Liking a flat board like Krul

>Liking a flat board like Krul

>Being a faggot like OP

>Liking a vagina tattoo'd used goods.

>liking sluts that hold hands before marriage

>That body
Disgusting. Literally a skeleton.
At least Lisha has a nice body.

Lisha 8/10 body
Krul 4/10 body

>At least Lisha has a nice body.

Skin and bone or Tramp Stamp?

Since I am not a insecure faglord I have no problem with experienced woman. right one please.

I like blonde haired master race so I choose Lisha.

She's also the girl I started the series for.

Krul arc made me drop. Lisha wins


Tramp Stamp doesn't have a smug look, which I find that to be a good character quality.

>lanklet or qt stacked girl
HMM, what a difficult choice. If I wanted to fuck men I'd be gay.

Lisha > Krul.

Wait! What the fuck went wrong here? The main girl actually better then the side characters?

She wasn't.
Sweden a best.

I like my girls used

I don't understand purityfags at all!

If purity was a thing why are there rapetrain camps every time a war goes on? Yes, we want our sex toys to do their jobs well!

Nice design wasted on a generic LN harem.

>Lishafags are normalfags


Your favorite genre will never have such good designs, get mad

It's like he has another version of Yuki Rito syndrome.


Thank you Mr Skeleton

>everyone who disagrees with me is fucking NORMAL
Don't even like Lisha but fuck you.

Ok l lied l like her.

How much silicone was used for this pair?

>Liking a shit like Lisha
>Liking used goods

Nice strawman.

I don't watch this but I might.
What's the tatoo on Lisha supposed to be?

Emperors property

Help me create a Lisha for Honey Select.

She isn't used goods.

Is there crossover of her and Makina form Macross Delta doing cute mechanic things?

Lisha is fine but nothing goes over Celestia

I'm like Krul in every single way, so I'll take Lish.

Bunch of skeletons in here

user from Ethiopia?

All those useless bags of meat.

I just really want to bum the fat one.

How rude. Lisha-sama is 100% NATURAL

>No breast
>No ass
You at least should have one of the two. But none?

Substitute pillow. Your turn.

Lord have mercy~

Decent Bahamut doujins when?

Sales bombed so, Never.


Bahamut had great girls but not so great story. Celestia is bestia.

>Liking an anorexic

Nobody watched it for the story.

Krul is literally perflation

Celestia a boring.

I'll take the Senpai-Childhoodfriend double meat combo please

Lisha a shit.

>not picking best girl based on the size of her hips
Skelekrul would die during childbirth. Celestia is the only option.

So why does she have the tattoo anyway?

It's taboo


Lishafags are so fucking obnoxious. And the ESL subhuman hasn't even posted yet.

Celes is literally designed for anal.

>insecure about her permanently flat chest.

Don't put shit out of your ass.

Why would anyone want this useless dummy bimbo?

>No ass
You what mate?

Why not?

Pff Lisha have more

That comes from a filthy KrulFaggot

Pics or lies.

also reported

Speak of the devil. Nobody likes you.


So you don't have pics and are lying.

Another shitty attitude of a Hater Faggot
And that should matter to me? from someone like you

Wath you wrote

>no ass

Flat is justice

He's right. You don't have to be a Krulfag to see how cancerous Lishafags are, specially with you being the top shitposter.

Your taste is bad and you should feel bad. Krul is love and best.

>not liking a girl because of her breast size

You don't deserve a single 2D girl OP. Hope for your sake you are not still on your closeted phase and have come to accept dicks are what you actually yearned for all tis time, otherwise you're getting absolutely nothing on you're sad ronery life


I was actually fucking surprised by that show. I expected huge pileofshit battle harem with all stamps you can think of.
I got battle harem with best girls of season (all seasons) and okay protagonist. No mc abuse, no shitty character types, all girls are best girls. No idea why're you guys even fighting.

Imouto > Yes > Perflat > Background Bro 1 > Background Bro 2 > Crazy >>> Osananajimi > Tramp Stamp >>>>> Tittymonster Ojou

That softness. I was born to see this.

But it does.

I'll go with best girl, thanks

The only answer is MC's not wife.