ITT: Characters that you can beat up in a fight

ITT: Characters that you can beat up in a fight

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you're mom lol


Bald heroes.


i wouldn't fight her, i'd ____ her



You mean fuck? I know I would.



I'd wipe the floor with this cunt.

In strip mahjong.

Fuck you

I can pull her up pretty easily.

are you?


I would use my cunning wits and agility to outmanoeuvre her

this retarded wolf

Those ears look bullyable.

lose to


It wouldn't even be close, I would stomp her face into the pavement.


I'd just call her a hypocrite or a nerd or soemthing then stomp her face in as she inevitably gets emotionally devastated



It would be a close fight, though.

really, you should be more confident

Is she okay?
That doesn't look okay.



I would pay good money to see this.
The burd must die.
Hamster must die.
Subaru will just reset and beat you the next time


Assuming no guns/knives are involved and I can ignore his words, he doesn't seem too tough.

I can take him on blindfolded.

Just look at this petite, soft-bodied, absolutely unthreatening girl who doesn't look like someone who ever threw a punch in her entire life.
What's the worst that could happen if I were to fight her?

I think you misread the OP

she'd kick your ass and you know it

>Subaru would just reset
>implying it's a fight to the death
No one said anything about killing, just being able to beat them up.


>implying Subaru is strong enough that he won't die just from one well placed punch

Yeah you should be fine. Unless she's actually some weird augmented cyborg thing, but that would be silly.

All these betas.

>she'd kick your ass and you know it
Not if I can avoid her breasts.

>Implying you have enough strength to overpower him
>80kg benchpress
>Kills hellhounds even when low on blood supply
Your anus will be destroyed.

>That guy that replies to everyone

>literally only replied to 4 people

>survives being torn by hellhounds
>Still stood up when being demolished by knigh
I do not understand your thinking user.

>get well soon!
every fucking time

She get's better

Getting a bit defensive there m8






Fucking lost it


Literally all the K-ONs at the same time
Even Moogs and Sawako
It'd be close and I'd be beat to shit but I think I can handle it
Especially if I get to grope/cuddle them afterwards

She can bench press like 900lbs friendo, you're fucked.

I'm imagining it all going down at their school so I think I can take advantage of the close quarters and bottleneck their shit enough that it should hopefully make the strength difference nil.
Plus, I'm a good runner. All I have to do is kick one of their asses and run away every 5 minutes and they'll hopefully be too tired to carry on the fight as well as they could otherwise.

Why does she have piercings? Is she a gangster?

I think you're misunderstanding
She carries around a Javelin sized keyboard with her all the time. She skips, hops, and runs with that shit. Imagine carrying half your body weight all the time, that's pretty much what she's doing. Also she a mad man, she stole a strawberry from Mio.

She's just a slut.

Fuck it then
Imma run off with Yui on my shoulder like a bag of potatoes

True if I'm fighting him at league finals.


surprised nobody posted her yet





Who would put up more of a fight? The near blind guy or the lad with heart arrhythmia

obviously kenji have you seen how crazy he is.

also he can see better than most men




She should be an easy one, r-right?

He's super agile though and has quick reflexes

Kenji can see the truth of the world. He's like Shiki, but with Mystic Eyes of Feminism Perception. Also, if you are not a redpilled Sup Forumstard Kenji's special skill Rooftop Drop will instakill.

I could probably take Kenji


I can beat some pansy ass pacifist. Not to mention that he's Meji era japanese, so me being a manlet actually doesn't matter.

All of them at the same time

I could probably kick Toguro's ass

only on Halloween though

>thinking you could take on Chinatsu's yandere ass after you take out her senpai
>thinking you could take on Akarin once she's taken off her buns

You're insane