>went into pic related mostly blind
>did not get what I expected
>want to kill myself now
Went into pic related mostly blind
You'll feel worse when you see how madoka threads go.
Dedicated namefags that have been at it for years
watch the nightmagi cometh and avoid the rebellion movie if it's not too late, it shits all over the series/characters. (Heel face turns galore)
>expect something great
>it's actually total shit
>wasted 4 hours of my shit life
>watch the 3rd movie
>it manages to be worse than the series
I know that feel.
>want to kill myself now
It wasn't THAT bad.
I was expecting upbeat cute girls doing upbeat cute things from all the art I had seen.
I was lied to.
same here user
i checked it out cause it's highly rated on Hulu
but i kinda wished someone told to me to stop watching TV version after episode 8 and go straight to Madoka movies 2 and 3.
>dedicated namefags
The name field was a mistake.
I haven't gotten around to the movies yet. Figured I'll give myself a day to get over that last episode.
>Kyoko's l0ve
Yes it was.
Greentext harder, Sup Forumsermin.
But my thread is two and a half hours older.
You faggot.
Congrats, you got the same experience as people watching it as it aired. Almost.
You see, the marketing material for this was the same- cute girls doing cute things.
But then BAM, fucking episode 3.
Then fucking BAM episode 10, and a fucking earthquake hits Japan and delays episodes 11 and 12
Imagine watching episode 10 then having to wait two weeks.
That was fun.
If you actually want to discuss madoka you have to make a new thread.
Generals are cancer
>Imagine watching episode 10 then having to wait two weeks.
That was fun.
But that sounds awful. Not fun at all.
The thread is for discussion.
>How does "Madoka" keep omnipresent in a critical situation? Will she rise like a phoenix from the ashes?
But that thread was an excuse for you to rant. Not only that, but one of the deleted posts is you literally admitting that you are Lawnchair ban evading.
Would be a damm shame if a mod found out.
From my experience Sup Forums mods are some of the least shit.
Don't change the subject by saying clever things! Sophism is his usual resource.
It doesn't stop that fact that you admitted you are currently breaking one of the global rules.
>the global rules
They are a pile of shit. Even Mods did NOT observe those regulations.
My post was CLEARLY related to anime. Mods deserve death. Kill yourself.
No, it was off-topic.
Kill yourself.
I dropped it after 4 episodes or something desu
Thought it was gimmicky shit
It also doesn't help with the fact that the filenames of your images are the exact same as Lawnchair.
So what? Don't hide the issue!
What didn't you like about it?
But Lawnchair, whom we now know is you, has always been the issue.
Hiroyuki is a member of the Unification Church.
Felt like the whole thing was based on the whole "dark magical girls" gimmick. It didn't feel like it had any more substance.
Maybe I'll try watching it again if I get the time.
Our admin has nothing to do with you ban evading. Quite the opposite, his posts gave me many smiles.
This has to be the most tryhard post I've ever seen.
Stop changing the subject.
Stop changing the subject, agent.
The origial subject is you evading your ban.
It is no use arguing you, because you are a dog of NWO. How much are the wages you are getting?
What do you even mean?
He only comes here to shitpost, nothing else.
Please report this ban evading faggot on site
So, then what?
LoC is my name in Desuarchive. "Waffle is Lawnchair-tan" is right.
As I said, my post was clearly related to anime.
I thought it got better near the end there.
There was a thing or two that caught me off guard.
Stop ban evading.
You are nothing but a fascist.
Whats the point of your name? it really never had any benefits.
Is it because at some point you thought you could make friends in Sup Forums? Sup Forums? You can make friends with the anonymous as long as you discuss on topic and having giggles and fun while at that. And keeping your sanity high and well for variety reasons. You are a gown up now or a child. You'd think you understand that there is no point in having a name, or a trip, but at the end you kept on having it just to satisfy your own ego. You think you have everything but there something empty inside you, and remember what I said it was the ego you trying to fulfill. But really, what tripcoders want? Is it because you wanted to fill the field so badly because it was empty? That's right! That's the whole point! remember what I said about ''You think you have everything but there something empty inside you'' Exactly. The ego you have now is because of these reasons, the filling the name in the field.
But you stayed...
At the end you didn't want to reticulate yourself, and the rest of tripcoders didn't. Some did though. The rest of userbase stayed anonymous as intended. While you and the rest of tripcoders and names found some ''fanboys'' and ''haters'' to try to fulfill your own, actual ego and selfishness. And it was always because of attention gathering. This is the most meticulous way of damage control. Proud of you for finding the key!
It would seem you were quite right:
Can we try putting Waffle-chan and ACK together in a cage and sell tickets to watch them fight to the death?
Whats the point of your name? it really never had any benefits.
Is it because at some point you thought you could make friends in Sup Forums? Sup Forums? You can make friends with the anonymous as long as you discuss on topic and having giggles and fun while at that. And keeping your sanity high and well for variety reasons. You are a gown up now or a child. You'd think you understand that there is no point in having a name, or a trip, but at the end you kept on having it just to satisfy your own ego. You think you have everything but there something empty inside you, and remember what I said it was the ego you trying to fulfill. But really, what tripcoders want? Is it because you wanted to fill the field so badly because it was empty? That's right! That's the whole point! remember what I said about ''You think you have everything but there something empty inside you'' Exactly. The ego you have now is because of these reasons, the filling the name in the field.
But you stayed...
At the end you didn't want to reticulate yourself, and the rest of tripcoders didn't. Some did though. The rest of userbase stayed anonymous as intended. While you and the rest of tripcoders and names found some "fanboys'' and ''haters'' to try to fulfill your own, actual ego and selfishness. And it was always because of attention gathering. This is the most meticulous way of damage control. Proud of you for finding the key!
Go back to redidt, moot sucker
Isn't who you think it is.
I am Japanese. I am a goy for you, though.
Sayaka is best girl.
Great wasn't it?
Is this new pasta? When?
I don't know.
Do not hurt yourself. Watch Rebellion if you have not already; it is very good. It introduces the best character, too.
I thought it would be like a normal magical girl show. After the first episode I expected it to get a little more serious than something like Precure, but I did not expect it to become like it did.
Explain this one, hetshitters.
個人的にはこのSup Forumsは予想通りコントロールされてると思うね。甘い言葉で近づいてくる工作員に騙されるなよ。常に批評の精神を忘れずに、理詰めでモノを考えられるようにならないと為政者の都合の良い馬鹿になるだけですよ。鋭い指摘と狡猾な甘言のどちらを求めているのか見物だね。
The game is pachinko and slot. There are a lot of casinos in Japan. It is a deep‐rooted social problem but politicians can not solve the problem, because it is in deep darkness. They are actually funds for maintaining North Korea.
there's always one
I remember being really shocked by it but a friend recommended I watch Episode 10 first, because it was first chronologically, so I knew pretty early how dark it ended up getting.
Honestly I thought this fell pretty flat. It was contrived and melodramatic, with the time travel and SUFFERING being done much better in other shows / media in general.
>says the cake is red
>The cake is white
You lying cunt.