To Aru Majusu No Index

>Please understand that this is an unofficial statement. I am always receiving everyone's passionate opinions on this. Index anime [season 3] is plausible, so please wait!!
Fuck you Miki.

Other urls found in this thread:

maybe they no need to make anime when the comic and books are selling


Given how someone retired, it just wouldn't be the same, even if they did make Index 3.

LNs had a steady decline ever since NT9 which got better at only recently at NT16.
Manga sales had been decent but it's at the low-highend sales.



english of manga is comic right?


Yes. But stop pretending to be Miki.

I'm still sad about that. Bye bye Kawada...

Anime translates to 'cartoon' as well, do you call anime "cartoons"?

At least I got to go to her final concert, so I guess that was a bit of a consolation.

I'm super jelly user.

Clearly its gonna be a surprise announcement this fall

Ahahaha... Just give up user, it won't come true. To aru is old news that will just be forgotten.


No one gives a FLYING FUCK about her.

Why the hell would and OP or ED even matter?

Fuck YOU and YOUR slut.


Purple is my way of life.

Does Kanzaki shave her bush? Does she keep it trimmed in a specific pattern to augment her own abilities? Or is it like half jungle and half Brazilian?

What if she's clean?

I thought Index season 2 would be better, and I was right, it was slightly above Season 1.
Still, this was one of the most disappointing anime I have ever seen, there's so much they could have done with the characters and their abilities but they just wasted it all.

Is Railgun better or is it just more of the same?

Well I think she bathes regularly.

Probably in a diamond checkers pattern.

Railgun is if you added K-On to Index.

Though saying that season 2 of Railgun was phenomenal. That was a better done SISTERS arc, probably because we get to know more of the situation since it's all on Misaka's perspective.

Railgun season 1 is decent, season 2 is great and it's the best adapted part of raildex so far. Until you hit episode 17 where the anime-original stuff begins.

Febri was still cute. But that was it.

The last episode was pretty damn fun if you ignore the whole STUDY thing.

Yeah, the whole arc wasn't that great but it was fun to watch through.

I'm a time traveller and here's the leaked picture of NT20.

I can't believe we got a movie with some retconned space elevator instead of season 3. That was bullshit. I just want to see Touma and Acqua's fastball special animated. Is that too much to ask?

It definitely will, I can feel it! Battle Royale animated never;_;

Apparently it is since after 5 fucking years after season 2, we still have no season 3. That being said, I liked season 2 of Railgun, even if 17 onwards fell short.

>both get announced
>blood sign gets a one cour adaptation by diomedea instead

It was just outside the panel.

Not sure how mad I would actually be if it also meant Index s3, I really want to see both done well.

They even had the special for the movie where Touma was wondering if this was the peak of popularity for the series. Fuck everything.

>Kamachi.exe will go full madman with the story starting with NT17
>no matter how good and amazing it becomes it still can't fix the sales

Series rankings from Oricon website:
*1. Shousetsu Kimi no Na wa.
*2. No Game No Life
*3. Sword Art Online
*4. Hidan no Aria
*5. Madan no Ou to Vanadis
*6. Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
*7. Boukyaku Tantei Series
*8. Hachinantte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!
*9. Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
10. Gakusen Toshi Asterisk
11. Kagerou Daze
12. Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!
13. Mushoku Tensei ~Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu~
14. Overlord
16. Kotonoha no Niwa Novelisation
17. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index
18. Tokyo Ravens Tanhenshuu
19. Monogatari Series
20. Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku
Yeah, it hasn't been great recently.

Is that for the whole year so far? And an anime is the only way to bring in interest at this point. Long LNs like Index have it rough.

You guys are overreacting. Everything is going to be just fine, I assure you. We're going to get an Index 3 announcement at the fall fes and a Railgun 3 announcement while it's airing.

Hello Sup Forums. This is Kazuma Miki. I am sorry but To Aru Majutu no Index Season 3 will be delayed. This is because Dengeki wants concentrate on Sword Art Online anime and new Accel World. I promise new Index anime in 2018. So please be patient. Thank you very much. Goodbye!


You're not fooling me Stiyl.

>10. Gakusen Toshi Asterisk
>17. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index

Two nukes weren't enough.

Yeah, another nuke might convince Kamachi to actually progress the plot a bit.

>trimmed in a specific pattern to augment her own abilities
>magicians of various faiths probably do exactly this

There now needs to be a doujin where she faces off against a magician whose spells are based on the karma sutra

hey niggas

Yep, for the current year thus far.

The hell is going on in here?

Every fucking thread. Just get over it already, you autist.

The usual dismay at the lack of a third season. Or are you surprised at the lack of rampant shitposting in a raildex thread?

>NGNL above SAO
I wonder if that's because of the movie being announced.
>Vanadis that high
Am I in some bizzaro world?
>Asterisk that high
Just kill me already.

But seriously more than half of these are things that recently got advertised to hell and back, Index is somehow hanging in there still. Kinda crazy that it's that high after 12 years and 5 years since the last anime.

The duo of the movie and Railgun S was the swan song for this series in terms of anime. I'd be blown away if it ever had anything animated again.

>people still asking for Index III
Pic related and HO are a good reminder why it shouldn't happen

I'm from the future and Season 3 did come friends! Just be faithful! It got announced at winter this year after we all thought that they trolled us again with Blood Sign. It's gonna air at autumn 2017!

But both were good

HO12 preview is out.

This gonna be good. Thank you, Kamachi and Nagiryo.

Based. What is the release date?

The 10th as always.

This saturday.

Thanks, can't wait for translations. We should try making threads for them since that Blood Sign thread the other day was pretty nice.

You can try, but it rarely works. Most of the time they die without 10 posts.

The last couple HO volumes had threads for them, js06 actually posted a bit too

It's worth a shot, especially since it's episodic. I for one read the last couple of volumes out of order (mainly because people were hyping up volume 10 and I couldn't wait).

HO has a better chance anyway since it had an anime and all. If nothing else someone will definitely spam Frolaytia/Hime at some point.

I can't wait for Hime and Ohoho to come to an agreement on the dangers of a little sister character and call a truce while they team up.

I swear if Heivia makes a joke about Quenser having an imouto-type character on his harem after what happened in the last volume

When the fuck did he say this again?

Railgun S3 > Index III

Back in April on twitter. That was coming off him saying there was no news on Index III back in fall last year.

You just know the poor guy is going to end up being interrogated at gunpoint by two Objects this volume.

The fuck is HO? I can't think of any anime starting with H that got 3 seasons.

Raildex has the most forgettable soundtrack ever

Completely generic and uninspired

Fuck off

>Railgun S3
Daihasei festival plus whatever Nagai filler he adds to it
>Index III
Fucking Battle Royale and Acqua
You can't be serious

That was probably an animeonly you just quoted.

Daihaseisai is really overrated and Dream Ranker isn't finished yet.

HO is Heavy Object, ZW is Zashiki Warashi, BS is Blood Sign. They're all Kamachi's other works which are brought up frequently here.

Dahaiseisai was more entertaining than Aqua, and by now you should be aware that they do a horrible work in Index, while the sister's arc in railgun S was the highlight of the whole animated franchise.
Just for the sake of seeing aqua for some episodes we'd have to eat up a dozen covering dogshit like battle royale and the horrible england arc.

Here is a free reply, it's on me.

>Dahaiseisai was more entertaining than Aqua
Stopped reading right there.

Did you really care about the amakusa? That would be the only reason to care about aqua arc outside the final fight, which both you and i know would be horribly animated.

>Zashiki Warashi
I want an anime just to see volume 3 animated
Still can't get over how fucking stupid the whole story was

>dogshit like battle royale and the horrible england arc.

Kamachi outdid himself there. It was at volume 3 that I realized I was reading some fantastic stuff. Couldn't stop reading from that point on.
I still have to reread it and find out all 100 puzzles and answers.

>Battle Royale
You can't be serious.

Ohh, yeah, Heavy Object is so bad, I haven't watched the anime, but tried to read the LN, and dropped it at volume 2.

>Index anime is announced
>It skips forward to NT

Imagine still giving a fuck about anything raildex related in 2016

Something is better than nothing. Unless
>one cour and only adapts NT1-3

I never understood the hype for battle royale, it was the same bullshit people complain about now (intruducing a bunch of random characters that no one cares about). At least baggage city is loved and hated in equal parts, but battle royale is abnormaly liked even though it's the same stupid formula.
And i don't even need to talk about england arc, it's just impossible to defend.
IF WWIII happens in index III (which is highly unlikely unless they skip a lot) it will be shit. You guys like to dream and dream but in reality it would be a huge disappointment

>Ongoing LN with decent sales
>Four ongoing manga
>Last anime was 3 years ago
Gee it's so hard to imagine.

Speaking of which, js06 did the vol4 prologues on Sunday after that thread died.
>“This is a real problem. This is already the 45th time since dawn. He really needs to wake up properly soon. Otherwise, he can’t eat the oh-so-sweet breakfast I made for him”
The White Queen is so best it's literally unfair to all of the other great girls.

>he doesn't like OT15/NT4
Fuck off with your shit taste. And the anime did OT12/13 pretty nicely.

Next you're going to try to tell us that STUDY was a credible threat.

>And I don't even need to talk about england arc
Please don't, you've shit up the thread with your bad taste already.

I'm genuinely curious to see how animeonlys would react to this

>Ongoing LN with decent sales
Yeah a shitty ass sequel that keep getting less readers as the volumes come out
>Four ongoing manga
Which none of them are worth reading at the moment
>Last anime was 3 years ago
Yeah so why would you care so much about an adaption of a manga literally ages ago?

>Kyousuke's face
Despair but also despair