Your kampf

What's your personal struggle, Sup Forums? What particular tune of degeneracy, faggotry, and/or politically-motivated shenanigans make you want to climb a cliff made of chalkboard with nothing more than your fingernails?

Mine's probably subjectivism - reducing everything to being
>that's just, like, your opinion, man.
It relegates everything to a bubble which can't be exited nor pierced- nobody is wrong, but nobody is right. It's cancerous to any form of discussion.

What about you, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

> subjectivism

thats a psychological phenomena.
you cant strugle with science my friend

often its just peoples opinion, formed on emotional basis.
dont call it a flaw, its actually pretty much logic-reasoning




worshiping aliens even though we don't know anything about them yet. Yet many people have pre-established trust for them

belief that science can cure all social problems without creating the new ones

I'm talking about when people disregard objective evidence and focus more on what one's opinion and "viewpoint" is, as though everything is as valid as the other. Especially when trying to discuss, say, shitty nig culture
>well, yeah, to you they may be aggressive, violent, and in a perpetual cycle of poverty...
>...but, that's just one perspective! you haven't lived their life!

That's pretty damning stuff, user, but I'm not trying to slide anything. Slide threads are usually of a different nature.

Gross fetish of mine... god i want to die so much, but muh huwhite race tho..

Oh fuck yes. This is right up my alley. I feel like at its core, leftism is anti-human. They hate true diversity, so they want brown "diversity". They hate "gender constructs", so they invent 420 different "gender identities". They despise the human need for a guiding light in their culture, so they turn to a method of discovery as though it were a replacement.

The pre-established trust for aliens is also likely from their own twisted thought process on "muh poor Undocumented Citizens™"

Cunts. All of them.

> disregard objective evidence
first mistake, there is no such thing as objective evidence.
objective is something people AGREE upon.
in the middle ages people thought the earth was flat. for them it was objective fact.
they also acted upon those facts.

there is a psychological mecahnism, its called Denial.
it gets triggered when a person gets presented with a fact that gets him out of his psychological comfort zone.
noradrenaline and cortisol are released, the persons fight or flight response kicks in.
the next stage is agression, hysteria, infantile behaviour. thats the stage where no reasoning is possible. the person whos world view you are "attacking" (thats what its being perceived as, as an attack) wants to defend himself.

there are a lot people who cant get over this mechanism, its not their own fault either.
its a mix of genetic + poor parenting, possibly trauma.

Should be Deine Kampf

I'm half Ashkenazi (raised Christian) and I constantly have to try to reconcile my nationalist beliefs with the fact that by ethnicity I'm literally the enemy of nationalism and the people I ideologically side with would probably want to gas me and the ones I love.

>first mistake, there is no such thing as objective evidence.

>its not their own fault either.

I don't really subscribe to the "racial purity" aspect of nationalism (which makes me, well, not a nationalist), because I feel like culture matters more. That being said, you probably don't fit in anywhere, politically at least. That sucks.

ive explained why.
dont beleieve me if you choose to.
facts dont matter to people as much as to you or any other polack.
just go out and talk to people.

why would you want to do that how are men supposed to settle their disputes


What's the other half of your identity?
To what degree do you recognize yourself as American?

I know what you're referring to. I know it happens, how it happens, why it happens, etc. I'm saying it shouldn't. It leads to cancer of the highest order. Pic most definitely related.

Masturbating furiously

Broadly Italian. I see myself as American first and foremost and I have very little cultural attachment to the Jewish side of my family. My mother is a typical liberal Jewish boomer, but I still love her and I've been encouraging her to move to Israel when she gets older.


just accept the fact that there people like that.
and you cant do anything to change that in 90% of the cases. you will get exhausted if you try.
I would do something more productive with my energy m8. people like pic youve posted arent worth your time.

oh and this

I want to make decent contributions to my area of science

Dude, I am about 3 atheists trying to explain morality to me away from giving in my 5 weeks and offing myself.

I'm drinking liters of piss from the most disgusting cesspool of mankind trying to find some fucking answers.

exactly this!
honestly ivan you russians are the most based people i ever met including my russian gf
i cant wait to move there when i am done with my studies here


its absolutly true user. pol/ is something way beyond the physical realm.

it remind me of the tale of odin, he sacrificed an eye for wisdom. that means he suffered to gain it. knowledge is something you cant get without any effort or sacrifice put into this.

and yes, being awake might be painful, but hey, your in a better postion at the end of the day.
im happy to hear that but pls dont expect all russians to based, please dont.

I work in an accounting office in the government and there are a bunch of pathetic old guys with no kids, or raising someone else's kids, who hate seeing young guys be movers and shakers.

I"m constantly being told I can't succeed, I won't succeed, not even to try, and when I do succeed they try to sabotage it with bad references, or putting a veto on my ability to switch teams, which they can do.

It's like, the only power these old childless losers have

What are you studying?
Eastern Europe is focused on different things than the West

I really hate pornography and masturbation and have been trying to quit it.
Posts like this keep me going. I went without it before and it is clear that continence, makes one less sexual and not more.


I argue against it every day. It's a horrible idea and I hope not to live to see it happen. Genuinely really think it's a bad idea to make something literally smarter than us.

But by arguing against it I am using a strategy of reverse impact, where some dick will react to my argument and retardedly try to prove me wrong. Thus making AI.

Hopefully the AI will understand the logic of my efforts and be nice to me and mine.

Oh, I thought you were telling me "it should be this way" or something. My mistake.

Yeah, I know, I usually observe and avoid retards who do that shit. It's still a struggle because like you said, you can't do shit to change that. People like this are EVERYWHERE, it's unavoidable. It makes discussions on anything with more depth than a shaved piece of paper almost impossible.

of course they are
i kinda abandoned most of my german friends in order to hang out with my slav crew
why? you think the problem is with the elites, the leftists or most of the intellectuals?

I just really fucking hate brown people.

Actual medicine proves that this "habit" is not healthy.

Another collection of old studies. This contains the medical expertise of dozens of top physicians of their fields, although some may regard it as dated, these men were much more intelligent than their contemporaries and this alone is clearly evident from their writing.

>thought you were telling me "it should be this way"
god no.
>People like this are EVERYWHERE
oh i believe you user. have seen the vids.
especially when they are all "in your face" about it. but you also should hold in mind that they might be mentally disturbed individuals.

the wester culture (from my perspective) seems to be somewhat demonstartive. people like to show off for some reason.
none of that youve mentioned.

though social and moral decay in a certain sense. it not politic, more like nihilism.
though still more cultured than in the west, lived there for a short while btw.

i see
but nihilism is a widespread problem in western countries with booming or aspiring economies including capitalism
but there is a cure however when lots of people in russia will start realizing the massive job oportunities and growing wealth wich will certainly happen in your country in the next decades

i really hope that i can help people to see that so everyone benefits and stops being selfish to a certain degree

also being a nationalist is not considered to be something in bad in russia wich kinda adds up to that

>the wester culture (from my perspective) seems to be somewhat demonstartive. people like to show off for some reason.
Absolutely. People are, at this point, proud of their ignorance and adherence to an almost primal nature. It's crazy.

I found the first step to combatting all this, in a way, is to remove one's identity from theirs entirely. I can take pride in knowing "I am not them", rather than letting their insanity make me feel ashamed.

also the primal part really amazes me from my observations on a nearly daily basis
its like humanity took a step back to a tribe type of behaviour

also another step i would like to add would be leading with the best example you can bring up with
being more educated/healthier/better looking/more successful will always prove your point against degenerates


> nihilism is a widespread problem in western countries
yes, but it was happening over decades due to programming.

in russia, it was a sudden crash ans years of chaos. not that people couldnt deal with that, but the society never really recovered from that either.
>will start realizing the massive job oportunities and growing wealth
its a big country with a huge market also.
they lack organisation skill you germans have.
>help people to see that so everyone benefits
nice, dont stop dropping red pills
> being a nationalist is not considered to be something in bad in russia
on TV yes, everywhere else no.
>proud of their ignorance and adherence
>almost primal nature
ignorance is easy. people tend to choose the easy way.
>It's crazy.
Irrational to a degree where it gets dangerous.
but its become a norm in the society where you live, so, its gets perceived as normal.
>is to remove one's identity from theirs entirely
>"I am not them"
absolutly right thing to do, its called having character also.

>its like humanity took a step back to a tribe type of behaviour
Pretty much. See my OP. It's because of massive leaps in communication, most people don't know how to handle it all. So they revert to tribalism and primal, instinctive behaviors. Doesn't help that this is intentionally and selectively accelerated by (((a few people))).

>also another step i would like to add would be leading with the best example you can bring up with
Yeah, I've found this is all that you can really do, and hope other likeminded people spot you moving away from the herd careening off the cliff.

This is not mine kampf.
It is mine kraft.

>they lack organisation skill you germans have.

and thats where i want to do my part at least!
also i wont just drop red pills
i really want to start getting into volunteer work aswell to help the people in need (not like a sjw but rather to help them to get back on track so the enonomy can benefit and their faith can be restored due to their suffering)

and all that unsocial behavior sadly only gets boosted by their instagram role models and the dumb idols they chase everyday
such fucked up lives indeed

Just curious, is this type of victim-complex self-ostracizing behavior also in Germany and Russia? I don't see much of it outside English speaking countries.

Please tell me that this pic is Photoshopped
This can't be true

it started in germany a few years ago adapted from the stuff that goes on in the united states and it took over in a few universities (because we have to follow every trend from overseas of course)
but luckily most people here and especially the sane ones just disapprove when looking at the fags that do it

in germany the only thing in particular is guilt guilt guilt

>i really want to start getting into volunteer work aswell to help the people in need
goodspeed motivation user

also, when talking about the crash i meant also a cultural crash
its a big differnce when i talk to my older relatives and ask them how thing were back then. ther was just more trust and a "we" society and communism wasnt the reason for this
> victim-complex self-ostracizing behavior
>in Russia

thats a competly western phenomena.
if you dont imply libs (which literally nobody cares about) in russia, there is no such thing.
people here have real-life problems.

>cultural crash
where did that originate otherwise than 1991? is it because of the coming up of a consumer based society?

>people here have real-life problems.
Well, yeah. Russia isn't known for being a bustling paradise where the rivers run with milk and honey. Slavs need to actually do shit to live, rather than waiting for an apple to fall in their mouth.

A part of me wonders if the reason why the idea of a "zombie apocalypse" fantasy appeals to so many people is because we all secretly (or not so secretly) want a lot of these dumbfucks to die off from the most brutal force of all: nature.

the way these people make bullshit sound sophisticated and how they construct a whole body of theory around it, with the aura of authority and legitimacy, should make us think about what other parts of mankind's theoretical knowledge are full of shit.

>a lot of these dumbfucks to die off from the most brutal force of all: nature.


imagine the twitter comments while they get annihilated:
"this cant be happening! SOMEONE needs to do something!"
"am i dreamin? why is this happenin! why does nobody help ME?"

it started in the late 80's. pls dont ask me why then, its still unclear to me. there were not only economic problems involved, that I can tell you for sure.
>coming up of a consumer based society
this style of economy wasnt implemented there in any way. it took a lot for the people getting used to it. and most problems were beurocratic/corruption based, also, nobody really has an idea how to go full capitalist while having a society that worked different for decades.

its like going from a 1st world society where everybody had a job, education and future plans to survival mode.

job gone, education useless in many cases.
no stability. criminality. healthcare was sad joke.
>"zombie apocalypse" fantasy
you impressed me with that observation, honestly speaking.
>most brutal force of all: nature.
nature always comes through, no matter what.
that i know for certain.

interesting really!
ive heard that during the 90´s the whole country was run only by banditi and corrupt officials
literally the wild wild east while a few of (((them))) became the todays oligarchs by stealing the hard fruits of labour wich have been built up and achieved during communism

i hate these oligarch fucks and their selfish attitude sending their kids to private schools in switzerland and living in europe while not caring about their homeland
DAMN they are nothing but sophisticated gangsters

>I"m constantly being told I can't succeed, I won't succeed, not even to try, and when I do succeed they try to sabotage it with bad references, or putting a veto on my ability to switch teams, which they can do.

This. I've been barking up this particular tree my whole life. My own parents keep pulling that shit.

"Stay safe user. Don't risk, don' try, don't change. Wait and and see. Hold the line for just a little longer."

I've proven them wrong time and again. They still keep on doing it. And all of German society has this toxic "play it safe, stay cucked" attitude.

> Well, yeah. Russia isn't known for being a bustling paradise where the rivers run with milk and honey. Slavs need to actually do shit to live, rather than waiting for an apple to fall in their mouth.

...and this is why Eastern European countries appeal to people on Sup Forums, despite them being shitholes more often than not. You need to get your ass up and do shit to survive. And with that comes being respected, rather than being looked down upon for trying, struggling and getting your ass up. That is an incredibly precious thing for someone who grew up in the safe, padded cocoon of their boomer parents' golden cage where they do not even get to butter their own bread for fear of them accidentally stabbing themselves.

> the 90´s the whole country was run only by banditi and corrupt officials
>literally the wild wild east
thats true.
the bandits managed to kill each other in such high numbers that almost none of them are left.
luckily, many of them went away also for different reasons.
the ones left are not that much of a problem, like in ukraine for example.
>sending their kids to private schools in switzerland
you know, if the can afford it, its their business.
nowdays the education in russian universities is quite good.
>not caring about their homeland
i dont know desu, different people, wouldnt say that this is the case in all of them
>sophisticated gangsters
fo the sake of objectivity, many people who managed to gain power or money in the 90's were involved in crime related situation. it was just the state of things back then. so, its hard to judge.



Jews only get the gas if they refuse to leave. Go and make Israel great again.
>This is why you don't race mix.

But I'm not a fucking Jew, at least not at heart. My loyalty lies with America.