Why couldn't you die for good, Sup Forums?
That would be the best day of my life.
What kind of little girl do you want to be Sup Forums?
someone has to sell our data
I want to look like this
I'm here until the final hour, whenever that is.
I already do
Did extensions die? even the default one doesn't seem to work.
>think the jap kamikazed the servers and I'm finally free
>back up soon
Don't forget you're here forever.
Bullshit, I bet you're just a regular Shinka and not the superior loli one.
>Sup Forums goes down
>actually find myself at a loss at what to spend my time with
I just got here did something happen?
I read some manga while secretly anticipating this thread being made.
someone posted a bomb threat on Sup Forums and got the site frozen
Please be in London.
>tfw this happens during my no fap week
It was hard but I endured it.
what a fucking retard
what thread?
So, did Hiro spill canned coffee on the servers again?
It was fucking frustrating not being able to post.
i love you
One day we will be.
Too many newfags.
buncha newfags itt
>went to sleep at around 10 last night
>woke up at 6:50 and checked Sup Forums
w-what happened?
It's only a matter of time until it all comes tumbling down. Just wait for that day to come user.
this thread
My favorite Touhou character is Flandre Scarlet and I hate kikes because of their shameless exploitation of the Holohoax, which they blew out of proportion thanks to the falsified reports that they forged in many of the post-war kangaroo courts. It has been over 60 years ago, yet you're still using it as an excuse to get a free pass on EVERYTHING: the insane manipulation of media, the lobbying, the atrocities you're committing against the Palestinians in the lands you STOLE thanks to your Jew friends in the United Kingdom.
Everyone knows what you're doing and you've been doing in these 50 years, the only reason this spiral of silence still exists today is because you'd be called a Nazi, an anti-semite, you'de be ostracized from society.
Can you imagine a Kurd terrorist being excused because 90 years ago the Ottomans attempted to kill his people? It would be inexcusable, but then again Jews have their friends in Hollywood who love to line their pockets by tugging at goyim's heartstrings.
I'm fucking sick and tired of your slimeball tactics. If you really have the support of people in the western hemisphere then are you still wasting no effort to influence and manipulate public opinione, kikes?
And what a lovely day will be
no, you will never be released from this hell
You say that everyday.
I will be soon.
Bye user.
I don't care what anyone says I love you user(s)
Nitori Kawashiro.
>missed downtime because of uni class
I prefer i was despairing about down time instead of going to class though.
I want to be your little sister.
I love you too friends!
Good luck at school today you cute little elementary schoolers!
I hate you all
I hate you
You're my best buds! You'll always have a place in my heart!
Fuck you too
Well I still love you anyway.
When that day comes I'll be there to meet you again on the other side.
Onii-chan meanie!
You could plug an exhaust pipe with that thumb, LittleRedRiddingChan.
>look at me im a functional member of society
I bet you kiss real girls faggot.
Why are we still here?
Gonna be a big butt little girl and no one can stop me.
Just to suffer.
Because every other website to discuss hobbies are shit
To suffer.
I'm not trying to brag. Working kills.
I don't know, you shouldn't be here.
Just to suffer.
And I love it.
Because real life is somehow even worse than this place.
I love metal gear maymays
I want to feel the joy of having natsuyasumi again, fuck growing up
because I actually have to back up my opinions in real life, and I can't just shout someone down and walk away. plus I don't have any real life people to talk to.
>he doesn't have his own merry band of anons IRL
sorry for your loss
Like Aoba Suzukaze.
Because I got too used to this place to leave. This is the only place I feel at home anymore. Every other site seems like shit in comparison.
Don't let this happen. When, one day, this site inevitably dies like the rest, you will be so dependent that you'll be unable to function without it.
How do you imagine the last day of Sup Forums?
shitposts everywhere
Many loli threads.
I can't wait.
A lot of scared people asking where do they go now
Oh it was down while i was gone?
The exact same as any other day. Then all of a sudden 404.
>wake up
>notice there's a problem
>I woke up
End this nightmare.
moving to another site, but theres no place like home.
You know how everyone was sad when moot left? kind of like that
Make dubs thread.
I will call faggot to all of you.
For last time.
moot will post again.
No he won't.
I imagine it will be a lot like New Years Sup Forums just escalated and with extra nostalgia and sadposting.
I'd masturbate with Sup Forums for the final time and get drunk and cry.
Thanking you, comrade. Drink many Vodka in honour of family.
CP everywhere.
I don't like to think about it. Where will I go without Sup Forums? ...well there is the big M but I'll pray it isn't flooded by newfags.
Thread after thread of people promoting their own imageboard.
I bet some anons will livestream their suicide if Sup Forums is about to die.
Too late for that. I already get withdrawal symptoms whenever I'm away from for more than a couple hours.
I think I would kill myself if Sup Forums disappeared.
Good, you idiots don't know about the board.
I know your pain, wageslave bro. But having disposable income is great.
It will one day.
They do now
If there's a Neptunia thread I'll neck myself live while Neptune Sagashite plays. Soon I'll return home to Planeptune.
just do it now, user.
be ahead of the pack!
I thought you said you WEREN'T fapping?
The type with super powers that fights monsters and protects love and all things good, and dresses like a slut. Also I want a good singing voice. I also want friends to help me with things.
Basically I wanna be a magical girl.
>come Sup Forumsnimu NEXT on my site
>no, mine. It's Sup Forumsnime, manga, AND LN discussion. First to come gets to be a mod
>psh mine has an account system and rewards
>mine has upvotes and karma, want to join?
>no come to my site; it has mandatory facebook integration and a probe is mailed to your house to shove directly up your arse before your account is registered.
Pretty much this Maybe in the next life me and that user will be magical girls fighting together. Or against one another. I wont lose.
ah, so it complies with EU regulations? good idea citizen.