Basically, they don't want to decide between a fanservice game and a serious story, because there's a market for both sides in the fanbase, which results in a really shitty overall product.

>F/SN is fine when you're a teen and reading it however many years ago
It's top-tier Urban fantasy regardless of when you read it. Getting older doesn't magically negate its messages on idealism and consequentialism.
>Pretty much everything TM made afterwards is just kinda bland and cash cow abusing
Mahoyo is bland cash cow abusing?

>likes fate
>calls other's taste shit
You're a funny one

>Decide to read VN
>Introduction chapter is a glorified text dump
>Muscle through it
>12 HOURS later
>Still shit
>Wasted my time reading this instead of watching the anime
>Check out the anime, it's shit as well
Why is this popular?

There's several writers though. Orleans and Septem were awful, but the writing for Okeanos onward is superb.
It's actually quite jarring how violently the quality fluctuates between some events whenever the writing is passed back to Nasu. Nasu has gotten a whole lot better over these past 12 years, and he completely outclasses Sakurai and the rest.


Not really senpai, many of the new Servants are cool and have serious potential, sure, but the fact it's a mobile fanservice game really drowns out any potential it might've had.

Fate Tertiaries.

>It's top-tier Urban fantasy regardless of when you read it

Mahoyo wasn't fate creaming but it wasn't great either, at least hey tried writing something instead of milking fate I suppose.

>>Introduction chapter is a glorified text dump
A big chunk of the prologue is building suspense and mystery, leading up to the revelation/explanation of the grail war and magic as a payoff and a character moment (Shirou learning and taking part in the war), which keeps the story moving.
>>Still shit
Shit taste, senpai.

>but the fact it's a mobile fanservice game really drowns out any potential it might've had.
That's a meaningless non-argument. Might as well say FSN was shit because of the fact that it's a porn VN.

There's only one of us though. And it's entirely my fault I started with HA, and then read F/SN and then Zero. I did Fate backwards.

The writing isn't the main problem I have with it though, it's the existence of the game itself. TYPE-MOON probably rakes in so much money off of it and the retards who play it that they'll never have to bother making another VN again.

Thanks to that cancerous mobage we'll never Shirou's Hero of Justice adventures, the Aylesbury ritual, or pretty much anything else related to Ancestors.

>but it wasn't great either
Only thing wrong with it is that it's incomplete. The writing and presentation are both amazing.

It's not even close mate, F/SN has well executed tone shifts (h-scenes aside), which overall get progressively darker as you reach HF, and nearly every scene is important for the characters and overall narrative.

I remember back then some people called it a game. I was rather disappointed to find out that it was just like a picture book, but I finished it anyway (until UBW, no HF translations yet).

We would never get anything related to Shirou post-UBW, at least not anything where he's a main character. Definitely not Archer's backstory.

Maybe one day I'll give it another shot but I don't see how could anyone like this. And a bigger question is how is it so popular? Will admit Archer's first appearance was coolio. And Saber is cute.
Also the constant dick sucking of it raised my expectations and made me believe I was heading into some unbelievably great story telling.

See, that's what I mean by not giving it its due, really. Yes, it's a mobage and comes with all the cash ins that entails, but it still tells a very good visual novel story, with interesting and fun characters. It's not cancerous at all, except if you're playing it as a jRPG and character collector simulator.

>but it still tells a very good visual novel story
Except Septem.

>It's not cancerous at all
>really, believe me guys!

It's not close to Tsukihime or f/sn though

Which is a shame, but I doubt TM will make anything that good again anyway. They're probably creatively bankrupt after spanking the fate piƱata for that long.

>I don't see how could anyone like this
The appeal is clear: a complex character-driven magical battle royale taking place within a detailed urban fantasy setting. Magic functions alienated from society as I would expect it to function in a modern world, and its practitioners are cold and pragmatic as a rule.

Fate delivered beyond my expectations. Compelling characters and motivations, thought provoking conflict, great storytelling, the mythology of almost every Servant is intriguing.

Yeah, Orleans and Septem were trash.

I've been waiting so long for the Dark Six.

Orleans was mediocre. Septem was god-awful.

>but it still tells a very good visual novel story
"Very good"
Yeah no, the writing shifts between "completely shit" and "mediocre"

That game lost all the respect I never had for it when it made fucking swimsuit servants a thing. And now they're doing a crossover with a shitty fanfic manga.

Oh, you're one of those faggots who acts like Type-Moon wasn't doing silly shit in their stories before FSN was even a thing.

Literally the only way we're EVER going to get anything close to that is if the Tsuki remake is smash hit. And they're only going to pull that out whenever the FGO well starts drying up, which is... well, expect to wait a long time.

Also forgot to add. The eroge scenes (that were shoved in I might add) looked and sounded retarded.

Type-Moon didn't make beach servants a canon thing though. The worst they did was servants wearing swimsuits in HA but that was all just Manjews wet dream anyways.

>Yeah no, the writing shifts between "completely shit" and "mediocre"
Your venom rings hollow when America and Camelot were better written and more engaging than F/SN itself.

It is decent. Barely a 6.5/10 and only if you like that sort of things.

Saber's route is too long, the pacing could have been better, the magical system is arguably uninteresting, the urban fantasy setting is not milked for what it could have been, lots of smaller issues across the board, flat and easily predictable characters, etc.

It is not thought provoking, the storytelling is alright but not more, the mythology is not used well enough.

It is decent.

That summer event is everything wrong with modern TypeMoon, literally was an excuse to dress up waifus in lingerie and have otakus spend thousands on that.

They'll run out of waifus eventually.

Hardly likely. Fate is Unlimited Waifu Works.

Secondaries in general are cancer
I don't know why it is so hard for people to shut the fuck up when they know next to nothing about a subject

Yes. Anime, all anime related crap and the worthless fags who like it.

>At least Prisma is just a small, spin-off side story.
>Prisma Illya is really bad though,
Nice meme, friendos, but you're so in denial you don't even comprehend that Illya got 3 series already while the shitty Fate/ series only has two. Not only that, but Nasu was so impressed by the spinoff's high quality and original ideas that he asked Hiroshi to reconsider and make his stuff into an original story which he politely declined.
You're just mad a fun fake series evolved and surpassed the original, gilplebs.

Fate primaries.

>Is there anything worse than Fate secondaries?

People who think fate isn't chuuni shit.

>loli show got really popular
wow how shocking i wonder why!!1

It should have stayed as the cancerous yuriloli show it was instead of trying to create a serious plot like it did in 3rei, because it almost immediately fell flat on it's face.

The chances of any of those happening are next to 0 since Takeuchi is retiring after releasing the Tsukihime Remake and Nasu is going back to doing Mahoyo full time with Koyama.

I don't believe you.

I know and it sucks. I'd settle for them hiring more mangakas/novel writers and basically creating the equivalent of DC or Marvel, because the Nasuverse is a gold mine of untapped potential storylines.

Watch the latest GO stream.

Haha look at what a salty faggot you are, hating the fact people enjoy Illya series more than your treasured garbage.

>implying lolishit has even 10% of the fanbase that even some of lesser known nasuverse stuff has


I just want more stuff from Nasu himself.

Nasu is too busy rolling in mobage money to give a shit.

He has other people to do stuff for him now.

Takeuchi's practically retired now. Just seems to do bits of occasional official fanart. And Mahoyo hasn't ever been relevant.

Yes. What are you gonna do about it oh great literary critic-sama?

Define relevant

>implying numbers have to do with enjoying the series
>implying you salty faggots didn't hate both anime adaptations and cried like bitches during airing for the most mundane shit
>literally all illya series' discussions were people loving every second of the adaptation
For all your fanbase is worth, you still only get two anime series across a decade while Illya got three consecutively and even then you shit on them during/after airing because subconsciously you know your story's old crap you don't really care about anymore.

Nice excuses. I could say the same about how it's useless to discuss with you fatehaters because you always act like you're objectively right and no one should disagree with you

Come on, Mahoyo got another partial patch last week.

Some can be funny. Like the guy who made rin his waifu had no idea she came from an eroge and was rather upset when he found out.

>all 4 seasons of prisma illya have less combined episodes than Fate/Zero and UBW

>literally all illya series' discussions were people loving every second of the adaptation

Except for everyone bitching about all the filler in herz :^)