What's your personal struggle, Sup Forums? What particular tune of degeneracy, faggotry, and/or politically-motivated shenanigans make you want to climb a cliff made of chalkboard with nothing more than your fingernails?
Mine's probably subjectivism - reducing everything to being >that's just, like, your opinion, man. It relegates everything to a bubble which can't be exited nor pierced- nobody is wrong, but nobody is right. It's cancerous to any form of discussion.
thats a psychological phenomena. you cant strugle with science my friend
often its just peoples opinion, formed on emotional basis. dont call it a flaw, its actually pretty much logic-reasoning
Nolan Russell
Chase Gray
Isaac Johnson
worshiping aliens even though we don't know anything about them yet. Yet many people have pre-established trust for them
belief that science can cure all social problems without creating the new ones
Andrew Phillips
I'm talking about when people disregard objective evidence and focus more on what one's opinion and "viewpoint" is, as though everything is as valid as the other. Especially when trying to discuss, say, shitty nig culture >well, yeah, to you they may be aggressive, violent, and in a perpetual cycle of poverty... >...but, that's just one perspective! you haven't lived their life!
That's pretty damning stuff, user, but I'm not trying to slide anything. Slide threads are usually of a different nature.
Connor Ortiz
Gross fetish of mine... god i want to die so much, but muh huwhite race tho..
Jacob Baker
Oh fuck yes. This is right up my alley. I feel like at its core, leftism is anti-human. They hate true diversity, so they want brown "diversity". They hate "gender constructs", so they invent 420 different "gender identities". They despise the human need for a guiding light in their culture, so they turn to a method of discovery as though it were a replacement.
The pre-established trust for aliens is also likely from their own twisted thought process on "muh poor Undocumented Citizens™"
Cunts. All of them.
Nathaniel Phillips
> disregard objective evidence first mistake, there is no such thing as objective evidence. objective is something people AGREE upon. in the middle ages people thought the earth was flat. for them it was objective fact. they also acted upon those facts.
there is a psychological mecahnism, its called Denial. it gets triggered when a person gets presented with a fact that gets him out of his psychological comfort zone. noradrenaline and cortisol are released, the persons fight or flight response kicks in. the next stage is agression, hysteria, infantile behaviour. thats the stage where no reasoning is possible. the person whos world view you are "attacking" (thats what its being perceived as, as an attack) wants to defend himself.
there are a lot people who cant get over this mechanism, its not their own fault either. its a mix of genetic + poor parenting, possibly trauma.