Finns and Estonians are a very small populace that have a very autistic, anti-social ecosystem. You can actually cause people to have panic attacks and call the police on them you if you stand within 2 feet of a Finn's protective barrier. Any perceived violation of the immutable aspergers aura they all give off will be taken as an injury to their person. Pic related is an example of the Common Finn (Homo Benis) waiting for the bus.
Finns and Estonians are a very small populace that have a very autistic, anti-social ecosystem...
Other urls found in this thread:
Rural Appalachian people have the same autistic, anti-social ecosystem
Personally, a lot of my behaviour that is blamed on possible autism/asperger's is actually due to my being brought up in an alien culture to cookie cutter, mass produced modern Americans who don't understand it
sntisocial meme again. american small talk culture is really gay and pretentious, not to mention french faggots kissing strangers. you have no respect, expected from a turk
This autistic behaviour causes an irrational paranoia and benefits only those who want to divide the said society.
Well, at Least that's my perspective
>sntisocial meme again
the pics are certainly real
At least it's better than you fucking faggot Germans, can't even walk to the store to get some bread without some Kraut smiling at me and greeting me every 30 seconds. I don't knw you faggots and I just want a peaceful walk to the store without you interrupting me.
Autism is a natural evolutionary adaption of cold climate organisms
what is there to explain? it's normal to behave this way in finnish culture.
This can be related to finnish race being adapted to very harsh cold climate - you cant afford spending your energy on being extroverted when your resources are so limited.
I wanna live in estonia but then I remember that it's at the top of the list of nuke targets
This is true.
Pic related is a Finnish woman on vacation in a train with a personal space box
So then its not a meme you dumb fuck, its reality.
You want us snuggle up close to each others?
What you are, a fucking homo?
I've never met a German that wasn't a blabbermouth mongrel turk or faggot
calling you German is saying a lot - a lot like jews who are jews in name only, the Germans of today are Germans in name only
and i thought i give you wannabe-norsemen a shot
you people need to go back east of the urinals
Sounds like a heaven to me. Let me in pls
That's hilarious. So she has to carry it around with her? I can't believe that, I would have bumped into pics of people walking around with mysterious cubes already.
This is true.
Pic related is an average German man ready to vote Merkel
Pic is old from US
I'm pretty sure she's just some random feminist cunt from burgerland
Got to be slaves observation, regardless of flag
Most finnish over here seem fine with intimacy, if anything they are still more so than brits.
They stand that way because they are waiting for a tram....each of them for each door of the said tram...just saying.
explain to me what is anti-social about the behaviour if it's a norm in the finnish culture.
Polak, you are responding (whining) about fellow slave observation
Worry not friend from Germanistan. Soon the Fingolian übermensch will rise and start their thousand year rampage across the galaxy.
The social skills will be reclaimed in a never seen before display of Horse Archery skill.
Well save you from your roach problem and make you build mechanized Horse Tanks for the Fingolian raiding parties.
Fuck off we're full
Most modern Americans have sold out their culture and accepted the mass produced one force fed them by our media
They instantly respond to cultures/philosophies that are foreign to them by blaming the differences on the individual, rather than accept that there are multiple ways to live
Those are probably women who just crave British dick
How do you find women? How do you do if you want casual sex?
most in my experience are chicks at uni but they don't look like the slutty types.
Try coming to Iceland, our ancestors were literally the anti-social and autistic people of Norway who didn't like the king.
Our life revolves around overworking our selves, going to the gym, eating fish and staying away from each other.
Biggest sluts in the world
Harsh but true
Let me in.
I can pass any autism test you throw at me.
You know what? That actually sounds really good right now. Fingol and the Hun - World Tour the Third
No, we're not. We have negative natural growth, aging population, massive brain drain, shortages in multiple professions etc.
We need at least 200 000 immigrants per year.
All the top economists and the UN say so.
That picture is from Sweden though
At least Fins and Estonians know how to keep shit cunts away.
Go fuck yourself you cuckold
perkele :DDDD
>At least Fins and Estonians know how to keep shit cunts away.
I see.
interesting, though usually to be expected. Least they look wholesome unlike our slags.
Randomly posting view from my wimdow
Which apperantly fucked up lol
>living this close to a main road
jeez that must suck
>Allow me to EXIST!!
What's their problem, though? They probably get along with each other just fine.
Katcap, sore over winter war still?
The first thing I do one I land in Finland is hug someone and say benis :DDDD
Art student carryng a cumbersome piece for a sculpture
Looks comfy.
Having your own space is comfy. Of course you wouldn't know that because you're a German with a government that takes your land and gives it to refugees.
>allow me to exist
Nice drama-queen bullshit because we all know it's one-sided and they'll never tolerate this shit where they came from
well, its not normal for the rest of the planet.
although, wait, i remember hearing somewhere that the japanese also have a thing for large personal spaces, is that true?
from experience, i know muslims are the opposite, personal space doesnt exist for them, they'll get super close when talking to you, close enough to smell their breath and get spit on. (i was a hotel receptionist in Kraków for a couple of years)
at least were not snuggling up with them niggers like you cucks. (expect the half swede art students)
Finno-Monogolian traits.
That's not a Finnish subway
There's absolutely nothing wrong with it.
nah that is just human autism. i dont know english term but basically if everybody else does something, you follow the example. For example if 3 autists in an elevator face the wrong way 4th autist will turn to face that way also.
In pic second comer left space in between so he wouldn't be looking like a pickpocketer or wierd molester and everybody else was just as autistic to follow. also pic is fake
I hate Finland. Only good thing to came out from this shithole is Tom of Finland
How would someone not want to have there own space? It's comfy as fuck
there are 2 layers of windows that take out the noise and keep the house warm. Also its Finland not fucking India so there won't be so much traffic :D
I just realzed I like Finland
Can confirm, pic related is my window
i've seen other swedes post this too. It does look like a average finnish bus stop but the swedish ones are similar.
>doesn't have 4 layer windows
lmao, move to spain.
I can relate to this.
>Well, its not normal for the rest of the planet.
Poland isn't planet
>although, wait, i remember hearing somewhere that the japanese also have a thing for large personal spaces, is that true?
Co tu kuurrwa smislesh?
>from experience, i know muslims are the opposite, personal space doesnt exist for them, they'll get super close when talking to you, close enough to smell their breath and get spit on. (i was a hotel receptionist in Kraków for a couple of years)
Cleaning toilets for moslems?
go spoon your sandniggers
It's Russia, also know as Finns larping as Slavs.
It's Russia, probably St. Petersburg
Ukrainians are turkic larping as varyags?
About 200 nignogs were sent to us in the past year, 50 of them where almost stoned to death and the other 150 left because they were afraid, now tell me more abot how estonians don't keep sandniggers out.
>has windows at all
lmao move to sahara.
I've found my perfect country brb i'm moving to binland
C'mon over here and catch a bus
jammed-pack with American chimpanzees.
You'll wish to god you were back in Finland!
i legit had a convo at a bus stop with a random once, felt like forrest gump
only niggers we almost tolerate are students who atlest try to study here to do some shitty work for us.
Ukrainians are dumb bydlo. But it's not like I was insulting anyone, my grandpa is Mordvin(Volga Finns). And it's true that there are a lot of russified Finno-Ugrians in Russia, especially in the North.
I've lived in Düsseldorf. It's not very different from Stockholm in terms of how you behave socially, except some faggot flipped me off for riding the bike on the wrong side of the street, pfft I'm going left like I'm gonna cross over to the other side for this short ass length of sidewalk just to have to cross traffic again.
Sounds great.
Order and structure is the mark of intelligence.
Lesser intelligence is chaotic.
How is that even autism? They will still ride on the same bus, standing close to each other. What's wrong in enjoying last minutes of relatively free personal space around you? If they'd stood like that in the bus and would refuse to get in if the bus had more than 5 passengers - now THAT might have been a little strange. But what's wrong if you stand a couple of meters away from other people?? Same thing with not taking a seat next to someone, unless there are no other seats available. You just don't, it's fucking annoying and makes you look like a creep. Actually i'd rather stay than sit next to someone or take a walk than ride on a bus that's full of people. Don't tell me it's not normal.
had some US exchange students who we hanged out a little. they were talking about throwing a party.
They:X and Y is coming there.
They: Whats wrong do you hate them? Have they done something to you.
Apparently you are supposed to jump up and down and scream when you are ok to see some people at the party. Anything less means you hate them form the bottom of your heart.
What do the normie burgers do when they are actually extremely happy to see somone? Kill themselves on the spot after losing control of their bowels and falling on the floor flopping out of pure extacy?
>Apparently you are supposed to jump up and down and scream when you are ok to see some people at the party. Anything less means you hate them form the bottom of your heart.
No, you're supposed to start clapping.
Americans are the most fake people you will ever meet on the face of the earth.
t. never been to Estonia aka Wannabenordia.
They are just as loudmouthed and crowd bus stops just as bad as we do - the most pushy ones get in first.
And stop talking about the Baltics you g*rm faggot, we already have some of you cunts running from the burning wreckage that is Germany and bringing your autistic delusions of being "Baltic" Germans again, occupant filth.
Because that doesn't happen here, you don't talk to strangers - especially in public. So it only makes sense they they were uncomfortable with you bothering them.
"I am also interesting."
conformity should be the english term
Weird, I feel the same way about you inbred island creatures.
Holy shit, you're legit more Autistic than Finns if you actually believed that.
He's right, I have met 2 Americans stationed here, the fake smiling and off-topic talk just to fill the silence is sickening.
Are Finns related to the Japanese?
No, but Norwegians are i believe.
Mate this is Sup Forums, people will believe anything.
Don't rope Estonians into Finnish genetic autism. Estonians do have it too, but nowhere near as bad as Finns.
Get drunk enough for human behavior.
hehe it reminds me a quote by some finnposter here
"we should all strive to be like our slightly-less-autistic little brothers in the south" or something of a kind
Tfw no autistic Finnish gf
Estonia is based as fuck in this regard, way more than the cucked Finns. Unfortunately you're too small a country to be able to withstand the EU's might when it realises how much free land you have just sitting there doing not having brown people on it.
I guarantee within the next decade there will be a new major town built with EU money on the road between Tallinn and Tartu that is exclusively "refugees". It will be the crime epicenter of Estonia, and no one will care.